28 January 2019

Nico Cloete, an extraordinary professor at CREST, is one of three co-editors of a new book titled Anchored in place: Rethinking the university and development in South Africa. He is also the co-author of a chapter in the volume on ‘The politics and pathology of place: Student protests, collective consumption and the right to the city in East London’.

Mark Paterson reflects on the book in a recent article published by University World News. Describing it as an “eclectic, inter-disciplinary collection of 12 essays”, Paterson emphasises the relevance of this book in analysing the challenges of place-making faced by South African universities.

Elsewhere in the book, co-editor François van Schalkwyk (research fellow at CREST) reflects on the concept of engaged scholarship, which is also relevant to the work of CREST and the SA Research Chair in Science Communication hosted at CREST. Together with co-author George de Lange, they warn of engagement that is opportunistic rather than motivated by the problems of place.

An electronic version of the book can be downloaded free of charge.