PhD Candidate

Lorenzo Ruaro (MSc Applied and General Mathematics, University of Bologna)

Level: PhD 

Supervisor: Prof. Cang Hui (Stellenbosch University)

Co-supervisors: Dr. Sandra MacFadyen (Stellenbosch University), Dr. Pietro Landi (Stellenbosch University) and Dr. Sam Ferreira (SANParks)


Lorenzo Ruaro was born in Bologna, Italy. There he completed his studies at the Department of Mathematics and moved to Stellenbosch for his PhD in 2021. Apart from the love for Mathematics, Lorenzo loves animals and loves being in South Africa also for this reason. He loves working out, watching European football and Warhammer.


During his Master Degree Lorenzo took part in the Erasmus programme and attended one year of courses at the TUM (in Munich, Germany). There he acquired the mathematical skills needed for his Master Degree thesis “Population dynamics of Ctenosaurabakeri” which focused on studying the population dynamics of a Critically Endangered species of Iguana. After that year in Munich he decided to focus his future career in using mathematical models to help conservation efforts.
His PhD research focuses on spatially modelling the population of White Rhinos in Kruger, with a particular for predicting their migration for anti-poaching purposes.
