International debut for Steinhoff Maties’ Glasby


In the recent Private Property Summer Series Steinhoff Maties’ Tarryn Glasby made her senior international debut for the national women’s hockey team.

Glasby played her first test against Scotland and scored her first goal in only her second test for her country. One of her biggest moments in the series was in the last test against Germany played at the Maties Astro. She set up the equalising goal with great individual brilliance.

“Making my debut for the national team has been a dream of mine ever since I started playing hockey at the age of 7, so to finally reach this goal was amazing. I felt so privileged and excited to be apart of the team, yet so nervous at the same time,” said Glasby after the series.

“I definitely felt some relief when I scored my first international goal. As a striker it’s important to be able to score goals, as this is the reason why you get selected.”

The Summer Series was against India, Scotland and Germany. The Germans provided the biggest test for Glasby and her teammates. “Germany is such a technically and physically good team that the thought of having to play against them was indeed a scary thought. It was definitely challenging at times, but I have always liked the challenge.”

Glasby will now shift focus on playing good hockey at Maties again and helping the team reach its goals. “One goal is to definitely try and win the Western Province Grand Challenge again. This won’t be easy as we have some tough competition. Another goal is to perform well and do better at USSA this year after making the final last year. And hopefully I will be scoring many goals for Maties!”

As a player Glasby know there much more hard work ahead. “I would just like to continue improving and pushing my own limits to ensure I’m a better player. This will allow me to stay in the South African hockey setup.”



Nasionale debuut vir Steinhoff Maties se Glasby

Steinhoff Maties se Tarryn Glasby het in die onlangse Private Property Somer-reeks haar senior internasionale debuut vir die nasionale vroue-hokkiespan gemaak.

Glasby het haar eerste toets teen Skotland gespeel en het haar eerste doel in net haar tweede toets vir haar land gekry. Een van haar beste oomblikke in die reeks was in die laaste toets teen Duitsland op die Maties Astro. Sy het die gelykmakende doel moontlik gemaak met individuele briljantheid.

“Om my debuut vir die nasionale span te maak, was ‘n droom vandat ek begin hokkie speel het op die ouderdom van sewe, so om uiteindelik die doel te bereik was ongelooflik. Ek het so bevoorreg en opgewonde gevoel om deel van die span te wees, maar was terselfdertyd baie op my senuwees,” het Glasby ná die reeks vertel.

“Ek het beslis ‘n bietjie verligting gevoel toe ek my eerste internasionale doel aangeteken het. As ‘n doelskieter is dit belangrik om doele aan te teken, want dit is die rede waarom jy gekies is.”

Die Somer-reeks was teen Indië, Skotland en Duitsland. Die Duitsers was die grootste uitdaging in die reeks vir Glasby en haar spanmaats. “Duitsland is so ‘n tegnies en fisiek goeie span en daarom was die gedagte om teen hulle te speel inderdaad ‘n skrikkerige een. Dit was beslis ‘n uitdaging, maar ek het nog altyd van uitdagings gehou.”

Glasby sal nou daarop fokus om goeie hokkie vir Maties te speel en die span te help om sy doelwitte te bereik. “Een doel is om weer die Westelike Provinsie Groot-uitdaagliga te wen. Dit sal nie maklik wees nie, want ons het strawwe kompetisie. Nog ‘n doelwit is om vanjaar een tree verder te gaan by die USSA-toernooi nadat ons verlede jaar in die eindstryd gespeel het. En hopelik gaan ek nog baie doele vir Maties aanteken!”

As ‘n speler weet Glasby daar is nog baie harde werk wat voorlê. “Ek wil net aanhou verbeter. Ek wil sekermaak ek bly deel van die nasionale sisteem.”

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