Club Photos & 2018 Committee

Congratulations to the following players who was selected for the 2018 Maties Hockey Club Committee:

Chair Person: Deandi Van de Vyver
Vice-Chair: Jordan Turnbull
Treasurer: Matthew Roman
Secretary: Estelle Stambolie
Additional Members:Ross Anderson, Tristan Colananni, Louise Currie, Luke Schooling & Jonathan Cloete

2017 Maties Hockey Committee

Maties Hockey17-2Steinhoff Maties Ladies 3, 4 & 5 

Maties Hockey17-3Steinhoff Maties Men 3, 4 & 5  Maties Hockey17-9Steinhoff Maties & Vics Ladies

Maties Hockey17-13 Steinhoff Maties & Vics Men Maties Hockey17-15 USSA Ladies & Men Maties Hockey17-18Western Province Representatives  Maties Hockey17-20 National RepresentativesMaties Hockey17-25


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