Brent Abrahams

PhD Candidate

Supervisors: Dr. Nadia Sitas

Field of research

• Invasion Science
• Socio-ecological systems research
• Science studies


Brent Abrahams is currently registered for PhD at the Department of Conservation Ecology and Entomology, Stellenbosch University. His current research draws on insights from Social-Ecological Systems research, Social Network Analysis and Science Studies. His work seeks to explore and assess the role of research and researchers in shaping the knowledge base relating to the management of biological invasions. He is interested in a wide array of activities, and is passionate about politics, education and teaching. In his spare time, he plays bass guitar, and has performed at live events and has contributed to several EP’s and albums.

His current research focuses on the role of research and researchers in shaping the management of biological invasions in South Africa. Using the Working for Water programme as a case study, in combination with bibliometric and social network analysis, and qualitative research to assess and explore the impacts and role research and researchers have played throughout the programmes history. He is particularly interested a research area known as Science Studies, which seeks to understand the role of scientific expertise in broad social, historical, and philosophical contexts. This research area uses multiple methods to analyse the production, representation and reception of scientific knowledge and its epistemic and semiotic role.

He is a contributing author to a forthcoming book on biological invasions, focussing on the role of research in management decision-making, as well as lead author on a paper on a similar topic (as part of his PhD). He is also writing on social drivers of research and management based on key informant interviews, particularly as it relates to Working for Water.