Ocean Energy Systems


The IEA Ocean Energy Systems Implementing Agreement (OES-IA) was launched in 2001. The need for technology cooperation was identified in response to increased activity in the development of ocean wave and tidal current energy in the latter part of the 1990’s and the beginning of this decade, primarily in Denmark, Portugal and the United Kingdom. These three countries were the inaugural signatories to the OES-IA.

The Implementing Agreement on Ocean Energy Systems (OES-IA) completed its first 5-year term (2001-2006) and has entered into its second 5-year term (2007-2011) mandate.

During the first 5-year term the group became positioned to identify barriers and opportunities in technology development, create opportunities for collaborative research, promote effective policies and influence harmonization. The new strategy proposed for the second 5-year term (2007-2011) reflects these benefits.

Ocean energy remains an emerging energy technology area and will continue to benefit from the existence of the international collaboration mechanism offered under the Implementing Agreement contract.

Contact person

Dr Thembakazi Mali (SANEDI)
Email: thembakazim@sanedi.org.za
Tel: +27 10 201 4782

First floor
152 Ann Crescent

Dr Thembakazi Mali (SANEDI) Tel: +27 10 201 4782 thembakazim@sanedi.org.za

Downloads / Links

There is an online library and document download site available at:

"2009 Annual Report"