Including two separate four-day or three-week courses (see course structure for more detail):

  1. Introduction to Spatial Modelling
  2. Advanced Spatial Modelling

These two courses are aimed at students who require basic and/or advanced instruction in the theoretical principles of spatial data modelling.

Themes covered in the course include:

  • The concepts of models in science with specific reference to spatial models· Classification criteria (and examples) of different types of models
  • Principles of model development
  • The process of spatial model construction
  • Application of spatial models in GIS
  • Definition of cartographic modeling methodologies, input and output data, operations and standardisation
  • Commonly used symbols, equations and parameters, error propagation and validation in cartographic models;
  • Stages in the development of a cartographic model
  • Automating GIS processes

Upon completion, participants will understand the principles of spatial modeling and will have practically applied these principles using ArcGIS software.

Basic skills needed to do this course?

  • Basic computer skills
  • Introduction to GIS CGA Short Course or an equivalent qualification or experience
  • Introduction to Spatial Analysis CGA Short Course or an equivalent qualification or experience.
  • Introduction to Spatial Modelling CGA Short Course, when applying to do the Advanced Spatial Modelling course

Should you be interested in attending this course, please contact:

Ms Jessica Eichhoff

021 808 3218