Being at Maties ‘best experience’ says Anderson


Being part of the Steinhoff Maties Hockey Club has been the best experience of Matt Anderson’s life to date.

Anderson is one of a few players that have played their last season at Maties this year. Others include Pierre de Voux, Jacques le Roux, Illse Davids, Dave Agar, Erin Hunter and Bronwyn Kretzmann. Anderson played at Maties for four seasons.

“My time at the club has been an incredibly positive experience. I have been part of some incredible teams, met people from all walks of life, played top quality hockey and made life long friends. It is difficult to put into words just how amazing the past four seasons have been, but there is one thing for certain, I am extremely grateful for the experience and will always cherish the memories,” said Anderson.

Anderson was part of the men’s team that won the Western Province Grand Challenge title three times in a row. “Anything can be achieved through trusting in the process, discipline and hard work. Also, you can have a lot of fun while still achieving incredible things at the same time.”

He added: “I would encourage youngsters from all walks of life to come to Maties for a number of reasons. At Maties you are given all the tools to become the best version of yourself, whether it be on the sports field with world-class facilities and coaching, or in the classroom. The Maties Hockey Club has probably the most professional set up in the country, and provides its members with everything they could possibly need to succeed. The club also boasts a fantastic social aspect that allows its members to meet people from all over the country and get to know one another. I would strongly encourage anyone to come to Maties. It has been the best experience of my life to date.”

Anderson’s final message: “Maties Hockey has a tried and tested formula for success, trust in the process, stay disciplined and work hard, use every opportunity that presents itself to the best of your ability and have fun. Make the most of your student days, they go by faster than you think.”



Om by Maties te wees ‘beste ervaring’ sê Anderson

Om deel van die Steinhoff Maties Hokkieklub te wees, was die beste ervaring van Matt Anderson se lewe tot op hede.

Anderson is een van ‘n paar spelers wat hul laaste seisoen vanjaar by Maties gespeel het. Ander sluit in Pierre de Voux, Jacques le Roux, Illse Davids, Dave Agar, Erin Hunter en Bronwyn Kretzmann. Anderson het vier seisoene vir Maties gespeel.

“My tyd by die klub was ‘n ongelooflike positiewe ervaring. Ek was deel van ongelooflike spanne, het mense uit verskeie oorde van die samelewing ontmoet, top gehalte hokkie gespeel en het nou lewenslange vriende. Dit is moeilik om in woorde te sit net hoe ongelooflik die afgelope vier seisoene was, maar een ding is seker, ek is baie dankbaar vir die ervaring en sal die herinneringe altyd koester,” het Anderson gesê.

Anderson was deel van die manspan wat die Westelike Provinsie Grootuitdaagliga-titel drie keer agtereenvolgens gewen het. “Enigiets kan bereik word deur vertroue in die proses te hê, dissipline en harde werk.”

Hy het bygevoeg: “Ek wil jongmense uit alle oorde van die samelewing aanmoedig om na Maties te kom. By Maties kry jy al die gereedskap om die beste weergawe van jouself te word, of dit op die sportveld is met wêreld-klas fasiliteite en afrigting, of in die klaskamer. Die Maties-hokkieklub het waarskynlik die mees professionele stelsel in die land, en bied sy lede met alles wat hulle moontlik kan benodig om suksesvol te wees. Ek sal almal sterk aanmoedig om na Maties te kom. Dit was die beste ervaring van my lewe tot op hede.”

Anderson se laaste boodskap: “Maties Hokkie het ‘n beproefde formule vir sukses, hê vertroue in die proses, bly gedissiplineerd en werk hard. Gebruik elke geleentheid wat hom voordoen na die beste van jou vermoë en onthou om dit ook te geniet. Maak die meeste van jou studentedae; dit gaan vinniger verby as wat jy dink. “

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