Musculoskeletal case studies for medical students

Table: Case Selection  

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Case selection

Select the case you want to view in the table below. Click on "View" in the last column to see the history and detailed X rays.

This page may be one of several view pages, use the paging arrows below to select more thumbnails.

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Failed to connect to ortho at localhost. Error: No such file or directory

No records found

Intended users

This series of trauma case studies is intended for Medical Students, General Practitioners and others, who are not Orthopaedic specialists, but have to manage trauma.

In the discussion on the final view page, it is assumed that the practitioner responsible for the initial care of the patient has no instrumentation for definitive internal fixations, or the expertise to do anything beyond necessary emergency procedures. It is assumed that these patients can be referred on for subsequent procedures.


 Copyright 2011, University of Stellenbosch