
Get Inspired for the Passion Component of Grit

God made man to go by motives, and he will not go without them, any more than a boat without steam or a balloon without gas.  

- Henry Ward Beecher  

There are two levers for moving men, interest and fear.  

- Napoleon Bonaparte  

Striving for excellence motivates you; striving for perfection is demoralizing.  

- Harriet Braiker  

Life takes on meaning when you become motivated, set goals and charge after them in an unstoppable manner.  

- Les Brown  

Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment, or the smallest act of caring, all of which have the potential to turn a life around.  

- Leo Buscaglia  

The ultimate inspiration is the deadline.  

- Nolan Bushnell  

Nobody motivates today's workers. If it doesn't come from within, it doesn't come. Fun helps remove the barriers that allow people to motivate themselves.  

- Herman Cain  

There is only one way, to get anybody to do anything. And that is by making the other person want to do it.  

- Dale Carnegie  

Whatever touches the nerves of motive, whatever shifts man's moral position, is mightier than steam, or calorie, or lightening.  

- Edwin Hubbel Chapin  

What comes from the heart, goes to the heart.  

- Samuel Taylor Coleridge  

I want you to be everything that's you, deep at the center of your being.  

- Confucius  

Motivation is like food for the brain. You cannot get enough in one sitting. It needs continual and regular top up's.  

- Peter Davies  

The ones who want to achieve and win championships motivate themselves.  

- Mike Ditka  

Comfort the afflicted, and afflict the comfortable.  

- Finley Peter Dunne  

Motivation is the art of getting people to do what you want them to do because they want to do it.  

- Dwight D Eisenhower  

If you would lift me up you must be on higher ground.  

- Ralph Waldo Emerson  

You don't have to do anything you don't want to do.  

- David Harold Fink  

One of the strongest characteristics of genius is the power of lighting its own fire.  

- John W Foster  

The mechanics of industry is easy. The real engine is the people. Their motivation and direction.  

- Ken Gilbert  

Make sure you visualize what you really want, not what someone else wants for you.  

- Jerry Gillies  

Who is sure of their own motives can in confidence advance or retreat.  

- Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe  

Instruction does much, but encouragement does everything.  

- Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe  

It is in human nature to relax, when not compelled by personal advantage or disadvantage.  

- Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe  

A message prepared in the mind reaches a mind; a message prepared in a life reaches a life.  

- Bill Gothard  

Some of us are like wheelbarrows, only useful when pushed and easily upset.  

- Jack Herbert  

The inner thought coming from the heart represents the real motives and desires. These are the cause of action.  

- Raymond Holliwell  

Motivation is simple. You eliminate those who are not motivated.  

- Lou Holtz  

To handle yourself, use your head; to handle others, use your heart.  

- Donald Laird  

We talk on principal, but act on motivation.  

- Walter Savage Landor  

What we see depends mainly on what we look for.  

- Sir John Lubbock  

One of the reasons it has seemed so difficult for a person to change his habits, his personality, or his way of life, has been that heretofore nearly all efforts at change have been directed to the circumference of the self, so to speak, rather than to the center.  

- Maxwell Maltz  

Am I motivated by what I really want out of life, or am I mass-motivated?  

- Earl Nightingale  

I've always felt it was not up to anyone else to make me give my best.  

- Akeem Olajuwon  

The only way to get people to like working hard is to motivate them. Today, people must understand why they're working hard. Every individual in an organization is motivated by something different.  

- Rick Pitino  

Don't spur a willing horse.  

- Proverb  

You are what you think. You are what you go for. You are what you do!  

- Bob Richards  

There's always the motivation of wanting to win. Everybody has that. But a champion needs, in his attitude, a motivation above and beyond winning.  

- Pat Riley  

A champion needs a motivation above and beyond winning.  

- Pat Riley  

We should not teach children the sciences, but give them a taste for them.  

- Jean Jacques Rousseau  

Motivation is what gets you started. Habit is what keeps you going.  

- Jim Ryun  

We may think there is willpower involved, but more likely… change is due to want power. Wanting the new addiction more than the old one. Wanting the new me in preference to the person I am now.  

- George Sheehan  

The most important thing about motivation is goal setting. You should always have a goal.  

- Francie Larrieu Smith  

Help people become more motivated by guiding them to the source of their own power.  

- Paul G Thomas  

The most important thing about a man is what he believes in the depth of his being. This is the thing that makes him what he is, The thing that organizes him and feeds him, the thing that keeps him going in the face of untoward circumstances; the thing that gives him resistance.  

- Hugh Stevenson Tigner  

We must treasure the achievers of our land because it's they who raise the sights of all the others.  

- Source Unknown  

I set myself on fire and people come to watch me burn.  

- John Wesley  

People often say that motivation doesn't last. Well, neither does bathing, that's why we recommend it daily.  

- Zig Ziglar  


Centre for Business Intelligence,  Stellenbosch University, 12 Murray Street, Stellenbosch, South Africa

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