
Inspirational Quotations to Advance Intellectual Wellness

Whatever creativity is, it is in part a solution to a problem.  

- Brian Aldiss  

The creative person wants to be a know -it -all. He wants to know about all kinds of things: ancient history, nineteenth -century mathematics, current manufacturing techniques, flower arranging, and hog futures. Because he never knows when these ideas might come together to form a new idea. It may happen six minutes later or six months, or six years down the road. But he has faith that it will happen.  

- Carl Ally  

All works of art are commissioned in the sense that no artist can create one by a simple act of will, but must wait until what he believes to be a good idea for a work comes to him.  

- W H Auden  

Creativity involves breaking out of established patterns in order to look at things in a different way.  

- Edward De Bono  

The human mind cannot create anything. It produces nothing until after having been fertilized by experience and meditation, its acquisitions are the gems of its production.  

- Georges-Louis Leclerc Buffon  

It is better to create than to learn! Creating is the essence of life.  

- Julius Caesar  

A hunch is creativity trying to tell you something.  

- Frank Capra  

Creativity is inventing, experimenting, growing, taking risks, breaking rules, making mistakes, and having fun.  

- Mary Lou Cook  

The whole difference between construction and creation is this, that a thing constructed can only be loved after it is constructed, but a thing created is loved before it exists.  

- Charles Dickens  

It's like driving a car at night. You never see further than your headlights, but you can make the whole trip that way.  

- E L Doctorow  

Creativity is essentially a lonely art. An even lonelier struggle. To some a blessing. To others a curse. It is in reality the ability to reach inside yourself and drag forth from your very soul an idea.  

- Lou Dorfsman  

The legs are the wheels of creativity.  

- Albert Einstein  

The secret to creativity is knowing how to hide your sources.  

- Albert Einstein  

That which builds is better than that which is built.  

- Ralph Waldo Emerson  

Creative minds have always been known to survive any kind of bad training.  

- Anna Freud  

Creativity requires the courage to let go of certainties.  

- Erich Fromm  

Most people die before they are fully born. Creativeness means to be born before one dies.  

- Erich Fromm  

Because of their courage, their lack of fear, they (creative people) are willing to make silly mistakes. The truly creative person is one who can think crazy, such a person knows full well that many of his great ideas will prove to be worthless. The creative person is flexible -- he is able to change as the situation changes, to break habits, to face indecision and changes in conditions without undue stress. He is not threatened by the unexpected as rigid, inflexible people are.  

- Frank Goble  

To create something you must be something.  

- Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe  

It seems safe to say that significant discovery, really creative thinking, does not occur with regard to problems about which the thinker is lukewarm.  

- Mary Henle  

Our senses are indeed our doors and windows on this world, in a very real sense the key to the unlocking of meaning and the wellspring of creativity.  

- Jean Houston  

Genius is initiative on fire.  

- George Holbrook Jackson  

A truly creative person rids him or herself of all self-imposed limitations.  

- Gerald G Jampolsky  

Creative powers can just as easily turn out to be destructive. It rests solely with the moral personality whether they apply themselves to good things or to bad. And if this is lacking, no teacher can supply it or take its place.  

- Carl Jung  

The power in which we must have faith if we would be well, is the creative and curative power which exists in every living thing.  

- John Kellogg  

Creativity, as has been said, consists largely of rearranging what we know in order to find out what we do not know. Hence, to think creatively, we must be able to look afresh at what we normally take for granted.  

- George Kneller  

Creative activity could be described as a type of learning process where teacher and pupil are located in the same individual.  

- Arthur Koestler  

True creativity often starts where language ends.  

- Arthur Koestler  

The essential part of creativity is not being afraid to fail.  

- Edwin H Land  

Creativity can solve almost any problem. The creative act, the defeat of habit by originality, overcomes everything.  

- George Lois  

It seems that the creative faculty and the critical faculty cannot exist together in their highest perfection.  

- W Somerset Maugham  

Creation is a drug I can't do without.  

- Cecil B De Mille  

There is the happiness which comes from creative effort. The joy of dreaming, creating, building, whether in painting a picture, writing an epic, singing a song, composing a symphony, devising new invention, creating a vast industry.  

- Henry Miller  

Thoughts give birth to a creative force that is neither elemental nor sidereal. Thoughts create a new heaven, a new firmament, a new source of energy, from which new arts flow. When a man undertakes to create something, he establishes a new heaven.  

- Philipus A Paracelsus  

I do not seek, I find.  

- Pablo Picasso  

Creativity represents a miraculous coming together of the uninhibited energy of the child with its apparent opposite and enemy-the sense of order imposed on the disciplined adult intelligence.  

- Norman Podhoretz  

One of the greatest necessities in America is to discover creative solitude.  

- Carl Sandburg  

It is wise to learn, it is God-like to create.  

- John Saxe  

The person who can combine frames of reference and draw connections between ostensibly unrelated points of view is likely to be the one who makes the creative breakthrough.  

- Denise Shekerjian  

I do my best work when I am in pain and turmoil.  

- Sting  

One measure of how creative you are is how you respond to changes in your circumstances and environment. How flexible are you? Consider how water adapts to its environment, evaporation, condensation, snowflake, melting, flowing, goes around rocks, fills containers, etc.  

- Source Unknown  

The creative process involves getting input, making a recommendation, getting critical review, getting more input, improving the recommendation, getting more critical review, again and again and again.  

- Source Unknown  

Serious people have few ideas. People with ideas are never serious.  

- Paul Valery  

The things we fear most in organizations -- fluctuations, disturbances, imbalances -- are the primary sources of creativity.  

- Margaret J Wheatley  

Anyone can look for fashion in a boutique or history in a museum. The creative explorer looks for history in a hardware store and fashion in an airport.  

- Robert Wieder  


Centre for Business Intelligence,  Stellenbosch University, 12 Murray Street, Stellenbosch, South Africa

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