Who should apply?

The programmes have been designed for those who are tasked with the design, management, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of public programmes and interventions. More specifically, the following people will find the course of value:

    • Researchers and consultants tasked with evaluation studies
    • M&E officers in government, industry and civil society
    • Project managers in government research and planning units and directorates
    • NGO employees involved in social, health and educational research activities
    • Social policy analysts and advisers
    • Social science methodology lecturers

Course structure

The programme is modular and non-residential – students are therefore not eligible for accommodation in a university residence. Students attend 8 coursework modules which are presented in block release and run for three to five days each. Attendance of modules is compulsory. All modules are held at Stellenbosch University in the Western Cape Province of South Africa. These will resume once the lockdown regulations in South Africa allows for it. All sessions are currently conducted via MS Teams. All course materials are made available to students on SUNLearn, the e-learning platform of the University. This means that all students have access to reading materials, course notes, assignments and other resource materials on-line. Continuous communication with students – about materials, assignments, additional resources and scheduling – will be conducted through SUNLearn and email.