Materials Technology

We live in a materials age. The development and use of functional and smart materials is a rapidly growing area, and offers young scientists exciting career prospects. This career-oreinted stream focuses on the manufacture and application of polymeric materials. This essential stream is a must for any aspiring scientist.

The third year of the stream is devoted entirely to training in Chemistry and Applied Chemistry (Polymer Science and Materials Technology). Here you combine the fundamental aspects of Chemistry and Polymer Science with the more applied aspects of Materials Technology. Topics like the industrial production of materials, manufacturing techniques of functional materials and the application of materials in areas like textiles, coating, biomaterials, composites, biomedical products and nanotechnology. A thorough study of subjects such as Chemistry and Polymer Science give you an excellent foundation, which supports your knowledge of the application of materials. In addition, you develop your creative, analytical and problem-solving skills. With this qualification you can work in the broader materials-based industry as product developer, technical sales manager, production manager or quality control manager. See also the curriculum of the Materials Technology stream in our Calendar. You are welcome to phone Mrs A Gericke (021 8083341) or email for more information.

This stream leads to an honours programme in Chemistry or in Polymer Science.

Stroom: Materiaaltegnologie

Ons lewe in die eeu van materiale. Die ontwikkeling en gebruik van funksionele en intelligente materiale is ‘n snel-groeiende gebied, en bied vir jong wetenskaplikes opwindende loopbaangeleenthede. Hierdie beroepsgerigte stroom fokus op die vervaardiging en toepassing van polimeriese materiale. Hierdie is ‘n onontbeerlike stroom vir enige aspirant wetenskaplike.

Die derde jaar van die stroom word uitsluitlik aan opleiding in Chemie, en Toegepaste Chemie (Polimeerwetenskap en Materiaaltegnologie) gewy. Dus kombineer jy die fundamentele agtergrond-kennis in Chemie en Polimeerwetenskap met die meer toegepaste aspekte van Materiaaltegnologie. Hier word onderwerpe soos industriële bereiding van materiale, vervaardigings-metodes van funksionele materiale, en die toepassing van materiale in areas soos tekstiele, bedekkings, bio-materiale, voedselverpakking, versterkte materiale, bio-mediese produkte en nanotegnologie. ’n Deeglike studie van vakke soos Chemie en Polimeerwetenskap bied ’n uitstekende onderbou hiervoor en ondersteun jou kennis van die toepassing van materiale. Boonop ontwikkel jy jou kreatiewe, analitiese en probleemoplossingsvaardighede. Met hierdie kwalifikasie kan jy in die breë materiaal-gebaseerde industrie werk as ’n produkontwikkelaar, tegniese verkoopsbestuurder, produksiebestuurder of kwaliteitsbestuurder. Kyk gerus na die stroom Materiaaltegnologie se leerplan in ons Jaarboek. Jy is welkom om Me A Gericke (021 808 3341) te skakel of epos vir verdere inligting.

Hierdie stroom lei tot ’n honneursprogram in Chemie of Polimeerwetenskap.