THE DEPARTMENT’S OF GEOGRAPHY AND ENVIRONMENTAL STUDIES’ vision is to be the recognised training and research centre for Africa in the field of spatial information management in order to understand and manage geographical phenomena and processes to the advantage of the Southern African community.
The discipline of Geography and Environmental Studies, studies the relationship
between humans and their environment as it manifests in earth’s space and places. The Department’s mission is therefore to provide training and do research on the phenomena and problems emanating from this interaction through three relevant thematic focuses, namely environmental studies, urban studies and development studies; a methodological focus on geographical analysis skills and practical application of computer information technology and a regional focus on Africa and South Africa.
Journal Articles (subsidised)
- ALONSO-VARGAS M, CRESPO M, MARTINEZ-AZORIN M, MUCINA L. Spergularia hanoverensis (Caryophyllaceae): Validation and Recircumscription of a Misinterpreted Species from South Africa. Plants 2023; 12:1-19.
- CINTAS J, FRANCH B, VAN TRICHT K, BOOGAARD H, DEGERICKX J, BECKER-RESHEF I, MOLETTO-LOBOS I, MOLLA-BONONAD B, SOBRINO J, GILLIAMS S, SZANTOI S. TRANCO: Thermo radiometric normalization of crop observations. International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation 2023; 118:1-19.
- CLANCY M, RUFFING B, JARMAIN C, BYRNE K. A novel method incorporating large rock fragments for improved soil bulk density and carbon stock estimation. SOIL SCIENCE SOCIETY OF AMERICA JOURNAL 2023; 87:1029-1041.
- CRESPO M, ALONSO-VARGAS M, MARTINEZ-AZORIN M, VILLAR JL, MUCINA L. What Is Wrong with Frankenia nodiflora Lam. (Frankeniaceae)? New Insights into the South African Sea-Heaths. Plants 2023; 12:1-29.
- DE WAAL JH, MILLER JA, VAN NIEKERK A. The impact of agricultural transformation on water quality in a data‑scarce, dryland landscape—a case study in the Bot River, South Africa. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 2023; 195(177):1-18.
- DESCALS A, WICH S, SZANTOI S. High-resolution global map of closed-canopy coconut palm . Earth System Science Data 2023; 15:3991-4010.
- DONALDSON SE, IIRMDU TO, VAN DER SPUY P. Residents and Stakeholder Opinions on Township Tourism in Langa, Cape Town, South Africa. Geography 2023; 3:728-742.
- DONATI D, STEAD D, RABUS B, ENGELBRECHT J, CLAGUE J. Characterization of the Fels Landslide (Alaska) Using Combined Terrestrial, Aerial, and Satellite Remote Sensing Data. Remote Sensing 2023; 16:1-30.
- DOUGLAS M, DONALDSON SE. Diffusion and adoption of organic and biodynamic winemaking in the Western Cape. South African Geographical Journal 2023; 105(1):34-53.
- GEYER HS. Can informality help create smart, sustainable cities? The vibrancy of self‑organised informal settlements in Cape Town. GeoJournal Library 2023; 88(3):2471-2489.
- GEYER HS. Conflicts and synergies between customary land use management and urban planning in informal settlements. Land Use Policy 2023; 125:1-8.
- GEYER HS. Precarious and non-precarious work in the informal sector: Evidence from South Africa. Urban studies 2023; 60(10):1915-1931.
- HARMSE CJ, VAN NIEKERK A. A remotely sensed weight gain model for sheep in the semi-arid Karoo shrublands of South Africa. RANGELAND JOURNAL 2023; 45(1):1-11.
- HART TBG, DAVIDS YD, RULE SP, TIRIVANHU P. The COVID-19 pandemic reveals an unprecedented rise in hunger: The South African Government was ill-prepared to meet the challenge. Scientific African 2022; 16:1-16.
- HORN AJ, VISSER GE. Tourism Gentrification in Urban Africa: Towards a Resesarch Agenda. Studia Periegetica 2023; 43(3):7-24.
- HU T, HULLEY G, MALLICK K, SZANTOI S, HOOK S. Comparison between the ASTER and ECOSTRESS global emissivity datasets. International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation 2023; 118:1-12.
- HUCHZERMEYER N, VAN DER WAAL B, GRENFELL SE, SCHLEGEL P K. Selecting and refining suitable methods of developing digital elevation models to represent geomorphic features and characteristics of smaller wetlands in data‑scarce environments. WETLANDS 2023; 31:539-550.
- IIRMDU TO, DONALDSON SE. Tourism Businesses Management Practices in the Plateau State, Nigeria, during the ‘New Normal’: A Chaos Theory Approach. Studia Periegetica 2023; 41(1):109-134.
- JACOBS C, BARENDS ZE, MALGAS RR, BAILEY LT, WILLIAMS S. Exploring academic identities through collage-making: A collaborative autoethnographic project. Agenda 2023; 37(2):44-56.
- JARMAIN C, CUMMINS T, JOVANI-SANCHO AJ, NAIRN T, PREMROV A, REIDY B, RENOU-WILSON F, TOBIN B, WALZ K, WILSON D, BYRNE K. Soil organic carbon stocks by soil group for afforested soils in Ireland. Geoderma 2023; 32:1-19.
- KAPP J, KEMP JN. Temporal Autocorrelation of Sentinel-1 SAR Imagery for Detecting Settlement Expansion. Geomatics 2023; 3(3):427-446.
- KAVHU B, MASHIMBYE ZE, LUVUNO LB. Predicting priority management areas for land use/cover change in the transboundary Okavango basin based on machine learning. Heliyon 2023; 9:1-12.
- KUIPER T, NGWENYA N, KAVHU B, MANDISODZA-CHIKEREMA R, MILNER-GULLAND E. Making adaptive management more user friendly to encourage manager buy-in. People and Nature 2023; 5:684-698.
- MARTINEZ-AZORIN M, CRESPO M, ALONSO-VARGAS M, PINTER M, CROUCH NR, DOLD AP, MUCINA L, PFOSSER M, WETSCHNIG W. Molecular phylogenetics of subfamily Urgineoideae (Hyacinthaceae): Toward a coherent generic circumscription informed by molecular, morphological, and distributional data. Journal of Systematics and Evolution 2023; 61(1):42-63.
- MARTINEZ-FALCO J, MARTINEZ-FALCO JAVIER, MARCO-LAJARA B, SANCHEZ-GARCIA E, VISSER GE. Aligning the Sustainable Development Goals in theWine Industry: A Bibliometric Analysis. Sustainability 2023; 15:1-16.
- MASHIMBYE ZE, LOGGENBERG K. A Scoping Review of Landform Classification Using Geospatial Methods. Geomatics 2023; 3:93-115.
- MASILELA N, HOOGENDOORN G, VISSER GE. Cultural Tourism in South Africa: A Case Study of the Experiences of Employees. African Journal of Hospitality, Tourism and Leisure 2023; 12(1):326-338.
- MISTRY A, SPOCTER MA. Exploring the “eco-ness” of South Africa’s eco-estates. Journal of Urbanism 2023; 0:1-20.
- MUCINA L, MUMMENHOFF K, WINTER P, VAN NIEKERK A. Drought and life-history strategies in Heliophila (Brassicaceae). New Phytologist 2023; 2(2):532-534.
- NAIK NR, SPOCTER MA. The geography of commercial activities in business parks in Cape Town. South African Geographical Journal 2023; 0:1-20.
- RUNCIMAN C, RULE SP. Providing Evidence and “Voice” During the COVID-19 Pandemic Using Online Rapid Response Surveys: Lessons from the UJ/HSRC COVID-19 Democracy Survey. South African Review of Sociology (Society in Transition) 2022; 51(3-4):188-208.
- SAMBOU M, ALBERGEL J, VISSIN EW, LIERSCH S, KOCH H, SZANTOI S. Prediction of land use and land cover change in two watersheds in the Senegal River basin (West Africa) using the Multilayer Perceptron and Markov chain model. European Journal of Remote Sensing 2023; 56(1):1-19.
- SAVELLI E, RUSCA M, CLOKE H, FLUGEL T, KASSIEM A, BALDASSARE G. All dried up: The materiality of drought in Ladismith, South Africa. Environment and Planning E-Nature and Space 2023; 0:1-28.
- SEE L, GILLIAMS S, CONCHEDDA G, DEGERICKX J, VAN TRICHT K, FRITZ S, LESIV M, BAYAS JCL, ROSERO J, TUBIELLO FN, SZANTOI S. Dynamic global-scale crop and irrigation monitoring. Nature Food 2023; 4:736-737.
- SEPP S, VASAR M, DAVISON J, OJA J, ANSLAN S, AL-QURAISHY S, BAHRAM M, BUENO C, CANTERO JJ, FABIANO E, DECOCQ G, DRENKHAN R, FRASER L, GARIBAY-ORIEL R, HIIESALU I, KOOREM K, KOLJALG U, MOORA M, MUCINA L. Global diversity and distribution of nitrogen-fixing bacteria in the soil. Frontiers in Plant Science 2023; 11:1-9.
- SHEBURAH ESSIEN R, SPOCTER MA. Overcoming Obstacles to the Integration of Informal Actors in Accra?s Open‑Air Marketplaces. Urban Forum 2023; 34:79-97.
- SINK K, ADAMS L, FRANKEN M, HARRIS L, CURRIE J, KARENYI N, DAYARAM A, PORTER S, KIRKMAN S, LUCK-VOGEL M. Iterative mapping of marine ecosystems for spatial status assessment, prioritization, and decision support. Ecology and Evolution 2023; 11:1-11.
- SPOCTER MA. The urban materialities of disused quarries in Cape Town. South African Geographical Journal 2023; 0:1-19.
- TSAKALOS J, SMITH M, LUEBERT F, MUCINA L. climenv: Download, extract and visualise climatic and elevation data. Journal of Vegetation Science 2023; 34(6):1-7.
- VAN TRICHT K, DEGERICKX J, GILLIAMS S, ZANAGA D, BATTUDE M, GROSU A, BROMBACHER J, LESIV M, BAYAS JCL, KARANAM S, FRITZ S, BECKER-RESHEF I, FRANCH B, MOLLA-BONONAD B, BOOGAARD H, PRATIHAST A, KOETZ B, SZANTOI S. WorldCereal: a dynamic open-source system for global-scale, seasonal, and reproducible crop and irrigation mapping. Earth System Science Data 2023; 15:5491-5515.
- VAN WESEMAEL B, CHABRILLAT S, DIAS A, BERGER M, SZANTOI S. Remote Sensing for Soil Organic Carbon Mapping and Monitoring . Remote Sensing 2023; 15:1-3.
- VASAR M, DAVISON J, MOORA M, SEPP S, ANSLAN S, AL-QURAISHY S, BAHRAM M, BUENO C, CANTERO JJ, FABIANO E, DECOCQ G, DRENKHAN R, FRASER L, OJA J, GARIBAY-ORIEL R, HIIESALU I, KOOREM K, MUCINA L. Metabarcoding of soil environmental DNA to estimate plant diversity globally. Frontiers in Plant Science 2023; 14:1-9.
- VISSER GE. Moving Beyond the Gay Metropolises: Lessons Learned from Stellenbosch. Urban Forum 2023; 34(2):179-189.
- WILLEMSE L. The dynamics and uniqueness of semigration to hermanus from across South Africa. GeoJournal Library 2023; 88:5129-5151.
Proceedings International
Proceedings National
- BAILEY CJ, LOGGENBERG K. Mapping the spatial profile and susceptibility of illegal land occupation: A case study of the Cape Town Metropolitan area, South Africa. In: Coetzee S (ed.) 31st International Cartographic Conference (ICC 2023), Germany, Copernicus 2023: 1-3.
- MUCINA L. Biomes of the Southern Hemisphere. Springer, Switzerland 2023:219 pp.
Chapters in Books
- DONALDSON SE. A Review of Recent Small Town Research in South Africa. In: DONALDSON SE (ed.) Socio-Spatial Small Town Dynamics in South Africa, Springer, , 2023: 8-16.
- GARDINER A, DONALDSON SE. The Socio-economic Wellbeing of Small Mining Towns in the Northern Cape. In: DONALDSON SE (ed.) Socio-Spatial Small Town Dynamics in South Africa, Springer, , 2023: 145-167.
- LIGHT RA. Collaborative Governance, Social Capital and Drought: A Case Study of a Collaborative Governance Regime in Graaff-Reinet. In: DONALDSON SE (ed.) Socio-Spatial Small Town Dynamics in South Africa, Springer, , 2023: 79-105.
- MARTINEZ-AZORIN M, CRESPO M, ALONSO-VARGAS M, PINTER M, CROUCH NR, DOLD AP, MUCINA L. A generic monograph of the Hyacinthaceae subfamily Urgineoideae. In: Zhang Z (ed.) A generic monograph of the Hyacinthaceae subfamily Urgineoideae, Magnolia Press, New Zealand, 2023: 1-143.
- MEISSNER R, RULE SP. South-Africa. In: Hellberg S, Soderbaum f, Swain A, Ojendal J (eds.) Routledge Handbook of Water and Development, Routledge, , 2023: 1.
- MUCINA L. Biomes of the Southern Hemisphere: Introduction and Approach. In: MUCINA L (ed.) Biomes of the Southern Hemisphere, Springer, Switzerland, 2023: 1-19.
- NDIMANDE NP. Complex Town-Gown Relationships and the Paradoxes of Studentification in the South African Traditional Authority Lands. In: DONALDSON SE (ed.) Socio-Spatial Small Town Dynamics in South Africa, Springer, , 2023: 169-191.
- RULE SP. From UN-mandated territory to independent Namibia. In: Brunn SD (ed.) Stamps, Nationalism and Political Transition, Routledge, London, 2022: 1-2.
- RULE SP. Local Government Election 2021 Trends in Small Towns. In: DONALDSON SE (ed.) Socio-Spatial Small Town Dynamics in South Africa, Springer, , 2023: 193-223.
- SPOCTER MA. Neglect of Municipal Infrastructure in Phalaborwa. In: SPOCTER MA (ed.) Socio-Spatial Small Town Dynamics in South Africa, Springer, , 2023: 47-78.
- SPOCTER MA. Transitions in postage stamp iconography from apartheid to democracy in South Africa. In: Brunn SD (ed.) Stamps, Nationalism and Political Transition, Routledge, New York, USA, 2023: 159-172.
- VISSER GE. The Spatial Mismatch between Cities and Heritage Tourism Sites in Africa. In: Timothy DJ (ed.) Cultural Heritage and Tourism in Africa, Routledge, , 2023: 104-115.
- WILLIAMS S. Surviving the Tides: A Study of Small-Scale Fisheries and Community Livelihoods in Selected Coastal Towns of the Western Cape, South Africa. In: DONALDSON SE (ed.) Socio-Spatial Small Town Dynamics in South Africa, springer, , 2023: 107-125.
Research Reports
- HU T, MALLICK K, HITZELBERGER P, DIDRY Y, BOULET G, SZANTOI S. Evaluating European ECOSTRESS Hub Evapotranspiration Products Across a Range of Soil-Atmospheric Aridity and Biomes Over Europe. 2023: 20 pp.
- RABUS B, ENGELBRECHT J, CLAGUE J, DONATI D, FRANCIONI M. Response of a large deep-seated gravitational slope deformation to meteorological, seismic, and deglaciation drivers as measured by InSAR. 2023: 25 pp.
Doctoral completed
- NCUBE TRL. Modelling the clusters and boundaries of sub-Saharan plant assemblages in future environments. PhD, 2023. 376 pp. Promotor: DE KLERK HM. Medepromotor: HUI C, Lovett JC.
- NDIMANDE NP. University in the rural and rural in the university: examining the heterotopia and production of spaces at the University of Zululand. PhD, 2023. 305 pp. Promotor: DONALDSON SE.
Masters completed
- ASKEW SM. Potential resilience of carbon and phosphorus sequestration to a changing climate in the Nuwejaars River Floodplain, Cape Agulhas, South Africa. MSc, 2023. 221 pp. Studieleier: GRENFELL SE.
- MOSTERT C. The nature and extent of pigeon racing in South Africa. MA, 2023. 310 pp. Studieleier: DONALDSON SE.
Journal Articles (subsidised)
- ALONSO-VARGAS M, CRESPO M, MARTINEZ-AZORIN M, MUCINA L. Morphological and molecular data support recognition of Spergularia quartzicola (Caryophyllaceae) as a new species endemic to South Africa. Plant Biosystems 2022; 156(2):506-514.
- AMIN E, BELDA S, PIPIA L, SZANTOI S, EL BAROUDY A, MORENO J, VERRELST J. Multi-Season Phenology Mapping of Nile Delta Croplands Using Time Series of Sentinel-2 and Landsat 8 Green LAI. Remote Sensing 2022; 14:1812, 23 pages.
- BESSINGER M, LUCK-VOGEL M, SKOWNO A, CONRAD F. Landsat-8 based coastal ecosystem mapping in South Africa using random forest classification in Google Earth Engine. South African Journal of Botany 2022; 150:928-939.
- DAVISON J, VASAR M, SEPP S, OJA J, AL-QURAISHY S, BUENO C, CANTERO JJ, FABIANO E, DECOCQ G, FRAZER L, HIIESALU I, MUCINA L, ET AL. Dominance, diversity, and niche breadth in arbuscular mycorrhizal fungal communities. Ecology 2022; 103:e3761, 9 pages.
- DENNER MG, KEMP JN. The Use of C-Band and X-Band SAR with Machine Learning for Detecting Small-Scale Mining. Remote Sensing 2022; 14:977, 22 pages.
- FRANCH B, CINTAS J, BECKER-RESHEF I, SANCHEZ-TORRES M, ROGER J, SKAKUN S, SOBRINO J, VAN TRICHT K, DEGERICKX J, GILLIAMS S, KOETZ B, SZANTOI S, WHITCRAFT A. Global crop calendars of maize and wheat in the framework of the WorldCereal project. GIScience and Remote Sensing 2022; 59(1):885-913.
- GAMBE TR, GEYER HS, HORN AJ. Economic Resilience of City-Regions in Southern Africa: An Exploratory Study of Zimbabwe. Regional Science Policy and Practice 2022; 14(2):438-455.
- GRENFELL SE, GRENFELL M, TOOTH S, MEHL A, O’GORMAN E, RALPH T, ELLERY W. Wetlands in drylands: diverse perspectives for dynamic landscapes. Wetlands Ecology and Management 2022; 30:607-622.
- HARMSE CJ, GERBER H, VAN NIEKERK A. Evaluating Several Vegetation Indices Derived from Sentinel-2 Imagery for Quantifying Localized Overgrazing in a Semi-Arid Region of South Africa. Remote Sensing 2022; 14:1720, 18 pages.
- HART TGB, DAVIDS YD, RULE SP, TIRIVANHU P, MTYINGIZANE S. The COVID-19 pandemic reveals an unprecedented rise in hunger: The South African Government was ill-prepared to meet the challenge. Scientific African 2022; 16:e01169, 17 pages.
- HIGGS CJ, VAN NIEKERK A. Impact of Training Set Configurations for Differentiating Plantation Forest Genera with Sentinel-2 Imagery and Machine Learning. Remote Sensing 2022; 14:3992, 19 pages.
- HU T, MALLICK K, HULLEY G, PLANELLS L, GOTTSCHE F, SCHLERF M, HITZELBERGER P, DIDRY Y, SZANTOI S, ET AL. Continental-scale evaluation of three ECOSTRESS land surface temperature products over Europe and Africa: Temperature-based validation and cross-satellite comparison. REMOTE SENSING OF ENVIRONMENT 2022; 282:113296, 18 pages.
- JAKOET A, BOATWRIGHT JS, MUCINA L, MAGEE A. A taxonomic revision of the Cotula barbata group (Anthemideae, Cotulinae, Asteraceae). South African Journal of Botany 2022; 151:495-513.
- KAVHU B, MASHIMBYE ZE, LUVUNO LB. Characterising social-ecological drivers of landuse/cover change in a complex transboundary basin using singular or ensemble machine learning. Remote Sensing Applications: Society and Environment 2022; 27:100773, 21 pages.
- KAVHU B, MASHIMBYE ZE, LUVUNO LB. Detecting Connectivity and Spread Pathways of Land Use/Cover Change in a Transboundary Basin Based on the Circuit Theory. Geomatics 2022; 2:518-539.
- KUPFER S, SANTAMARIA-AGUILAR S, VAN NIEKERK L, LUCK-VOGEL M, VAFEIDIS A. Investigating the interaction of waves and river discharge during compound flooding at Breede Estuary, South Africa. Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences 2022; 22:187-205.
- MACFADYEN S, ALLSOPP N, ALTWEGG R, DE KLERK HM, GIBBS RPG, LANDI P, MIDGLEY GF, MONCRIEFF GR, MUNCH Z, VISSER V, HUI C, VAN WAGENINGEN GD, ET AL. Drowning in data, thirsty for information and starved for understanding. A biodiversity information hub for cooperative environmental monitoring in South Africa. Biological Conservation 2022; 274:109736, 10pages.
- MACINTYRE PD, MUCINA L. The biomes of Western Australia: a vegetation based approach using the zonality/ azonality conceptual framework. New Zealand Journal of Botany 2022; 60(4):354-376.
- MAHLAKANYA IJ, WILLEMSE L. A living conditions index for main and backyard shacks and backyard rooms in Gauteng’s metropolitan municipalities: 2001 to 2011. Town and Regional Planning 2022; 80:21-39.
- MALLICK K, BALDOCCHI D, JARVIS A, HU T, TREBS I, SULIS M, BHATTARAI N, BOSSUNG C, EID Y, CLEVERLY J, BERINGER J, WOODGATE W, SILBERSTEIN R, HINKO-NAJERA N, MEYER W, GHENT D, SZANTOI S, ET AL. Insights Into the Aerodynamic Versus Radiometric Surface Temperature Debate in Thermal-Based Evaporation Modeling. Geophysical Research Letters 2022; 49(15):e2021GL097568, 10 pages.
- MARTINEZ-AZORIN M, CRESPO M, ALONSO-VARGAS M, PINTER M, CROUCH NR, DOLD AP, MUCINA L, PFOSSER M, WETSCHNIG W. Molecular phylogenetics of subfamily Urgineoideae (Hyacinthaceae): Toward a coherent generic circumscription informed by molecular, morphological, and distributional data. Journal of Systematics and Evolution 2023; 61(1):42-63.
- MISTRY A, SPOCTER MA. A categorization of gated eco-developments in South Africa. South African Geographical Journal 2022; 104(1):16-34.
- MISTRY A, SPOCTER MA. Exploring the “eco-ness” of South Africa’s eco-estates. Journal of Urbanism 2023; 0:1-20.
- MISTRY A, SPOCTER MA. Just sustainabilities: The case of eco-estates in South Africa. Local environment 2022; 27(2):215-228.
- MOKHELE M, GEYER HS. A theoretical foundation for investigating the spatial economic attributes of airport-centric developments. Bulletin of Geography 2021; 54:21-31.
- MUCINA L, LOTTER MC, RUTHERFORD MC, VAN NIEKERK A, MACINTYRE PD, TSAKALOS JL, TIMBERLAKEH J, ADAMS JB, RIDDEN T, MCCARTHY LK. Forest biomes of Southern Africa. New Zealand Journal of Botany 2022; 60(4):377-428.
- MUCINA L, LOTTER MC, RUTHERFORD MC, VAN NIEKERK A. Forest biomes of southern Africa. New Zealand Journal of Botany 2022; 60(4):377-428.
- MWATHUNGA EE, DONALDSON SE. Urban planning history of Malawi: case study of the capital Lilongwe. Planning Perspectives 2022; 37(4):713-733.
- NELL CM, SCHENCK C, DE WAAL JH. Waste characterisation in Stellenbosch Local Municipality, South Africa. South African Journal for Science and Technology /Suid-Afrikaanse Tydskrif vir Natuurwetenskap en Tegnologie 2022; 118(1):Art. #12795, 12 pages.
- PREISLEROVA Z, JIMENEZ-ALFARO B, MUCINA L, BERG C, BONARI G, KUZEMKO A, LANDUCCI F, MARCENO C, MONTEIRO-HENRIQUES T, NOVAK P, VYNOKUROV D, BERGMEIER E, ET AL. Distribution maps of vegetation alliances in Europe. Applied Vegetation Science 2022; 25:e12642, 12 pages.
- PRETORIUS PS, DE WAAL JH. Increasing rates of convenience food packaging use at HEIs: a case study of the Neelsie student centre, Stellenbosch University. Geography 2022; 107(2):70-78.
- RABUS B, ENGELBRECHT J, CLAGUE J, DONATI D, STEAD D, FRANCIONI M. Response of a large deep-seated gravitational slope deformation to meteorological, seismic, and deglaciation drivers as measured by InSAR. Frontiers in Earth Science 2022; 10:918901, 25 pages.
- SAVELLI E, RUSCA M, CLOKE H, FLUGEL T, KASSIEM A, BALDASSARE G. All dried up: The materiality of drought in Ladismith, South Africa. Environment and Planning E-Nature and Space 2023; 0:1-28.
- SHEBURAH ESSIEN R, SPOCTER MA. Overcoming Obstacles to the Integration of Informal Actors in Accra?s Open‑Air Marketplaces. Urban Forum 2023; 34:79–97.
- SINGH RG, MUSEKIWA C, BOTHA G, NCUME M, KEMP JN. Wind erosion susceptibility modelling along the Eastern Cape Wild Coast, South Africa. Catena 2022; 214:106262, 14 pages.
- SPOCTER MA. A Comparison of Security in City and Small-Town Gated Developments in the Western Cape province, South Africa. Journal of Asian and African Studies 2022; 57(2):165-181.
- SPOCTER MA. ‘I dont know why we have gated developments in Ceres’: crime, fear, and gated developments in nonmetropolitan towns in the Western Cape province, South Africa. African Geographical Review 2022; 41(3):350-363.
- TORO G, OTERO M, CLERICI N, SZANTOI S, GONZÁLEZ-GONZÁLEZ A, ESCOBEDO FJ. Interacting municipal-level anthropogenic and ecological disturbances drive changes in Neotropical forest carbon storage. Frontiers in Environmental Science 2022; 10:937147, 17 pages.
- TREVENEN EJ, VENEKLAAS EJ, TESTE FP, DOBROWOLSKI M, MUCINA L, RENTON M. Positive heterospecific interactions can increase long-term diversity of plant communities more than negative conspecific interactions alone. Functional Ecology 2022; 36(1):159-173.
- VAN WILGEN BW, DE KLERK HM, STELLMES M, ARCHIBALD S. An analysis of the recent fire regimes in the Angolan catchment of the Okavango Delta, Central Africa. Fire Ecology 2022; 18:13, 12 pages.
- VASAR M, DAVISON J, SEPP S, MUCINA L, OJA J, AL-QURAISHY S, ANSLAN S, BAHRAM M, GUILLERMO-BUENO C, CANTERO JJ, DECOCQ G, FRAZER L, ET AL. Global soil microbiomes: A new frontline of biome-ecology research. Global Ecology and Biogeography 2022; 31(6):1120-1132.
- VASAR M, DAVISON J, SEPP S, OJA J, AL-QURAISHY S, GUILLERMO-BUENO C, CANTERO JJ, FABIANO E, DECOCQ G, FRAZER L, HIIESALU I, MUCINA L, ET AL. Global taxonomic and phylogenetic assembly of AM fungi. MYCORRHIZA 2022; 32:135-144.
- VON FINTEL MW, KEMP JN. Small dams: determining the minimum waterbody surface area that can be successfully detected using Sentinel-1 SAR imagery. South African Journal of Geomatics (formelry South African Journal of Surveying and Geo-Information) 2022; 11(2):290-309.
- WIENER KD, SCHLEGEL P K, GRENFELL SE, VAN DER WAAL B. Contextualising sediment trapping and phosphorus removal regulating services: a critical review of the influence of spatial and temporal variability in geomorphic processes in alluvial wetlands in drylands. Wetlands Ecology and Management 2022; 30:737-770.
- WILLIAMS L, LUCK-VOGEL M. Geographic information system data considerations in the context of the enhanced bathtub model for coastal inundation. Transactions in GIS 2022; 26(7):3074-3089.
- YAKUBU I. From a cluster of villages to a city: Housing politics and the dilemmas of spatial planning in Tamale, Ghana. Land Use Policy 2021; 109:105668, 11 pages.
- ZU ERMGASSEN E, LIMA MGB, BELLFIELD H, DONTENVILLE A, GARDNER TA, GODAR J, HAILMYAR R, INDENBAUM R, DOS REIS TNP, RIBEIRO V, ABU I-O, SZANTOI S, MEYFROIDT P. Addressing indirect sourcing in zero deforestation commodity supply chains. Science Advances 2022; 8(17):eabn3132, 15 pages.
Proceedings National
- CREIGHTON AT, WILLEMSE L. Determining the socio-demographic and socio-economic factors influencing the the selection of the mode of transport to work in the City of Johannesburg and City of Tshwane. In: Sandham LA, Hansen C, Meiklejohn KI (eds.) Proceedings of the 2021 Joint Biennial Conference of the Society of South African Geographers and the Southern African Association of Geomorphologists, Makhanda, South Africa, Rhodes University 2022: 34-52.
- KRUGER CJ, WILLEMSE L. Applying the City Development Index (CDI) to measure the quality of life in the local municipalities of the Northern Cape between 2001 and 2011. In: Sandham LA, Hansen C, Meiklejohn KI (eds.) Proceedings of the 2021 Joint Biennial Conference of the Society of South African Geographers and the Southern African Association of Geomorphologists, Makhanda, South Africa, Rhodes University 2022: 1-7.
- MARCUS T, SPOCTER MA. Household hydro-resilience in a middle-class suburb during a water crisis in Cape Town, South Africa. In: Sandham LA, Hansen C, Meiklejohn KI (eds.) Proceedings of the 2021 Joint Biennial Conference of the Society of South African Geographers and the Southern African Association of Geomorphologists, Makhanda, South Africa, Rhodes University 2022: 101-114.
- VILJOEN VA, SPOCTER MA. An exploratory foray into visual street art and graffiti in South African cityscapes. In: Sandham LA, Hansen C, Meiklejohn KI (eds.) Proceedings of the 2021 Joint Biennial Conference of the Society of South African Geographers and the Southern African Association of Geomorphologists, Makhanda, South Africa, Rhodes University 2022: 30-45.
Chapters in Books
- MISTRY A, SPOCTER MA. Production of Edibles and Use of Garden Waste in Domestic Gardens of a Middle-Class Suburb in Cape Town, South Africa. In: Hardy MJ (ed.) Exploring Food and Urbanism, Routledge, Oxon, United Kingdom, 2022: 97-115.
- SPOCTER MA. Transitions in postage stamp iconography from apartheid to democracy in South Africa. In: Brunn SD (ed.) Stamps, Nationalism and Political Transition, Routledge, New York, USA, 2023: 159-172.
Doctoral completed
- IIRMDU TO. A chaos theory approach to understanding the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on tourism businesses in Plateau State, Nigeria. PhD, 2022. 292 pp. Promotor: DONALDSON SE.
- MAFAME T. Beyond procedural planning: Advancing the exploration of placemaking for urban public space improvements in South Africa . PhD, 2022. 300 pp. Promotor: HORN AJ.
- ZWEIG PJ. Deconstructing vulnerability: Exploring the lives of young black men in urban informal settlements. PhD, 2022. 262 pp. Promotor: VISSER GE.
Masters completed
Journal Articles (subsidised)
- ABU I, SZANTOI S, BRINK A, ROBUCHON M, THIEL M. Detecting cocoa plantations in Côte d’Ivoire and Ghana and their implications on protected areas. Ecological Indicators 2021; 129:107863, 13 pages.
- ALONSO-VARGAS M, CRESPO M, MARTINEZ-AZORIN M, MUCINA L. Taxonomic identity and evolutionary relationships of South African taxa related to the Spergularia media group (Caryophyllaceae). PLANT SYSTEMATICS AND EVOLUTION 2021; 307(2):1-18.
- BALIE QJ, HORN AJ. The impact of population growth on municipal revenue: Implications for South African municipalities. Development Southern Africa 2021; 38(6):1046-1058.
- BANGIRA T, IANNINI L, MENENTI M, VAN NIEKERK A, VEKERDY Z. Flood Extent Mapping in the Caprivi Floodplain Using Sentinel-1 Time Series. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing 2021; 14:5667-5683.
- BOTHA N. Agriculture vs. conservation: how Grootvadersbosch Conservancy finds the common ground. South African Geographical Journal 2020; 102(3):372-388.
- DAVISON J, MOORA M, SEMCHENKO M, ADENAN S, AHMED T, AKHMETZHANOVA A, ALATALO J, AL-QURAISHY S, ANDRIYANOVA E, ANSLAN S, BAHRAM M, BATBAATAR A, BROWN C, BUENO C, CAHILL J, CANTERO J, CASPER B, CHEROSOV M, CHIDEH S, COELHO A, MUCINA L, PRIVATE ET AL. Temperature and pH define the realised niche space of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi. New Phytologist 2021; 231(2):763-776.
- DESCALS A, WICH S, MEIJAARD E, GAVEAU D, PEEDELL S, SZANTOI S. High-resolution global map of smallholder and industrial closed-canopy oil palm plantations. Earth System Science Data 2021; 13:1211-1231.
- DOGAN D, POUCH M, MANDAKOVA T, HLOUSKOVA P, GUO X, WINTER P, CHUMOVA Z, VAN NIEKERK A, MUMMENHOFF K, AL-SHEHBAZ IA, MUCINA L, LYSAK MA. Evolution of Tandem Repeats Is Mirroring Post-polyploid Cladogenesis in Heliophila (Brassicaceae). Frontiers in Plant Science 2021; 11:1-18.
- DONALDSON SE, DU TOIT-HELMBOLD M, BOLTON A. Repositioning the Swellendam Municipal Area as a Tourist Destination: Trends, Destination Marketing and Place Branding. African Journal of Hospitality, Tourism and Leisure 2021; 10(5):1576-1589.
- DONATI D, RABUS B, ENGELBRECHT J, STEAD D, CLAGUE J, FRANCIONI M. A Robust SAR Speckle Tracking Workflow for Measuring and Interpreting the 3D Surface Displacement of Landslides. Remote Sensing 2021; 13:3048, 19 pages.
- DU PREEZ K, OSMAN M, SEDDON JA, NAIDOO P, SCHAAF HS, MUNCH Z, DUNBAR R, MVUSI L, DLAMINI SS, HESSELING AC. The impact of the evolving HIV response on the epidemiology of tuberculosis in South African children and adolescents. Clinical Infectious Diseases 2021; 73(4):e967-e975.
- GRENFELL SE, GRENFELL M, MAZVIMAVI D. Morphodynamic modelling of dryland non-perennial riverscapes, with implications for environmental water allocation. Progress in Physical Geography 2021; 45(5):757-788.
- GRENFELL SE, GRENFELL M. Characterising the late Quaternary facies stratigraphy of floodplains in South Africa. South African Journal of Geology 2021; 124(4):963-976.
- GUTH PL, VAN NIEKERK A, GROHMANN CH, MULLER J, HAWKER L, FLORINSKY I, GESCH D, REUTER H, HERRERA-CRUZ V, RIAZANOFF S, LOPEZ-VAZQUEZ C, CARABAJAL C, ALBINET C, STROBL P. Digital Elevation Models: Terminology and Definitions. Remote Sensing 2021; 13:3581, 19 pages.
- GWATE O, MANTEL SK, GIBSON L, MUNCH Z, GUSHA B, PALMER AR. The effects of Acacia mearnsii (black wattle) on soil chemistry and grass biomass production in a South African semi-arid rangeland: implications for rangeland rehabilitation. African Journal of Range and Forage Science 2021; 38(4):270-280.
- HAMMER T, RENTON M, MUCINA L, THIELE KR. Arid Australia as a source of plant diversity: the origin and climatic evolution of Ptilotus (Amaranthaceae). AUSTRALIAN SYSTEMATIC BOTANY 2021; 34(6):570-586.
- HARRIS DJ, BOULUS C, REELER J. Very high resolution above ground carbon mapping in subtropical thicket. Journal of Applied Remote Sensing 2021; 15(3):038502-1 – 038502-15.
- KALUSOVA V, CUBINO J, FRISTOE TS, CHYTRY M, VAN KLEUNEN M, DAWSON W, ESSL F, KREFT H, MUCINA L. Phylogenetic structure of alien plant species pools from European donor habitats. Global Ecology and Biogeography 2021; 30:2354-2367.
- KAVHU B, MASHIMBYE ZE, LUVUNO LB. Climate-Based Regionalization and Inclusion of Spectral Indices for Enhancing Transboundary Land-Use/Cover Classification Using Deep Learning and Machine Learning. Remote Sensing 2021; 13:5054, 24 pages.
- KUPFER S, SANTAMARIA-AGUILAR S, VAN NIEKERK L, LUCK-VOGEL M, VAFEIDIS A. Investigating the interaction of waves and river discharge during compound flooding at Breede Estuary, South Africa. NATURAL HAZARDS AND EARTH SYSTEM SCIENCES 2022; 22:187-205.
- LOSOSOVA Z, DIVISEK J, CHYTRY M, GOTZENBERGER L, TESITEL J, MUCINA L. Macroevolutionary patterns in European vegetation. Journal of Vegetation Science 2021; 32:1-13.
- LOUW GJ, ROZANOV AB, WIESE LD, VAN NIEKERK A. Soil NIR-spectroscopy and object-based landsurface segmentation for fluvial terrace level differentiation. GEOMORPHOLOGY 2021; 381:107668.
- MEDDOUR R, MUCINA L. Validation of associations, alliances and orders of the Algerian forest and scrub vegetation. Mediterranean Botany 2021; 42:1-11.
- PRINS AJ, VAN NIEKERK A. Crop type mapping using LiDAR, Sentinel-2 and aerial imagery with machine learning algorithms. Geo-Spatial Information Science 2021; 24(2):215-227.
- RIVIERA F, RENTON M, DOBROWOLSKI M, VENEKLAAS EJ, MUCINA L. Patterns and drivers of structure, diversity, and composition in species-rich shrublands restored after mining. RESTORATION ECOLOGY 2021; 29(6):13360-13373.
- SABATINI F, LENOIR J, HATTAB T, ARNST E, CHYTRY M, DENGLER J, DE RUFFRAY P, HENNEKENS SM, JANDT U, JANSEN F, JIMENEZ-ALFARO B, KATTGE J, LEVESLEY A, PILLAR V, PURSCHKE O, SANDEL B, SULTANA F, AAVIK T, ACIC S, ACOSTA A, MUCINA L, PRIVATE ET AL. sPlotOpen – An environmentally balanced, open-access, global dataset of vegetation plots. Global Ecology and Biogeography 2021; 30:1740-1764.
- SHOKR M, ABDELLATIF M, EL BAROUDY A, ELNASHAR A, ALI E, BELAL A, ATTIA W, AHMED M, ALDOSARI A, SZANTOI S, JALHOUM M, ET AL. Development of a spatial model for soil quality assessment under arid and semi-arid conditions. Sustainability 2021; 13:2893, 13 pages.
- SPOCTER MA, NAIK NR. A Spatio‑temporal Analysis of Commercial Parks in Cape Town, South Africa. Urban Forum 2021; 32:475-496.
- SPOCTER MA. A Comparison of Security in City and Small-Town Gated Developments in the Western Cape province, South Africa. Journal of Asian and African studies 2022; 57(2):165-181.
- SPOCTER MA. ‘I dont know why we have gated developments in Ceres’: crime, fear, and gated developments in nonmetropolitan towns in the Western Cape province, South Africa. African Geographical Review 2022; 0:1-14.
- STANDER JH, SANDHAM LA, VISSER GE. The Geographies of Artists and Stall holders at Afrikaans Arts Festivals, South Africa. African Journal of Hospitality, Tourism and Leisure 2021; 10(4):1630-1640.
- SZANTOI S, BRINK A, LUPI A. An update and beyond: key landscapes for conservation land cover and change monitoring, thematic and validation datasets for the African, Caribbean and Pacific region. Earth System Science Data 2021; 13:3767-3789.
- SZANTOI S, JAFFRAIN G, GALLAUN H, BIELSKI C, RUF K, LUPI A, MILETICH P, GIROUX A, CARLAN I, CROI W, AUGU H, KOWALEWSKI C, BRINK A. Quality assurance and assessment framework for land cover maps validation in the Copernicus Hot Spot Monitoring activity. European Journal of Remote Sensing 2021; 54(1):537-556.
- TAKAWIRA-NYENYA R, THIEDE J, MUCINA L. New nomenclatural and taxonomic adjustments in Dracaena (Asparagaceae). Phytotaxa 2021; 524(4):293-300.
- TESTOLIN R, CARMONA C, ATTORRE F, BORCHARDT P, BRUELHEIDE H, DOLEZAL J, FINCKH M, HAIDER S, HEMP A, JANDT U, KOROLYUK A, LENOIR J, MAKUNINA N, MALANSON G, MUCINA L, PRIVATE ET AL. Global functional variation in alpine vegetation. Journal of Vegetation Science 2021; 0:1-14.
- THEURILLAT JP, WILLNER W, FERNANDEZ-GONZALEZ F, CARNI A, GIGANTE D, MUCINA L. International Code of Phytosociological Nomenclature. 4th edition. Applied Vegetation Science 2021; 24:1-62.
- TREVENEN EJ, VENEKLAAS EJ, TESTE FP, DOBROWOLSKI M, MUCINA L. Positive heterospecific interactions can increase long-term diversity of plant communities more than negative conspecific interactions alone. Functional Ecology 2021; 36(1):159-173.
- VAN DER MERWE PDW, COTTERILL FPD, KANDZIORA M, WATTERS BR, NAGY B, GENADE T, FLUGEL T, SVENDSEN D, BELLSTEDT DU. Genomic fingerprints of palaeogeographic history: The tempo and mode of rift tectonics across tropical Africa has shaped the diversification of the killifish genus Nothobranchius (Teleostei: Cyprinodontiformes). Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 2021; 158:106988, 21 pages.
- VERMEULEN LM, MUNCH Z, PALMER AR. Fractional vegetation cover estimation in southern African rangelands using spectral mixture analysis and Google Earth Engine. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 2021; 182: 105980, 11 pages.
- VISSER GE, CLOETE J. Guest Houses, Drought and Water Management Strategies in the Cape Winelands, South Africa. African Journal of Hospitality, Tourism and Leisure 2021; 10(4):1549-1561.
- VISSER GE, MARAIS M. The Impact of COVID-19 on Safari Lodges in Northern KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa. African Journal of Hospitality, Tourism and Leisure 2021; 10(4):1683-1693.
- WILLIAMS S. I fish because I am a fisher?: Exploring livelihood and fishing practices to justify claims for access to smallscale fisheries resources in South Africa. HTS Theological Studies/ Teologiese Studies 2021; 77(3):a6585, 9 pages.
- YAKUBU I, SPOCTER MA, DONALDSON SE. ‘I cannot stand up to the authority of my chief nor the state’: reflections on development-induced housing mobility in pro-poor housing systems in Tamale, Ghana. African studies 2021; 80(2):207-229.
- YAKUBU I. From a cluster of villages to a city: Housing politics and the dilemmas of spatial planning in Tamale, Ghana. Land Use Policy 2021; 109:105668, 11 pages.
- YAN G, ALEXANDER Q, SZANTOI S, SKUTCH M. Monitoring forest disturbance using time-series MODIS NDVI in Michoacán, Mexico. Geocarto International 2021; 36(15):1768-1784.
Proceedings International
- SZANTOI S, VAN DER KERCHOVE R, TSENDBAZAR NE, HEROLD M. Next generation land cover monitoring services: Towards a flexible, user-oriented approach. IGARSS 2021 – 2021 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, Brussels, Belgium, IEEE 2021: 2070-2073.
Chapters in Books
- DONALDSON SE. Polokwane: South Africa’s Most Integrated City?. In: Lemon A, DONALDSON SE, VISSER GE (eds.) South African Urban Change Three Decades After Apartheid: Homes Still Apart?, Springer Nature, Cham, Switzerland, 2021: 149-161.
- DONALDSON SE. Small Town Tourism in South Africa Revisited. In: Rogerson CM, Rogerson J (eds.) Urban Tourism in the Global South: South African Perspectives, Springer Nature, Cham, Switzerland, 2021: 193-211.
- SPOCTER MA, DONALDSON SE. Mthatha (Umtata): From Tribal Buffer, to Homeland Capital, to Regional Integrator. In: Lemon A, DONALDSON SE, VISSER GE (eds.) South African Urban Change Three Decades After Apartheid: Homes Still Apart?, Springer, Cham, Switzerland, 2021: 179-195.
- SPOCTER MA. Kimberley: The Diamond City Has Lost Its Sparkle. In: Lemon A, DONALDSON SE, VISSER GE (eds.) South African Urban Change Three Decades After Apartheid: Homes Still Apart?, Springer, Cham, Switzerland, 2021: 215-231.
- VISSER GE, HORN AJ. Cape Town: Living Closer, Yet, Somehow Further Apart. In: Lemon A, DONALDSON SE, VISSER GE (eds.) South African Urban Change Three Decades After Apartheid: Homes Still Apart?, Springer, Cham, Switzerland, 2021: 17-33.
Research Reports
- PALMER AR, MUNCH Z, VERMEULEN LM. Modelling Catchment-Scale E Modelling Catchment-Scale Evapotranspiration and Net Primar ation and Net Primary Production in Sub-Humid African Grasslands: Towards Understanding Carbon and Water Trade-Offs in Communal Rangelands. 2021: 6 pp.
Doctoral completed
Masters completed
- BUCHANAN LJ. The status of urban heritage conservation: competency of local government in the Western Cape Province. MA, 2021. 150 pp. Studieleier: DONALDSON SE.
- HENDRICKS LL. An Analysis of Eco-Labelled Honey Practices Employed in the South African Beekeeping Industry: Implications for Agricultural Sustainability. MA, 2021. 215 pp. Studieleier: WILLIAMS S.
Journal Articles (subsidised)
- BAFFI S, DONALDSON SE, SPOCTER MA. Tourist Mobilities in Cape Town: Unveiling Practices in the Post-apartheid City. Tourism Planning and Development 2020; 17(5):537-555.
- BREYTENBACH A, VAN NIEKERK A. Analysing DEM errors over an urban region across various scales with different elevation sources. South African Geographical Journal 2020; 102(2):133-169.
- CHYTRÝ M, TICHÝ L, HENNEKENS SM, KNOLLOVÁ I, JANSSEN J, RODWELL J, PETERKA T, MARCENÒ C, LANDUCCI F, DANIHELKA J, HÁJEK M, DENGLER J, NOVÁK P, ZUKAL D, JIMÉNEZ-ALFARO B, MUCINA L, ET AL. EUNIS Habitat Classification: Expert system, characteristic species combinations and distribution maps of European habitats. Applied Vegetation Science 2020; 23:648-675.
- DE WAAL JH, WILLIAMS S. Reflections on 100 years of geography at Stellenbosch University: the role of physical and environmental geography. South African Geographical Journal 2020; 102(3):282-296.
- DONALDSON SE, FERREIRA SLA. A century of human geography of Stellenbosch University: Reflections on Urban and tourism Geography. South African Geographical Journal 2020; 102(3):327-343.
- DONALDSON SE, FORSSMAN AO. Opening up to the World’: An Exploration of Residents’ Opinions on and Perceptions of St Helena Island’s Tourism Development. African Journal of Hospitality, Tourism and Leisure 2020; 9(6):944-958.
- DONALDSON SE, HYMAN G, DUCEMAN K, KASHIWAGI URARA, LUTZ VIOLA, STOLA IVAN, ZAPATA ISIDORA. Factors Affecting the Functionality of Ward Committees in Heterogeneous Communities in Cape Town. Journal of Public Administration 2019; 54(2):307-324.
- DONALDSON SE. Introduction to reflections on a century of geography at Stellenbosch University. South African Geographical Journal 2020; 102(3):273-281.
- GAO Y, QUEVEDO A, SZANTOI S, SKUTSCH M. Monitoring forest disturbance using time-series MODIS NDVI in Michoacán, Mexico. Geocarto International 2021; 1:1-18.
- GONCHARENKO I, SEMENISHCHENKOV Y, TSAKALOS JL, MUCINA L. Thermophilous oak forests of the steppe and forest-steppe zones of Ukraine and Western Russia. BIOLOGIA 2020; 75(3):337-353.
- GRENFELL SE, MAMPHOKA M, GRENFELL M, JOB N. Evaluating the potential for natural ecosystem recovery in cut-and-fill wetlands: case study of Pietersielieskloof palmiet wetland, South Africa. WETLANDS ECOLOGY AND MANAGEMENT 2020; 28:863-882.
- HACKING CJ, POONA NK, POBLETE CA. Vineyard yield estimation using 2-D proximal sensing: a multitemporal approach. OENO One 2020; 4:793-812.
- HONGWEI Z, BINGFANG WU, SHUAI W, MUSAKWA W, FUYOU T, MASHIMBYE ZE, POONA NK, MAVENGAHAMA S. A Synthesizing Land-cover Classification Method Based on Google Earth Engine: A Case Study in Nzhelele and Levhuvu Catchments, South Africa. Chinese Geographical Science 2020; 30(3):397-409.
- HORN AJ. Reviewing Implications of Urban Growth Management and Spatial Governance in the Global South. Planning practice and research 2020; 35(4):452-465.
- HORN AJ. The Darker Side of Muddling Through: an Analysis of Spatial Planning Policy Decision-Making and Policy Termination in Cape Town, South Africa. Urban Forum 2020; 31:573-598.
- HORN AJ. Urban growth management and governance in the Global South: An overview and some implications. Journal of Public Administration 2020; 55(1):5-25.
- JACKLIN DM, BRINK IC, DE WAAL JH. The potential use of plant species within a Renosterveld landscape for the phytoremediation of glyphosate and fertiliser. Water SA 2020; 46(1):94-103.
- KATTGE J, DÍAZ S, TAUTENHAHN S, WERNER G, AAKALA T, ABEDI M, ACOSTA A, ADAMIDIS G, AIBA M, ALBERT C, TREURNICHT M, MUCINA L. TRY plant trait database – enhanced coverage and open access. Global Change Biology 2020; 26:119-188.
- KÜZMIč F, ŠILC U, LOSOSOVÁ Z, MUCINA L, CHYTRÝ M, KNOLLOVÁ I, HENNEKENS SM, BERG C, BERGMEIER E, BIURRUN I, FANFARILLO E, FONT X, ET AL. European Weed Vegetation Database – a gap-focused vegetation-plot database. PHYTOCOENOLOGIA 2020; 50(1):93-100.
- LOGGENBERG K, POONA NK. A Feature Selection Approach for Terrestrial Hyperspectral Image Analysis. South African Journal of Geomatics (formelry South African Journal of Surveying and Geo-Information) 2020; 9(2):302-320.
- MACINTYRE PD, VAN NIEKERK A, MUCINA L. Efficacy of multi-season Sentinel-2 imagery for compositional vegetation classification. International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation 2020; 85:101980, 10 pages.
- MAPONYA MG, VAN NIEKERK A, MASHIMBYE ZE. Pre-harvest classification of crop types using a Sentinel-2 time-series and machine learning. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 2020; 169:105164, 12 pages.
- MEIJAARD E, BROOKS TM, CARLSON K, SLADE E, GARCIA-ULLOA J, GAVEAU D, SER HUAY LEE J, SANTIKA T, JUFFE-BIGNOLI D, STRUEBIG M, WICH S, ANCRENAZ M, ET AL, SZANTOI S. The environmental impacts of palm oil in context. Nature Plants 2020; 6:1418-1426.
- MISTRY A, SPOCTER MA. A categorization of gated eco-developments in South Africa. South African Geographical Journal 2021; 1:1-19.
- MISTRY A, SPOCTER MA. Production of Edibles and Use of Garden Waste in Domestic Gardens of a Middle-Class Suburb in Cape Town, South Africa. Journal of Urbanism 2020; 13(1):114-132.
- MUCINA L. Biomes are everybody’s kingdom:a platform where ecology and biogeography meet. New Phytologist 2020; 228:1463-1466.
- MULLER SJ, SITHOLE P, SINGELS A, VAN NIEKERK A. Assessing the fidelity of Landsat-based fAPAR models in two diverse sugarcane growing regions. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 2020; 170:105248, 12 pages.
- MUNCH Z. Global and local patterns of landscape change accuracy. ISPRS JOURNAL OF PHOTOGRAMMETRY AND REMOTE SENSING 2020; 161:264-277.
- MUSAKWA W, SHUAI W, FANGLI W, LERATO MO, MASALA MT, SYDNEY M, ZENG H, BINGFANG WU, WENWU Z, NYATHI N, MASHIMBYE ZE, POONA NK, ET AL. Survey of Community Livelihoods and Landscape Change along the Nzhelele and Levuvhu River Catchments in Limpopo Province, South Africa. Land 2020; 9:91, 23 pages.
- PRINS AJ, VAN NIEKERK A. Crop type mapping using LiDAR, Sentinel-2 and aerial imagery with machine learning algorithms. Geo-Spatial Information Science 2021; 1:1-13.
- PRINS AJ, VAN NIEKERK A. Regional Mapping of Vineyards Using Machine Learning and LiDAR Data. International Journal of Applied Geospatial Research 2020; 11(4):1-22.
- SAAED M, JACOBS SM, MASUBELELE ML, MUNCH Z, SAMUELS I, KHOMO L. Fifteen-year resilience against further degradation of Succulent Karoo vegetation in South Africa. JOURNAL OF ARID ENVIRONMENTS 2020; 178:104152.
- SPOCTER MA, VISSER GE, DE WAAL JH. An overview of trends in geographical publication at Stellenbosch University. South African Geographical Journal 2020; 102(3):297-309.
- SZANTOI S, BRINK A, LUPI A, MAMMONE C, JAFFRAIN G. Key landscapes for conservation land cover and change monitoring, thematic and validation datasets for sub-Saharan Africa. Earth System Science Data 2020; 12:3001-3019.
- SZANTOI S, GELLER G, TSENDBAZAR NE, SEE L, GRIFFITHS P, FRITZ S, GONGG P, HEROLD M, MORA B, OBREGÓN A. Addressing the need for improved land cover map products for policy support. ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE & POLICY 2020; 112:28-35.
- VAN NIEKERK A, MUNCH Z. The GIS revolution as Stellenbosch’s anchor identity. South African Geographical Journal 2020; 102(3):310-326.
- VESELÝ P, ŠMARDA P, BUREŠ P, STIRTON C, MUASYA S, MUCINA L, HOROVÁ L, VESELÁ K, ŠILEROVÁ A, ŠMERDA J, KNÁPEK O. Environmental pressures on stomatal size may drive plant genome size evolution: evidence from a natural experiment with Cape geophytes. Annals of Botany 2020; 126(2):323-330.
- WIENER KD, SIMAIKA JP, GRENFELL SE, JACOBS SM. Effects of invasive N2-fixing Acacia mearnsii on sediment nutrient concentrations in mountain streams: Implications of sediment geochemistry for ecosystem recovery. CATENA 2020; 195:104786, 12 pages.
- YAKUBU I, SPOCTER MA. To move against the odds: A portrait of socio-spiritual underpinnings of residential mobility decisions in pro-poor housing systems of Tamale, Ghana. Cities 2020; 105:102698, 8 pages.
Journal Articles (NON-subsidised)
- BOCCIA V, SZANTOI S. Copernicus Sentinel-2 Mission: Calibration and Validation activities. Global Space-based Inter-Calibration system 2020; 14(1):1-20.
- VISSER GE, DE WAAL JH. A Century of Geography at Stellenbosch University. African Sun Media, Stellenbosch, South Africa 2020:97 pp.
Chapters in Books
- ADAMS CF, DONALDSON SE. In the footsteps of street busker groups in Stellenbosch. In: DONALDSON SE (ed.) Human Geographies of Stellenbosch: Transforming Space, Preserving Place?, African Sun Media, Stellenbosch, South Africa, 2020: 171-182.
- BUCHANAN LJ, DONALDSON SE. Urban heritage conservation in Stellenbosch. In: DONALDSON SE (ed.) Human Geographies of Stellenbosch: Transforming Space, Preserving Place?, African Sun Media, Stellenbosch, South Africa, 2020: 49-70.
- CELE NM, PHAROAH RM. Throw-away people: Insights on community waste-disposal behaviours in informal Kayamandi. In: DONALDSON SE (ed.) Human Geographies of Stellenbosch: Transforming Space, Preserving Place?, African Sun Media, Stellenbosch, South Africa, 2020: 139-153.
- DONALDSON SE, DUCKITT HC. Geographies and branding impacts of non-metropolitan music festivals in the Western Cape province of South Africa. In: Cudny W, Bagchi-Sen S (eds.) Urban Events, Place Branding and Promotion, Routledge, USA, 2020: 141-161.
- DONALDSON SE, MARAIS L, NEL E. Secondary cities in South Africa. In: Massey R, Gunter A (eds.) Urban Geography in South Africa: Perspectives and Theory, Springer Nature, Cham, Switzerland, 2020: 121-137.
- DONALDSON SE. Stellenbosch as laboratory for human geography research. In: DONALDSON SE (ed.) Human Geographies of Stellenbosch: Transforming Space, Preserving Place?, African Sun Media, Stellenbosch , South Africa, 2020: 1-13.
- DU PLESSIS DJ, HORN AJ. Evolution of spatial plans in Stellenbosch. In: DONALDSON SE (ed.) Human Geographies of Stellenbosch: Transforming Space, Preserving Place?, African Sun Media, Stellenbosch, South Africa, 2020: 13-30.
- FERREIRA SLA, GORDON NA. The evolution and life cycle of the Stellenbosch Food and Wine Festival. In: DONALDSON SE (ed.) Human Geographies of Stellenbosch: Transforming Space, Preserving Place?, African Sun Media, Stellenbosch, South Africa, 2020: 203-226.
- FERREIRA SLA. Wine tourism development: Lifecycles of Wine Routes, Wine resorts and Lifestyles in the Cape Wine lands. In: Rogerson J, VISSER GE (eds.) New Directions in South African Tourism Geographies, Springer, Cham, Switzerland, 2020: 203-226.
- HILLYER R, HORN AJ. Planning for informal spaces in Stellenbosch: The need for participatory design. In: DONALDSON SE (ed.) Human Geographies of Stellenbosch: Transforming Space, Preserving Place?, African Sun Media, Stellenbosch, South Africa, 2020: 153-171.
- KRUGER R, DONALDSON SE. Densification in the ‘absence’ of policy: The case of Die Weides, Stellenbosch, 2000 – 2016. In: DONALDSON SE (ed.) Human Geographies of Stellenbosch: Transforming Space, Preserving Place?, African Sun Media, Stellenbosch, South Africa, 2020: 31-48.
- LIGHT RA, DONALDSON SE. Spatial residential changes of the Jamestown rural hamlet. In: DONALDSON SE (ed.) Human Geographies of Stellenbosch: Transforming Space, Preserving Place?, African Sun Media, Stellenbosch, South Africa, 2020: 71-88.
- MAKAN TJ, SPOCTER MA. Backyarders and backyard dwellings in Smartie Town, Cloetesville. In: DONALDSON SE (ed.) Human Geographies of Stellenbosch: Transforming Space, Preserving Place?, African Sun Media, Stellenbosch, South Africa, 2020: 123-138.
- MORELAND M, ZWEIG PJ. Urban risk and the lived experience of communal ablutionfacilities in Kayamandi. In: DONALDSON SE (ed.) Human Geographies of Stellenbosch: Transforming Space, Preserving Place?, African Sun Media, Stellenbosch, South Africa, 2020: 107-122.
- MULLER SJ, VAN NIEKERK A. Within-Field Monitoring of Secondary Salinity in Irrigated Areas of South Africa. In: Lal R, Stewart BA (eds.) Soil Degradation and Restoration in Africa, CRC Press – Taylor & Francis Group, New York, USA, 2020: 89-110.
- ROGERSON J, VISSER GE. Recent Trends in South African Tourism Geographies. In: Rogerson J, VISSER GE (eds.) Geographies of Tourism and Global Change, Springer Nature, Cham, Switzerland, 2020: 1-14.
- VENEMA J, SPOCTER MA, DONALDSON SE. Retail transformations in Stellenbosch: Central business district versus the decentralised mall. In: DONALDSON SE (ed.) Human Geographies of Stellenbosch: Transforming Space, Preserving Place? African Sun Media, Stellenbosch, South Africa, 2020: 89-106.
- VILJOEN VA, DONALDSON SE. Residents’ perceptions and understanding of public art in Stellenbosch. In: DONALDSON SE (ed.) Human Geographies of Stellenbosch: Transforming Space, Preserving Place? African Sun Media, Stellenbosch, South Africa, 2020: 183-202.
- VISSER GE, EASTES N. Mainstreaming Guesthouses: Reflections on the Evolution of South Africa’s First Alternative Tourist Accommodation Sector. In: Rogerson J, VISSER GE (eds.) New Directions in South African Tourism Geographies, Springer Nature, Switzerland, Zaire, 2020: 75-92.
- VISSER GE. Leisure tourism space and urban change: Lessons from Cape Town and Stellenbosch to contemplate in urban South Africa. In: Massey R, Gunter A (eds.) Urban Geography in South Africa: Perspectives and Theory, Springer International, Cham, Switzerland, 2020: 173-188.
Research Reports
- CAMPETELLA G, CHELLI S, SIMONETTI E, DAMIANI C, BARTHA S, WELLSTEIN C, GIORGINI D, PULETTI N, MUCINA L, CERVELLINI M, CANULLO R. Plant functional traits are correlated with species persistence in the herb layer of old‑growth beech forests. 2020: 13 pp.
Doctoral completed
- WILLIAMS L. Developing a Spatial Risk Profile: Assessing Building Vulnerability to Extreme Coastal Inundation Hazard. PhD, 2020. 186 pp.
Masters completed
Journal Articles (subsidised)
- ADENIYI SA, DE CLERCQ WP, VAN NIEKERK A. Assessing the relationship between soil quality parameters of Nigerian alfisols and cocoa yield. AGROFORESTRY SYSTEMS 2019; 93:1235-1250.
- BANGIRA T, ALFIERI SM, MENENTI M, VAN NIEKERK A. Comparing Thresholding with Machine Learning Classifiers for Mapping Complex Water. Remote Sensing 2019; 11:1-21.
- BEKKER GFHVG, ADDISON MF, ADDISON P, VAN NIEKERK A. Using machine learning to identify the geographical drivers of Ceratitis capitata trap catch in an agricultural landscape. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 2019; 162:582-592.
- BEKKER GFHVG, BAARD N, ADDISON MF, VAN NIEKERK A, ADDISON P. The area-wide spatio-temporal distribution of Ceratitis capitata (Wiedemann) (Diptera: Tephritidae) in a heterogenous fruit production region of the Western Cape, South Africa. African Entomology 2019; 27:97-113.
- BORDELON LA, FERREIRA SLA. Mountain biking is for (white, wealthy, middle-aged) men: the Cape Epic mountain bike race. Journal of Sport and Tourism 2019; 23(1):41-59.
- DESCALS A, SZANTOI S, ET AL, WICH S. Oil Palm (Elaeis guineensis) Mapping with Details: Smallholder versus Industrial Plantations and their Extent in Riau, Sumatra. Remote Sensing 2019; 11(21):1-16.
- FERREIRA SLA, BEUSTER LRN. Stellenbosch coffee society: Societal and locational preferences. Urbani izziv 2019; 30:64-81.
- GEYER HS, MOSIDI N. Diffirential demographic transitions for Women of different ethnicities in Gauteng, South Africa, 1996 – 2011. Regional Science Policy and Practice 2019; 11:159-171.
- GEYER HS, QUIN LRW. Social diversity and modal choice strategies in mixedland-use development in South Africa. South African Geographical Journal 2019; 101(1):1-21.
- GEYER HS. Evaluating Ecological, Subcultural and Political Approaches to Neighbourhood Change and Neighbourhood Poverty. Housing, theory and society 2019; 36(2):189-205.
- GIBSON L, ENGELBRECHT J, RUSH D. Detecting historic informal settlement fires with sentinel 1 and 2 satellite data – Two case studies in Cape Town. Fire Safety Journal 2019; 108:1-15.
- GIGANTE D, CARNI A, BULTMANN H, FERNANDEZ-GONZALEZ F, MUCINA L, THEURILLAT JP, WILLNER W. Decision on Nomenclatural Proposals (1), (16) and (18). PHYTOCOENOLOGIA 2019; 49(3):309-310.
- GWATE O, MANTEL SK, FINCA A, MUNCH Z, PALMER AR. Estimating evapotranspiration in semi-arid rangelands: connecting reference to actual evapotranspiration and the role of soil evaporation. African Journal of Range and Forage Science 2019; 36(1):1-9.
- HACKING CJ, POONA NK, MANZAN N, POBLETE CA. Investigating 2-D and 3-D Proximal Remote Sensing Techniques for Vineyard Yield Estimation. SENSORS 2019; 19:3652.
- HARRIS DJ, VAN NIEKERK A. Radiometric homogenisation of aerial images by calibrating with satellite data. International Journal of Remote Sensing 2019; 40(7):2623-2647.
- HARRIS L, BESSINGER M, DAYARAM A, HOLNESS S, KIRKMAN S, LIVINGSTONE T, LOMBARD AT, LUCK-VOGEL M, PFAFF MC, SINK KJ, SKOWNO A, VAN NIEKERK L. Advancing land-sea integration for ecologically meaningful coastal conservation and management. Biological Conservation 2019; 237:81-89.
- HOPKE J, MUCINA L, ALBACH DC. Phylogenetic and morphometric analysis of Plantago section Coronopus (Plantaginaceae). TAXON 2019; 68(2):315-339.
- HORN AJ. The history of urban growth management in South Africa: tracking the origin and current status of urban edge policies in three metropolitan municipalities. Planning Perspectives 2019; 34(6):959-977.
- JACKLIN DM, BRINK IC, DE WAAL JH. Laboratory method design for investigating the phytoremediation of polluted water. Water SA 2019; 45(4):608-615.
- JAKOET A, MUCINA L, MAGEE A. The pseudo-radiate buttons: A taxonomic revision of the Cotula turbinata group (Asteraceae; Anthemideae) and the description of two new species. South African Journal of Botany 2019; 121:282-293.
- KONTSIWE N, VISSER GE. Tourism as a vehicle for local economic development in small towns? When things go wrong: The case of Aliwal North, South Africa. Geojournal of Tourism and Geosites 2019; 27(4):1334-1346.
- LOUW GJ, VAN NIEKERK A. Object-based land surface segmentation scale optimisation: An ill-structured problem. GEOMORPHOLOGY 2019; 327:377-384.
- LUCK-VOGEL M, MBOLAMBI C. Assessment of coastal Strandveld integrity usingWorldView-2 imagery in False Bay, South Africa. South African Journal of Botany 2018; 116:150-157.
- MAGADZIRE N, DE KLERK HM, ESLER KJ, SLINGSBY JA. Fire and life history affect the distribution of plant species in a biodiversity hotspot. Diversity and Distributions 2019; 12921:1-12.
- MARCENO C, GUARINO R, MUCINA L, BIURRUN I, DEIL U. A formal classification of the Lygeum spartum vegetation of the Mediterranean Region. Applied Vegetation Science 2019; 22:593-608.
- MARTINEZ-AZORIN M, CRESPO M, ALONSO-VARGAS M, DOLD AP, CROUCH NR, MUCINA L. New combinations in the tribe Urgineeae (Asparagaceae subfam. Scilloideae) with comments on contrasting taxonomic treatments. Phytotaxa 2019; 397(4):291-299.
- MASHIMBYE ZE, DE CLERCQ WP, VAN NIEKERK A. Assessing the influence of DEM source on derived streamline and catchment boundary accuracy. Water SA 2019; 45(4):672-684.
- MUCINA L, HAMMER T. Limonium dagmarae (Plumbaginaceae), a new species from Namaqualand coast, South Africa. Phytotaxa 2019; 403(2):71-85.
- MUCINA L. Biome: evolution of a crucial ecological and biogeographical concept. New Phytologist 2019; 222:97-114.
- MUNCH Z, GIBSON L, PALMER AR. Monitoring Effects of Land Cover Change on Biophysical Drivers in Rangelands Using Albedo. Land 2019; 8(33):1-25.
- OTTAVIANI G, KEPPEL G, MARCANTONIO M, MUCINA L, WARDELL-JOHNSON G. Woody species in resource-rich microrefugia of granite outcrops display unique functional signatures. Austral Ecology 2019; 44:575-580.
- PEROLD PR, DONALDSON SE, DEVISCH O. Architecture in Southern African informal settlements: A contextually appropriate intervention. Urbani izziv 2019; 30:96-111.
- POONA NK, ISMAIL R. Developing optimized spectral indices using machine learning to model Fusarium circinatum stress in Pinus radiata seedlings. Journal of Applied Remote Sensing 2019; 13(3):034515(2019).
- RITCHIE M, DEBBA P, LUCK-VOGEL M, GOODDALL V. Assessment of Accuracy: Systematic Reduction of Training Points for Maximum Likelihood Classification and Mixture Discriminant Analysis (Gaussian and t-distribution). South African Journal of Geomatics (formerly South African Journal of Surveying and Geo-Information) 2018; 7(2):132-146.
- SZANTOI S, STROBL P. Copernicus Sentinel-2 Calibration and Validation. European Journal of Remote Sensing 2019; 52(1):253-255.
- TSAKALOS JL, RENTON M, DOBROWOLSKI M, VENEKLAAS EJ, MACINTYRE PD, ET AL, MUCINA L. Composition and ecological drivers of the kwongan scrub and woodlands in the northern Swan Coastal Plain, Western Australia. Austral Ecology 2019; 44:906-916.
- TSAKALOS JL, RENTON M, RIVIERA F, VENEKLAAS EJ, DOBROWOLSKI M, MUCINA L. Trait-based formal definition of plant functional types and functional communities in the multi-species and multi-traits context. Ecological Complexity 2019; 40:1476-945x.
- VISSER GE, KISTING D. Studentification in Stellenbosch, South Africa. Urbani izziv 2019; 30:158-177.
- WATKINS B, VAN NIEKERK A. A comparison of object-based image analysis approaches for field boundary delineation using multi-temporal Sentinel-2 imagery. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 2019; 158:294-302.
- WATKINS B, VAN NIEKERK A. Automating field boundary delineation with multi-temporal Sentinel-2 imagery. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 2019; 167:0168 – 1699.
Journal Articles (NON-subsidised)
- LUCK-VOGEL M, ET AL, WILLIAMS L. Guidelines for coastal lidar. PositionIT 2018; 32:17-22.
Proceedings National
- RITCHIE M, DEBBA P, GOODDALL V, LUCK-VOGEL M. SUB-PIXEL LAND COVER CLASSIFICATION IN A RESOURCE CONSTRAINED ENVIRONMENT: ONE STUDY AREA, THREE ALGORITHMS AND SEVEN IMAGES – WHAT CAN WE LEARN?. In: Santana L (ed.) The 61st conference of the South African Statistical Association, South Africa, Nelson Mandela University 2019: 49-57.
Chapters in Books
- DONALDSON SE, DUCKITT HC. Geographies and branding impacts of non-metropolitan music festivals in the Western Cape province of South Africa. In: Cudny W (ed.) Urban events, place branding and promotion – Place Event Marketing, Routledge, , 2019: 141-161.
- DONALDSON SE, HORN AJ. Drakenstein: The Shining Pearl in the shadow of the Cape Town Metro. In: Marais L, Nel V (eds.) Space and Planning in Secondary Cities: Reflections from South Africa, Sun Media, Bloemfontein, South Africa, 2019: 41-66.
- DU PLESSIS DJ. Stellenbosch: Change comes to a Historical University. In: Marais L, Nel V (eds.) Space and Planning in Secondary Cities: Reflections from South Africa, Sun Media, Bloemfontein, South Africa, 2019: 239-263.
- FERREIRA SLA. Management of a mature destination: Kruger National Park, South Africa. In: Mkono M (ed.) Positive tourism in Africa, Routledge, , 2019: 230-244.
- GEYER HS. Gateway Cities, Under-Connected Cities and Largely Disconnected Cities in Global Value Chains in Sub-Saharan Africa. In: Scholvin S, Black A, Diez J, Turok I (eds.) Value Chains in Sub-Saharan Africa, Springer Nature Switzerland AG, Switzerland, 2019: 221-234.
- GEYER HS. Global Value Chain Participation and Trade Barriers in Sub-Saharan Africa. In Value Chains in Sub-Saharan Africa. In: Scholvin S, Black A, Diez J, Turok I (eds.) Value Chains in Sub-Saharan Africa, Springer Nature Switzerland AG, Switzerland, 2019: 13-26.
- MARAIS L, DU PLESSIS DJ, NEL V, CLOETE J. Secondary Cities and Spatial Transformation in South Africa. In: Marais L, Nel V (eds.) Space and Planning in Secondary Cities – Reflections from South Africa, Sun Media, Bloemfontein, South Africa, 2019: 1-24.
- MARX JT, VAN DER MERWE JH. Spatial decision support for military integrated environmental management in South Africa. In: SMIT HAP, BEZUIDENHOUT J (eds.) Contemporary Military geosciences in South Africa, African Sun Media, Stellenbosch , South Africa, 2019: 81-111.
- MULLER SJ, VAN NIEKERK A. Within-Field Monitoring of Secondary Salinity in Irrigated Areas of the South. In: Lal R (ed.) Soil degradation and restoration in Africa, Taylor & Francis Group, Ohio, USA, 209: 89-110.
- VISSER GE. Gentrification in South African Cities. In: Knight J, Rogerson CM (eds.) The Geography of South Africa – Contemporary Changes and New Directions, Springer Nature Switzerland AG, Cham , Switzerland, 2019: 1-326.
- VISSER GE. The challenge of tourism and urban economic (re)development in southern cities. In: Muller D (ed.) A Research Agenda for Tourism Geographies, Edward Elgar, USA, 2019: 107-115.
Research Reports
- VAN NIEKERK A, MULLER SJ, PAUW T, STEPHENSON GR, MASHIMBYE ZE, HAARHOFF D. Salt accumulation and waterlogging monitoring system (SAWMS) development. 2019: 96 pp.
Doctoral completed
- BANGIRA T. Mapping Surface Water In Complex And Heterogeneous Environments Using Remote Sensing . PhD, 2019. 192 pp.
- DU PLESSIS DJ. The impact of spatial planning on the structure of South African cities since 1994 . PhD, 2019. 0 pp.
- HORN AJ. An analysis of an urban edge as urban growth management instrument: Cape Town, South Africa . PhD, 2019. 199 pp.
- YAMUNGU N. “Piecemeal planning: An analysis of local realities and adoption of urban planning approaches in Tanzanian small towns of Mlandizi and Sirari.” . PhD, 2019. 0 pp.
Masters completed
- LUSHOZI NQ. Remote sensing approach for examining changes in water use in relation to climate variability and land cover change . MSc, 2019. 153 pp.
- WATKINS B. Agricultural field boundary delineation using earth observation methods and multi-temporal Sentinel-2 imagery. MSc, 2019. 97 pp.
Journal Articles (subsidised)
- BORDELON LA, FERREIRA SLA. Going off-road: The Stellenbosch Winelands as a mountain biking destination. African Journal for Physical Activity and Health Sciences (AJPHES). Formerly African Journal for Physical, Health Education, Recreation and Dance (AJPHERD) 2018;24(4):659-672.
- BRAND A, GEYER HS, GEYER HS. Corridor development in Gauteng, South Africa. Geojournal: an International Journal on Human Geography 2017; 82(2):311-327.
- DE KLERK HM, BURGESS ND, VISSER V. Probabilistic description of vegetation ecotones using remote sensing. Ecological Informatics 2018; 46:125-132.
- DE SMEDT P , OTTAVIANI G, WARDELL-JOHNSON G, SYKORA K.V, MUCINA L. Habitat heterogeneity promotes intraspecific trait variability of shrub species in Australian granite inselbergs. FOLIA GEOBOTANICA 2018; 53:133-145.
- DZUMBIRA W, GEYER HS, GEYER HS. Measuring the spatial economic impact of the Maputo Development Corridor. Development Southern Africa 2017; 34(5):635-651.
- FERREIRA SLA. Tourism through the lens of a human geographer: a view from the South . Tourism Geographies 2018; 20(1):178-181.
- GARCÍA MA, NICKRENT DL , MUCINA L. Thesium nautimontanum, a new species of Thesiaceae (Santalales) from South Africa. PhytoKeys 2018; 109:41-51.
- GEYER HS, MOLAYI RSA. Job-Employed Resident Imbalance and Travel Time in Gauteng: Exploring the Determinants of Longer Travel Time. Urban Forum 2018; 29:33-50.
- GEYER HS, NGIDI N, MANS G. Do social grants contribute to the jobless population growth in the former South African homelands. Town and Regional Planning 2018; 72:58-69.
- GIBSON L , MUNCH Z, PALMER AR, MANTEL SK. Future land cover change scenarios in South African grasslands?implications of altered biophysical drivers on land management. Heliyon 2018; 4:e00693, 35 pages.
- GWATE O, MANTEL SK, GIBSON L , MUNCH Z, PALMER AR. Exploring dynamics of evapotranspiration in selected land cover classes in a sub-humid grassland: A case study in quaternary catchment S50E, South Africa. JOURNAL OF ARID ENVIRONMENTS 2018; 157:66-76.
- GWATE O, MANTEL SK, PALMER AR, GIBSON L , MUNCH Z. Measuring and modelling evapotranspiration in a South African grassland: Comparison of two improved Penman-Monteith formulations. Water SA 2018; 44(3):482-494.
- HAMMER T, MACINTYRE PD, NGE F, DAVIS RW, MUCINA L, THIELE KR . The noble and the exalted: a multidisciplinary approach to resolving a taxonomic controversy within Ptilotus (Amaranthaceae). AUSTRALIAN SYSTEMATIC BOTANY 2018; 31:262-280.
- HARRIS DJ, VAN NIEKERK A. Feature clustering and ranking for selecting stable features from high dimensional remotely sensed data. International Journal of Remote Sensing 2018; 39(23):8934-8949.
- HARRIS DJ, VLOK J, VAN NIEKERK A. Regional mapping of spekboom canopy cover using very high resolution aerial imagery. Journal of Applied Remote Sensing 2018; 12(4):046022-1 – 046022-22.
- HORN AJ, VAN EEDEN A. Measuring sprawl in the Western Cape Province, South Africa: An urban sprawl index for comparative purposes. Regional Science Policy and Practice 2018; 10:15-23.
- HORN AJ, VAN EEDEN A. The application of an Urban Sprawl Index for comparative purposes in towns and cities in the Western Cape Province, South Africa. South African Journal of Geomatics (formerly South African Journal of Surveying and Geo-Information) 2018;7(3):257-267.
- HORN AJ. Letting go: Evaluating spatial outcomes and political decision-making heralding the termination of the urban edge in Cape Town, South Africa. Land Use Policy 2018; 78:176-184.
- KALUSOVÁ V, CHYTRY M, VAN KLEUNEN M, MUCINA L. Naturalization of European plants on other continents: The role of donor habitats. Ecology 2017; 114(52):13756-13761.
- KELLY PJ, GEYER HS. The Regulatory Governance of Retail Electricity Tariff Setting in South Africa. Regional Science Policy and Practice 2018; 10(3):203-220.
- KGANTSI ME, GEYER HS, GEYER HS. Intra-metropolitan corridor development in the City of Johannesburg and the Social Welfare. Regional Science Policy and Practice 2018; 10:69-86.
- LENGYEL A, LANDUCCI F, MUCINA L, TSAKALOS JL, BOTTA-DUKAT Z. Joint optimization of cluster number and abundance transformation for obtaining effective vegetation classifications. Journal of Vegetation Science 2018; 29:336-347.
- LOGGENBERG K, POONA NK, STREVER AE, GREYLING BT. Modelling Water Stress in a Shiraz Vineyard Using Hyperspectral Imaging and Machine Learning. Remote Sensing 2018; 10(202):1-14.
- MACINTYRE PD, VAN NIEKERK A, DROBOWOLSKI MP, TSAKALOS JL, MUCINA L. Impact of ecological redundancy on the performance of machine learning classifiers in vegetation mapping. Ecology and Evolution 2018; 8:6728-6737.
- MATEVSKI V, CARNI A, CUSTEREVSKA R, KOSTADINOVSKI M, MUCINA L. Syntaxonomy and biogeography of dry grasslands on calcareous substrates in the Central and Southern Balkans. Applied Vegetation Science 2018; 21:488-513.
- MOKHELE M, GEYER HS. A theoretical framework for airport-centric developments: The cases of OR Tambo and Cape Town International airports in South Africa. African Journal of Science, Technology, Innovation and Development 2018; 10(4):493-506.
- MUCINA L, PODANI J, FEOLI E. David W Goodall (1914 – 2018): An ecologist of the century. Community Ecology 2018; 19(1):93-101.
- MUCINA L. Vegetation of Brazilian campos rupestres on siliceous substrates and their global analogues. Flora 2018; 238:11-23.
- MWATHUNGA EE, DONALDSON SE. Urban land contestations, challenges and planning strategies in Malawi’s main urban centres . Land Use Policy 2018; 77:1-8.
- OTTAVIANI G, TSAKALOS JL, KEPPEL G, MUCINA L. Quantifying the effects of ecological constraints on trait expression using novel trait-gradient analysis parameters. Ecology and Evolution 2018; 8:435-440.
- ROUX DJ, GEYER HS. Demographic transitions in South Africa cities: An Analysis of household structures in the City of Tshwane. Regional Science Policy and Practice 2017; 9(3):165-182.
- RUCH WCL, GEYER HS. Public capital investment, economic growth and poverty reduction in South African Municipalities. Regional Science Policy and Practice 2017; 9(4):269-285.
- SMIT HAP, VAN DER MERWE JH. Military Environmental Literacy in the South African Army. Scientia Militaria: South African Journal of Military Studies 2018; 46(1):59-77.
- SPOCTER MA. A toponymic investigation of South African gated communities. South African Geographical Journal 2018; 100(3):326-348.
- STRONA G, STRINGER SD, VIELLEDENT G, SZANTOI S, ET AL . Small room for compromise between oil palm cultivation and primate conservation in Africa. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 2018; 115(35):8811-8816.
- TAKAWIRA-NYENYA R, MUCINA L, CARDINAL-MCTEAGUE WM, THIELE KR . Sansevieria (Asparagaceae, Nolinoideae) is a herbaceous clade within Dracaena: inference from non-coding plastid and nuclear DNA sequence data. Phytotaxa 2018; 376(2):254-276.
- TSAKALOS JL, RENTON M, DROBOWOLSKI MP, FEOLI E, MACINTYRE PD, VENEKLAAS EJ, MUCINA L. Community patterns and environmental drivers in hyper-diverse kwongan scrub vegetation of Western Australia. Applied Vegetation Science 2018; 21:694-722.
- TSENDBAZAR NE, HEROLD M, DE BRUIN S, LESIV M, FRITZ S, SZANTOI S, PEKEL J, ET AL . Developing and applying a multi-purpose land cover validation dataset for Africa. REMOTE SENSING OF ENVIRONMENT 2018; 219:298-309.
- WILLEMSE L. A class-differentiated analysis of park use in Cape Town, South Africa. Geojournal: an International Journal on Human Geography 2018; 83:915-934.
Journal Articles (NON-subsidised)
- BUCHANAN G, BERESFORD AE, HEBBLEWHITE M, ESCOBEDO FJ, DE KLERK HM, SZANTOI S, ET AL . Free satellite data key to conservation. Science 2018; 361(6398):139-140.
- STRONA G, SZANTOI S, VIELLEDENT G. Oil palms and primates can hardly co-exist in Africa. The Science Breaker – Science Meets Society 2018; 167:1-2.
Proceedings International
- LEWIS A, LACEY J, MECKLENBURG S, ROSS J, SIQUEIRAA A, KILLOUGH B, SZANTOI S, TADONO T, ROSENQVIST A, GORYL P, MIRANDA N, HOSFORD S. CEOS analysis ready data for land (CARD4L) overview. 2018 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS), Valencia , Spain, IEEE 2018: 7411-7414.
Proceedings National
- DONALDSON SE, MCKAY T. Adventure Tourism in a South African metro: Risk, policy and planning challenges relating to adventure tourism in Cape Town. In: Van Der Walt A, Kotze N, Barker C, ET AL (eds.) Proceedings of the Biennial Conference of the Society of South African Geographers (SSAG2018), Bloemfontein, South Africa, University of the Free State 2018: 538-554.
- NELL CM, DE WAAL JH. Waste characterisation in the Stellenbosch municipal region. The 24th WasteCon Conference and Exhibition, Johannesburg , South Africa, Institute of Waste Management of southern Africa 2018: 176-189.
- SPOCTER MA, MISTRY A. Water-use practices in suburban gardens during water restrictions in the City of Cape Town. In: Van Der Walt A, Kotze N, Barker C, ET AL (eds.) Proceedings of the Biennial Conference of the Society of South African Geographers (SSAG2018), Bloemfontein, South Africa, SSAG 2018: 328-344.
- STANDER JH, SANDHAM LA, VISSER GE. The Geographies of Arts Festivals: exploring the KKNK. In: Van Der Walt A, Kotze N, Barker C, ET AL (eds.) Proceedings of the Biennial Conference of the Society of South African Geographers (SSAG2018), Bloemfontein, South Africa, SSAG 2018: 225-237.
- DONALDSON SE. Small Town Tourism In South Africa. Springer, Cham, Switzerland 2018:180 pp.
Chapters in Books
- BAFFI S, TUROK I, VACCHIANI-MARCUZZO C. The South African Urban System. In: Rozenblat C, Pumain D, Velasquez E (eds.) International and Transnational Perspectives on Urban Systems, Springer, Singapore, China, 2018: 167-186.
- BRINK A, SCHMIDT C, SZANTOI S. Introduction to remote sensing for conservation practitioners. In: Leidner AK, Buchanan G (eds.) Satellite Remote Sensing for Conservation Action: Case Studies from Aquatic and Terrestrial Ecosystems, Cambridge University, Edinburgh, United Kingdom, 2018: 26-53.
- LÖTTER MC , MUCINA L, TICHÝ L, SIEBERT SJ, SCOTT-SHAW CR . Classification of the Eastern Scarp Forests. In: Pedrotti F (ed.) Vegetation Survey and Classification of Subtropical Forests of Southern Africa, Springer, Switzerland, 2018: 125-226.
- MUCINA L, ABBOTT A, TICHÝ L. Classification of Pondaland Scarp Forests. In: Pedrotti F (ed.) Vegetation Survey and Classification of Subtropical Forests of Southern Africa, Springer, Switzerland, 2018: 91-124.
- MUCINA L, DOLD AP , TICHÝ L, VAN NIEKERK A. Classification of the Albany Coastal Forests. In: Pedrotti F (ed.) Vegetation Survey and Classification of Subtropical Forests of Southern Africa, Springer, Switzerland, 2018: 59-90.
- MUCINA L, TICHÝ L, VAN NIEKERK A. Classifying subtropical forests of South Africa: Data sources and methods. In: Pedrotti F (ed.) Vegetation Survey and Classification of Subtropical Forests of Southern Africa, Springer, Switzerland, 2018: 7-46.
- MUCINA L, TICHÝ L. Forest classification: Data-analytical experiments on vertical forest layering and flattened data. In: Pedrotti F (ed.) Vegetation Survey and Classification of Subtropical Forests of Southern Africa, Springer, Switzerland, 2018: 47-57.
- MUCINA L. Classifying subtropical forests of South Africa: Rationale and objectives. In: Pedrotti F (ed.) Vegetation Survey and Classification of Subtropical Forests of Southern Africa, Springer, Switzerland, 2018: 1-6.
- MUCINA L. Lessons for a forest vegetation survey. In: Pedrotti F (ed.) Vegetation Survey and Classification of Subtropical Forests of Southern Africa, Springer, Switzerland, 2018: 227-236.
- WICH S, KOH LP, SZANTOI S. Classifying Land Cover on Very High Resolution Drone-Acquired Orthomosaics. In: Animone RL, Conroy GC (eds.) New Geospatial Approaches to the Anthropoligical Sciences, University of New Mexico Press, Sante Fe, Mexico, 2018: 121-136.
Research Reports
- BAFFI S, DONALDSON SE, SPOCTER MA. Transport and tourism: The MyCiti experience in Cape Town. 2018: 31 pp.
Doctoral completed
- MAGADZIRE N. Using remotely sensed measures of ecological regime as predictors of the distribution of vegetation types, communities and species across the Cape Floristic Region. PhD, 2018. 129 pp. Promotor: DE KLERK HM.
- MATTHAEI EA. A critical reflection on the formalisation of communal land rights in Namibia: why local contexts matter for bridging the dichotomies of tenure rights. PhD, 2018. 279 pp. Promotor: DONALDSON SE.
- PEROLD PR. Informal capacities: Exploring grounded architectural practice in transitions to sustainable urbanism in Cape Town. PhD, 2018. 307 pp. Promotor: DONALDSON SE. Medepromotor: Devish O, Verbreek G.
- WELMAN LP. Regional development of the greater Saldanha Bay region. PhD, 2018. 228 pp. Promotor: FERREIRA SLA.
- YAKUBU I. Residential mobility practices in low-income communities of Tamale, Ghana, University of Stellenbosch. PhD, 2018. 279 pp. Promotor: SPOCTER MA. Medepromotor: DONALDSON SE.
Masters completed
- BOTHA N. Case studies of private landowner conservation initiatives in the Western Cape, South Africa. MA, 2018. 221 pp. Studieleier: FERREIRA SLA.
- JACKLIN DM. Potential Use of Critically Endangered Renosterveld Plant Species for the Phytoremediation of Clopyralid and NPK Fertilizers, Western Cape. MSc, 2018. 193 pp. Studieleier: DE WAAL JH. Medestudieleier: BRINK IC.
- LUCK W. Generating automated forestry geoinformation products from remotely sensed imagery. MSc, 2018. 153 pp. Studieleier: VAN NIEKERK A.
- VERMEULEN D. Efficacy of machine learning, earth observation and geomorphometry for mapping salt-affected soils in irrigated fields. MSc, 2018. 114 pp. Studieleier: VAN NIEKERK A.
Journal Articles (subsidised)
- ADENIYI SA, DE CLERCQ WP, VAN NIEKERK A. Development of a composite soil degradation assessment index for cocoa agroecosystems in southwestern Nigeria. Solid Earth 2017; 8:827-843.
- BANGIRA T, ALFIERI SM, MENENTI M, VAN NIEKERK A, VEKERDY Z. A Spectral Unmixing Method with Ensemble Estimation of Endmembers: Application to Flood Mapping in the Caprivi Floodplain. Remote Sensing 2017; 9:1013, 24 paes.
- BORDELON LA, FERREIRA SLA. Tourist photographs and destination imagery on Social Media: Reading the Winelands through the tourist lense. Tourism review international 2017; 21(3):317-329.
- BRAND A, GEYER HS, GEYER HS. Corridor development in Gauteng, South Africa. Geojournal: an international journal on human geography 2017; 82:311-327.
- CHIKOWORE T, WILLEMSE L. Identifying the changes in the quality of life of Southern African Development Community (SADC) migrants in South Africa from 2001 to 2011. South African Geographical Journal 2017; 99(1):86-112.
- CRONJE CJ, SPOCTER MA. Open-plan suburb to fortified suburb: Home fortification in Soneike, Cape Town, South Africa. Journal of housing and the built environment 2017; 32(4):713-732.
- DE KLERK HM, BUCHANAN G. Remote sensing training in African conservation. Remote Sensing in Ecology and Conservation 2017; 3(1):7-20.
- DE WAAL JH, CHAPMAN A, KEMP JN. Extreme 1-day rainfall distributions: Analysing: Change in the Western Cape. South African Journal of Science 2017; 113(7-8):Art.# 2016-0301, 8 pages.
- DESCALS A, SZANTOI S, BECK PSA, BRINK A, STROBL P. Automated detection of selective logging using SmallSat Imagery. IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters 2017; 14(2):2180-2184.
- DONALDSON SE. Managing National Parks: Counting Visitors to the Open-Access Urban National Park of Table Mountain. Journal of Public Administration 2017; 52(1):74-88.
- DZUMBIRA W, GEYER HS, GEYER HS. Measuring the spatial economic impact of the Maputo Development Corridor. Development Southern Africa 2017; 34(5):635-651.
- ENGELBRECHT J, THERON A, VHENGANI L, KEMP JN. A Simple Normalized Difference Approach to Burnt Area Mapping Using Multi-Polarisation C-Band SAR. Remote Sensing 2017; 9(8):764, 13 pages.
- FERREIRA SLA, HUNTER CA. Wine tourism development in South Africa: A geographical analysis. Tourism geographies 2017; 19(5):676-698.
- GEYER HS. An impact evaluation of area-based interventions in Cape Town using multivariate regression analysis. Town and Regional Planning 2016; 69:17-25.
- GEYER NP, GEYER HS. Counterurbanisation: South Africa in wider context. Environment and planning A 2017; 49(7):1575-1593.
- GILBERTSON JK, KEMP JN, VAN NIEKERK A. Effect of pan-sharpening multi-temporal Landsat 8 imagery for crop type differentiation using different classification techniques. COMPUTERS AND ELECTRONICS IN AGRICULTURE 2017; 134:151-159.
- GILBERTSON JK, VAN NIEKERK A. Value of dimensionality reduction for crop differentiation with multi-temporal imagery and machine learning. COMPUTERS AND ELECTRONICS IN AGRICULTURE 2017; 142:50-58.
- KALUSOVÁ V, CHYTRÝ M, VAN KLEUNEN M, MUCINA L, DAWSON W, ESSL F, KREFT H, PERGL J, WEIGELT P, WINTER M, PYCEK P. Naturalization of European plants on other continents: The role of donor habitats. PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA 2017; 114(52):13756-13761.
- MAHLAKANYA IJ, WILLEMSE L. The changes in the quality of life of rented free-standing and backyard shack and backyard room tenants in the three Gauteng metropolitan municipalities. Urban forum 2017; 28:293-312.
- MOOLMAN T, DONALDSON SE. Career paths of geography graduates. South African Geographical Journal 2017; 99(3):252-266.
- MUCINA L. Caroxylon (Chenopodiaceae s.str.) in continental Southern Africa and Madagascar: a preliminary nomenclatural synopsis and biogeographical considerations. Phytotaxa 2017; 312(2):151-178.
- MUNCH Z, OKOYE PI, GIBSON LA, MANTEL SK, PALMER AR. Characterizing Degradation Gradients through Land Cover Change Analysis in Rural Eastern Cape, South Africa. GEOSCIENCES JOURNAL 2017; 7:7, 22 pages.
- PALMER AR, FINCA A, MANTEL SK, GWATE O, MUNCH Z, GIBSON LA. Determining fPAR and leaf area index of several land cover classes in the Pot River and Tsitsa River catchments of the Eastern Cape, South Africa. African Journal of Range and Forage Science 2017; 34(1):33-37.
- ROUX DJ, GEYER HS. Demographic transitions in South African cities: An analysis of households structures in the City of Tshwane. Regional Science Policy and Practice 2017; 3:165-181.
- RUCH WCL, GEYER HS. Public capital investment, economic growth and poverty reduction in South African Municipalities. Regional Science Policy and Practice 2017; 9(4):269-284.
- SINGH V, VAN EEDEN A. Are the walls giving way to fences? Is racial integration within Kwadukuza municipality leading to income-based class segregation?. South African Journal of Geomatics (formelry South African Journal of Surveying and Geo-Information) 2017; 6(3):461-476.
- SPOCTER MA. Privatisation of municipal golf courses in small towns in the Western Cape, South Africa. South African Geographical Journal 2017; 99(2):113-133.
- THERON A, ENGELBRECHT J, KEMP JN, KLEYNHANS W, TURNBULL T. Detection of Sinkhole Precursors Through SAR Interferometry: Radar and Geological Considerations. IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters 2017; 14(6):871-875.
- TUOANE-NKHASI M, VAN EEDEN A. Spatial patterns and correlates of mortality due to selected non-communicable diseases among adults in South Africa, 2011. Geojournal: an international journal on human geography 2017; 82:1005-1034.
- VERHULP J, VAN NIEKERK A. Transferability of decision trees for land cover classification in a heterogeneous area. South African Journal of Geomatics (formelry South African Journal of Surveying and Geo-Information) 2017; 6(1):30-46.
- VERMEULEN D, VAN NIEKERK A. Machine learning performance for predicting soil salinity using different combinations of geomorphometric covariates. GEODERMA 2017; 299:1-12.
- VISSER GE, ERASMUS I, MILLER MJ. Airbnb: The emergence of a new accommodation type in Cape Town, South Africa. Tourism review international 2017; 21(2):151-168.
- VISSER GE. Reflections on student tourism research in South Africa. African Journal of Hospitality, tourism and Leisure (AJHTL) 2017; 6(2):1-18.
- WELMAN LP, FERREIRA SLA. Sea Harvest back [fish] bone in Saldanha Bay’s local and regional economy. Local economy 2017; 32(6):487-504.
Proceedings International
- ENGELBRECHT J, THERON A, HAUPT S. Evidence of roof collapse in South African coal mines using Sentinel-1 interferometry. 2017 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS), Texas, USA, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers 2017: 5682-5684.
- ENGELBRECHT J, THERON A, VHENGANI L. A normalised difference alpha-angle approach to burn scar extraction on multiple-polarisation SAR data. IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS), Texas, USA, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers 2017: 4274-4277.
- HAUPT S, ENGELBRECHT J, KEMP JN. Predicting MODIS EVI from SAR parameter using Random Forest algorithms. 2017 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS), Texas, USA, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers 2017: 4382-4385.
- SCHWEGMANN CP, KLEYNHANS W, ENGELBRECHT J, MDAKANE LW, MEYER RGV. Subsidence feature discrimination using deep convolutional Neural Networks in Synthetic Aperture Radar Imagery. 2017 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS), Texas, USA, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers 2017: 4626-4629.
- STROBL P, BAUMANN P, LEWIS A, SZANTOI S, KILLOUGH B, PURSS M, CRAGLIA M, NATIVI S, HELD A, DHU T. The six faces of the data cube. In: Soille P, Marchetti PG (eds.) Proceedings of the 2017 conference on Big Data from Space (BIDS’ 2017), Toulouse, France, EU publications 2017: 32-35.
Proceedings National
- YAKUBU I, SPOCTER MA, DONALDSON SE. Residential mobility practices: A revolving door syndrome for low-income families in the global south?. In: DONALDSON SE, VISSER GE, KEMP JN, DE WAAL JH (eds.) Proceedings of the Centenary Conference of the Society of South African Geographers (SSAG), Stellenbosch, South Africa, SUNMedia 2016: 38-46.
Chapters in Books
- MORA B, SZANTOI S. Emerging approaches. In: Gill M, SZANTOI S, Jongman R, Luque S, Mora B, Paganini M (eds.) A Sourcebook of methods and procedures for monitoring essential biodiversity variables in tropical forests with remote sensing, GOFC-GOLD Land cover project office, Wageningen, Netherlands, 2017: 183-222.
- MUCINA L, BUSTAMANTE-SÁNCHEZ MA, PEDRA BD, HOLMES PM, KEELER-WOLF T, ARMESTO JJ, DOBROWOLSKI M, GAERTNER M, SMITH-RAMÍREZ C, VILAGROSA A. Ecological restoration in mediterranean-type shrublands and woodlands. In: Allison SK, Murphy SD (eds.) Routledge Handbook of Ecological and Environmental Restoration, Routledge, 2017, New York, USA, 2017: 173-196.
- SPOCTER MA. Citizen-driven privatisation of pubic space in Cape Town, South Africa. In: Da Fonseca AAM, Puentes A, Est�vez Vilari�o B (eds.) Digital cities and spatial justice, Urban Geography Commission, Salvador, Brazil, 2017: 161-181.
Research Reports
- BAFFI S, DONALDSON SE, SPOCTER MA. Transport and tourism: The MYCiti experience in Cape Town. 2017: 32 pp.
- DONALDSON SE, MCKAY TJM. A snap review of adventure tourism operators in Cape Town. 2017: 30 pp.
- DONALDSON SE, VILJOEN VA. An audit of conference and meeting venues in Stellenbosch. 2017: 34 pp.
- DONALDSON SE. Report on the Universal Accessibility (UA) Awareness Campaign of the City of Cape Town?s Tourism Department. 2017: 35 pp.
- DONALDSON SE. Shining pearl in the shadow of the Cape Town metro: Drakenstein, a place of (spatial) excellence?. 2017: 47 pp.
- DU PLESSIS DJ. Stellenbosch: Spatial transformation in an aspiring city of opportunity and innovation. 2017: 43 pp.
- LOCHNER M, DU PLESSIS DJ. Spatial transformation: Are intermediate cities different?. 2017: 72 pp.
- VAN NIEKERK A, DONALDSON SE. Map analysis of tourism data along the Coast, Durbanville and Langa. 2017: 20 pp.
Doctoral completed
- SMIT HAP. Military environmental literacy in the South African army. PhD, 2017. 381 pp.
Masters completed
- BAILEY CJ. Scaling patterns and drivers of species richness and turnover across the afrotopics. MSc, 2017. 173 pp.
- GILBERTSON JK. Machine learning for object-based crop classification using multi-temporal Landsat-8 imagery. MSc, 2017. 104 pp.
- HUNTER CA. Wine tourism development in South Africa. MA, 2017. 275 pp.
- ACKERMANN A, VISSER GE. Studentification in Bloemfontein, South Africa. Bulletin of geography: socio-economic series 2016; 31:7-17.
- CROSS AT, MEYERS C, MITCHELL CNA, CROSS SL, JACKSON C, WAINA R, MUCINA L, ANDERSEN AN, DIXON KW. Ant biodiversity and its environmental predictors in the North Kimberley region of Australia’s seasonal tropics. BIODIVERSITY AND CONSERVATION 2016; 25(9):1727-1759.
- DANIELS FJA, ELVEBAKK A, MATVEYEVA NV, MUCINA L. The Drabo corymbosae-Papaveretea dahliani – A new vegetation class of the High Arctic polar deserts. Hacquetia 2016; 15(1):5-13.
- DE KLERK HM, GILBERTSON JK, LUCK-VOGEL M, KEMP JN, MUNCH Z. Using remote sensing in support of environmental management: A framework for selecting products, algorithms and methods. Journal of environmental management 2016; 182:564-573.
- DE WAAL JH, VOGEL C. Disaster risk profiling in southern Africa: inventories, impacts and implications. NATURAL HAZARDS 2016; 84(3):1921-1942.
- DONALDSON SE, FERREIRA SLA, DIDIER S, RODARY E, SWANEPOEL J. Access to the urban national park in Cape Town: Where urban and natural environment meet. Habitat international 2016; 57:132-142.
- FERREIRA SLA, VAN ZYL GW. Catering for a large number of tourists: The McDonaldisation of casual dining in Kruger National Park. Bulletin of geography: socio-economic series 2016; 33:39-53.
- FRANCIOLI APM. Investigating the knowledge and preparedness of proximal residents to a general-emergency event at the Koeberg Nuclear Power Station. Jamba: Journal of Disaster Risk Studies 2016; 8(2):Art.#208, 10 pages.
- FUSEINI I, KEMP JN. Characterising urban growth in Tamale, Ghana: An analysis of urban governance response in infrastructure and service provision. Habitat international 2016; 56:109-123.
- GEYER HS, GEYER HS. Polarisation reversal in South Africa: How widespread is the trend?. South African Geographical Journal 2016; 98(2):289-307.
- GEYER HS, GEYER NP, GEYER HS. The South African functional metropolis: A synthesis. Town and Regional Planning 2015; 67(1):13-26.
- GEYER HS, MOHAMMED F. Hypersegregation and Class-Based Segregation Processes in Cape Town 2001–2011. Urban forum 2016; 27(1):35-58.
- GEYER HS. Poverty traps in South African Agriculture. Agrekon 2016; 55(4):356-376.
- GWATE O, MANTEL SK, FINCA A, GIBSON LA, MUNCH Z, PALMER AR. Exploring the invasion of rangelands by Acacia mearnsii (black wattle): biophysical characteristics and management implications. African Journal of Range and Forage Science 2016; 33(4):265-273.
- HEMSTOCK SL, BULIRUARUA LA, CHAN EYY, CHAN G, JACOT DES COMBES H, DAVEY P, FARRELL P, HOLLOWAY AJ, MURRAY V, ET AL . Accredited qualifications for capacity development in disaster risk reduction and climate change adaptation. Australasian Journal of Disaster and Trauma Studies 2016; 20(1):15-33.
- HOOGENDOORN G, VISSER GE. South Africa’s small towns: a review on recent research. Local economy 2016; 31(1-2):95-108.
- ISUNJU J, KEMP JN, ORACH GARIMOI C. Hazards and vulnerabilities among informal wetland communities in Kampala, Uganda. Environment and urbanization 2016; 28(1):275-293.
- ISUNJU J, KEMP JN. Spatiotemporal analysis of encroachment on wetlands – a case of Nakivubo wetland in Kampala, Uganda. ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING AND ASSESSMENT 2016; 188:1-17.
- ISUNJU J, ORACH GARIMOI C, KEMP JN. Community-level adaptation to minimise vulnerability and exploit opportunities in Kampala’s wetlands. Environment and urbanization 2016; 28(2):475-494.
- JACOBS W, DU PLESSIS DJ. A Spatial Perspective of the Patterns and Characteristics of Main- and Substream Migration to the Western Cape, South Africa. Urban forum 2016; 27(2):167-185.
- JIMENEZ-ALFARO B, CHYTRY M, MUCINA L, GRACE JB, REJMANEK M. Disentangling vegetation diversity from climate-energy and habitat heterogeneity for explaining animal geographic patterns. Ecology and Evolution 2016; 6(5):1515-1526.
- KLEINSMITH DAF, HORN AJ. Impacts of new universities on hosting cities and the implications for Kimberley, Northern Cape, South Africa. Development Southern Africa 2015; 32(4):494-510.
- LUCK W, VAN NIEKERK A. Evaluation of a rule-based compositing technique for Landsat-5 TM and Landsat-7 ETM+ images. International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation 2016; 47:1-14.
- LUCK-VOGEL M, MBOLAMBI C, RAUTENBACH K, ADAMS J, VAN NIEKERK L. Vegetation mapping in the St Lucia estuary using very high resolution multispectral imagery and LiDAR. SOUTH AFRICAN JOURNAL OF BOTANY 2016; 107:188-199.
- MOHALE M, GEYER HS, GEYER HS. Undervaluations of real estate properties in disadvantaged areas in the City of Johannesburg. SOUTH AFRICAN JOURNAL OF ECONOMICS 2016; 84(2):217-229.
- MUCINA L, BULTMANN H, DIERßEN K, THEURILLAT JP, RAUS T, ČARNI A, ŠUMBEROVÁ K, ET AL . Vegetation of Europe: Hierarchical floristic classification system of vascular plant, bryophyte, lichen and algal communities. APPLIED VEGETATION SCIENCE 2016; 19(Suppl 1):3-264.
- MULLER SJ, VAN NIEKERK A. An evaluation of supervised classifiers for indirectly detecting salt-affected areas at irrigation scheme level. International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation 2016; 49:138-150.
- MULLER SJ, VAN NIEKERK A. Identification of WorldView-2 spectral and spatial factors in detecting salt accumulation in cultivated fields. GEODERMA 2016; 273:1-11.
- NGCOFE LUNCEDO LDS, VAN NIEKERK A. Advances in optical earth observation for geological mapping: A Review. South African Journal of Geomatics (formelry South African Journal of Surveying and Geo-Information) 2016; 5(1):1-16.
- OTTAVIANI G, MARCANTONIO M, MUCINA L. Soil depth shapes plant functional diversity in granite outcrops vegetation of Southwestern Australia. Plant Ecology and Diversity 2016; 9(3):263-276.
- PILLAY NX, GEYER HS. Business clustering along the M1-N3-N1 corridor between Johannesburg and Pretoria, South Africa. South African Journal of Geomatics (formelry South African Journal of Surveying and Geo-Information) 2016; 5(3):340-357.
- POONA NK, VAN NIEKERK A, ISMAIL R. Investigating the Utility of Oblique Tree-based Ensembles for the Classification of Hyperspectral Data. SENSORS 2016; 16(11):1918, 16 pages.
- POONA NK, VAN NIEKERK A, NADEL RL, ISMAIL R. Random Forest (RF) Wrappers for Waveband Selection and Classification of Hyperspectral Data. APPLIED SPECTROSCOPY 2016; 70(2):322-333.
- SELEMELA PA, DU PLESSIS DJ. A comparative analysis of urban growth and development in traditional authority and non-traditional areas: The case of Rustenburg and Mahikeng municipalities in the North West province, South Africa. Urban forum 2016; 27(4):433-446.
- SPOCTER MA. Non-metropolitan Gated Retirement Communities in the Western Cape. Urban forum 2016; 27(2):211-228.
- VAN NIEKERK A, DU PLESSIS DJ, BOONZAAIER I, SPOCTER MA, FERREIRA SLA, LOOTS L, DONALDSON E. Development of a multi-criteria spatial planning support system for growth potential modelling in the Western Cape, South Africa. LAND USE POLICY 2016; 50:179-193.
- VERHULP J, VAN NIEKERK A. Effect of inter-image spectral variation on land cover separability in heterogeneous areas. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF REMOTE SENSING 2016; 37(7):1639-1657.
- VERMEULEN D, VAN NIEKERK A. Evaluation of a WorldView-2 image for soil salinity monitoring in a moderately affected irrigated area. Journal of Applied Remote Sensing 2016; 10(2):026025, 17 pages.
- VISSER GE. South African tourism geographies: progress and prospects. South African Geographical Journal 2016; 98(3):428-438.
- VISSER GE. Urban leisure and tourism-led redevelopment frontiers in central Cape Town since the 1990s. Tourism: international interdisciplinary journal 2016; 64(4):397-408.
- WELMAN LP, FERREIRA SLA. The co-evolution of Saldanha bay (town and hinterland) and its port. Local economy 2016; 31(1-2):219-231.
- WIESE L, ROS MESA IM, ROZANOV AB, BOSHOFF AL, DE CLERCQ WP, SEIFERT T. An approach to soil carbon accounting and mapping using vertical distribution functions for known soil types. GEODERMA 2016; 263:264-273.
- WILLNER W, SOLOMESHCH A, ČARNI A, BERGMEIER E, ERMAKOV N, MUCINA L. Description and validation of some European forest syntaxa – A supplement to the EuroVegChecklist. Hacquetia 2016; 15(1):15-25.
- WORTMAN T, DONALDSON SE, VAN WESTEN G. They are stealing my island’: Residents’ opinions on foreign investment in the residential tourism industry in Tamarin, Mauritius. Singapore journal of tropical geography 2016; 37(2):139-157.
- ZWEIG PJ. Lost in space? Considering young men as drivers of urban informal settlement risk. Urban forum 2016; 27(4):383-398.
Journal Articles (NON-subsidised)
- OLIVIER G, HELMSCHROT J, DE CLERCQ WP. A GIS based gully classifi cations approach that reflects on origination and process for the Western Cape Province, South Africa. Zentralblatt für Geologie und Paläontologie, Teil 1 2016; 1:55-73.
- PETTORELLI N, DE KLERK HM, REYERS B. Framing the concept of satellite remote sensing essential biodiversity variables: challenges and future directions. Remote Sensing in Ecology and Conservation 2016; 2(3):122-131.
- VAN DEVENTER H, CHO MA, LUCK-VOGEL M, VAN NIEKERK L. Using multi-spectral sensors for vegetation mapping. PositionIT 2016; 308030845:26-29.
Proceedings International
- KEMP JN, BURNS JJ. Agricultural monitoring using pursuit monostatic TanDEM-X coherence in the Western Cape, South Africa. 11th European Conference on Synthetic Aperture Radar (Eusar 2016), Hamburg, Germany, VDE 2016: 643-646.
- THERON A, ENGELBRECHT J, KEMP JN, KLEYNHANS W, TURNBULL T. Detection of sinkhole precursors through SAR interferometry – first results from South Africa. Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS), 2016 IEEE International, Beijing, China, IEEE 2016: 5398-5401.
Proceedings National
- KRYGSMAN SC, DE JONG T, VERKOREN O. Cape Town and its employment centres: Monocentric, polycentric or somewhere in-between?. In: DONALDSON SE, VISSER GE, KEMP JN, DE WAAL JH (eds.) #Celebrateacenturyofgeography: Proceedings of the Centenary Conference of the Society of South African Geographers, Stellenbosch, South Africa, Society of South African Geographers 2016: 66-77.
- PEROLD PR, DONALDSON SE, OSWALD D. Grounded architectural practice: Exploring spatial capacity building in informal settlement upgrading. In: DONALDSON SE, VISSER GE, KEMP JN, DE WAAL JH (eds.) #Celebrateacenturyofgeography: Proceedings of the Centenary Conference of the Society of South African Geographers, Stellenbosch, South Africa, SUN MeDIA 2016: 78-84.
- VAN DIJK J, KRYGSMAN SC. Mobile technologies for data collection in sub-Saharan Africa: an outlook to the future of mobility research. In: DONALDSON SE, VISSER GE, KEMP JN, DE WAAL JH (eds.) #Celebrateacenturyofgeography: Proceedings of the Centenary Conference of the Society of South African Geographers, Stellenbosch, South Africa, Society of South African Geographers 2016: 180-190.
- VISSER GE. Recent trends in South African student tourism research. In: DONALDSON SE, VISSER GE, KEMP JN, DE WAAL JH (eds.) #Celebrateacenturyofgeography: Proceedings of the Centenary Conference of the Society of South African Geographers, Stellenbosch, South Africa, SUN MeDIA 2016: 201-211.
- WILLEMSE L, CHIKOWORE T. A new lease of life, or not? Living condition changes of Southern African Development Community (SADC) migrants in the metropolitan municipalities of South Africa from 2001 to 2011. In: DONALDSON SE, VISSER GE, KEMP JN, DE WAAL JH (eds.) #Celebrateacenturyofgeography: Proceedings of the Centenary Conference of the Society of South African Geographers, Stellenbosch, South Africa, SUN MeDIA 2016: 54-65.
- WILLIAMS S. Fisheries in transition: Fishers’ perceptions of the new South African small-scale fisheries policy and its implementation. #Celebrateacenturyofgeography: Proceedings of the Centenary Conference of the Society of South African Geographers, Stellenbosch, South Africa, SUN MeDIA 2016: 133-140.
- YAKUBU I, SPOCTER MA, DONALDSON SE. Residential mobility practices: A revolving door syndrome for low-income families in the global south?. In: DONALDSON SE, VISSER GE, KEMP JN, DE WAAL JH (eds.) #Celebrateacenturyofgeography: Proceedings of the Centenary Conference of the Society of South African Geographers, Stellenbosch, South Africa, SUN MeDIA 2016: 38-46.
- BARNARD WS. Encountering Adamastor: South Africa’s founding geographers in time and place, Volume 1. SUN MeDIA, Stellenbosch, South Africa 2016:84 pp.
Chapters in Books
- DONALDSON SE, RULE S, MEARNS K. The rise and demise of Geography at Vista University. In: VISSER GE, DONALDSON SE, Seethal CEP (eds.) The Origin and Growth of Geography as a Discipline at South African Universities, SUN MeDIA, Stellenbosch, South Africa, 2016: 419-434.
- DU PLESSIS DJ. The influence of post-1994 spatial planning policies: Can we improve the effectiveness?. In: DU PLESSIS DJ (ed.) Land use planning Law reform in the Western Cape, Western Cape Government Department of Environmental Affairs and Development Planning, South Africa, 2016: 166-177.
- MARAIS L, NEL E, DONALDSON SE. Secondary cities in South Africa: national settlement patterns and urban research. In: Marais L, Nel E, DONALDSON SE (eds.) Secondary cities and development, Routledge, New York, USA, 2016: 1-26.
- MARAIS L, NEL E, DONALDSON SE. The international literature and context. In: Marais L, Nel E, DONALDSON SE (eds.) Secondary cities and development, Routledge, New York, USA, 2016: 27-48.
- MARAIS L, NEL E, DONALDSON SE. The role of secondary cities in South Africa’s development. In: Marais L, Nel E, DONALDSON SE (eds.) Secondary cities and development, Routledge, New York, USA, 2016: 159-178.
- SCHUERMANS N, SPOCTER MA. Avoiding encounters with poverty: aesthetics, politics and economics in a privileged neighbourhood of Cape Town. In: De Backer M, Melgaço L, Varna G, Menichelli F (eds.) Order and Conflict in Public Space, Routledge, New York, USA, 2016: 79-100.
- SMIT HAP, DONALDSON SE. Military Geography at Stellenbosch University’s Military Geography Department in Saldanha. In: Visser GE, DONALDSON SE, Seethal CEP (eds.) The Origin and Growth of Geography as a Discipline at South African Universities, SUN MeDIA, Stellenbosch, South Africa, 2016: 245-253.
- TAIT N, DONALDSON SE, HATTINGH P, RAMUDZULI M. Geography at the iconic “Bush University” of Turfloop: From University of the North to Limpopo University. In: VISSER GE, DONALDSON SE, Seethal CEP (eds.) The Origin and Growth of Geography as a Discipline at South African Universities, SUN MeDIA, Stellenbosch, South Africa, 2016: 255-276.
- TODOROFF P, KEMP JN. Contribution of Remote Sensing to Crop Monitoring in Tropical Zones. In: Baghdadi N, Zribi M (eds.) Land Surface Remote Sensing in Agriculture and Forest, Elsevier, London, United Kingdom, 2016: 179-220.
- TOERIEN DF, DONALDSON SE. George. In: Marais L, Nel E, DONALDSON SE (eds.) Secondary cities and development, Routledge, New York, USA, 2016: 101-124.
- VAN DER MERWE JH, VISSER GE, DONALDSON SE. Stellenbosch: The birthplace of Geography teaching at South African universities. In: VISSER GE, DONALDSON SE, Seethal CEP (eds.) The Origin and Growth of Geography as a Discipline at South African Universities, SUN MeDIA, Stellenbosch, South Africa, 2016: 9-32.
- VISSER GE, BARKER C. A brief history of the Department of Geography at the University of the Free State. In: VISSER GE, DONALDSON SE, Seethal CEP (eds.) The Origin and Growth of Geography as a Discipline at South African Universities, SUN MeDIA, Stellenbosch, South Africa, 2016: 55-70.
- VISSER GE. Sexualities and Urban Life. In: Brown G, Browne K (eds.) The Routledge Research Companion to Geographies of Sex and Sexualities, Routledge, New York, USA, 2016: 55-62.
Research Reports
- MASHIMBYE ZE. Phase 1 of desertification, land degradation and drought (DLDD) land cover mapping impact indicator of the United nations Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD). 2016: 101 pp.
- PHAROAH RM, HOLLOWAY AJ, FORTUNE GT, CHAPMAN A, SCHABER E, ZWEIG PJ. OFF the RADAR – Synthesis Report: High Impact Weather Events in the Western Cape, South Africa 2003 – 2014. 2016: 77 pp.
- PHAROAH RM. Strengthening urban resilience in African cities: Understanding and addressing urban risk. 2016: 44 pp.
- VISSER GE. The production of student tourism research in South Africa: past, present and future. 2016: 61 pp.
Masters completed
- ADESUYI AS. Automating land cover modelling using time series NDVI: A case study in the Berg River catchment area. MSc, 2016. 139 pp.
- BALLIM K. Detecting informal settlements from high resolution imagery using an object-based image analysis approach. MSc, 2016. 85 pp.
- DE VILLIERS RET. The Victoria and Alfred Waterfront (V&AW) work and playground for Capetonians. MA, 2016. 152 pp.
- MBOLAMBI C. Assessment of coastal vegetation degradation using remote sensing in False Bay, South Africa. MSc, 2016. 106 pp.
- VENEMA J. The social and economic impact of mall development in Paarl and Stellenbosch. MSc, 2016. 165 pp.
- WENGER SMB. Evaluation of SFM against traditional stereophotogrammetry and LIDAR techniques for DSM creation in various land cover areas. MSc, 2016. 128 pp.
- ALTWEGG R, DE KLERK HM, MIDGLEY GF. Fire-mediated disruptive selection can explain the reseeder-resprouter dichotomy in Mediterranean-type vegetation. Oecologia 2015; 177(2):367-377.
- CALLAGHAN KL, ENGELBRECHT J, KEMP JN. The Use of Landsat and Aerial Photography for the Assessment of Coastal Erosion and Erosion Susceptibility in False Bay, South Africa. South African Journal of Geomatics 2015; 4(2):65-79.
- CHOBOKOANE N, HORN AJ. Urban Compaction and Densification in Bloemfontein, South Africa: Measuring the Current Urban Form Against Mangaung Metropolitan Municipality’s Spatial Planning Proposals for Compaction. Urban Forum 2015; 26:77-93.
- CROSS AT, TURNER SR, MERRITT DJ, VAN NIEKERK A, RENTON M, DIXON K W, MUCINA L. Vegetation patterns and hydro-geological drivers of freshwater rock pool communities in the monsoon-tropical Kimberley region, Western Australia. Journal of Vegetation Science 2015; 26(1):1184-1197.
- CUTTER SL, ISMAIL-ZADEH A, ALCÁNTARA-AYALA I, ALTAN O, BAKER DN, HOLLOWAY AJ, ET AL . Global risks: Pool knowledge to stem losses from disasters. Nature 2015; 522(7556):277-279.
- DU PLESSIS DJ, BOONZAAIER I. The Evolving Spatial Structure of South African Cities: A reflection on the influence of spatial planning policies. International Planning Studies 2015; 20(1-2):87-111.
- DU PLESSIS DJ. Land-use mix in South African cities and the influence of spatial planning: Innovation or following the trend?. South African Geographical Journal 2015; 97(3):217-242.
- FERREIRA SLA, STRYDOM J, KRIEL M, GILDENHYS S. Tourism Development after civil war in Malange province, Angola. South African Geographical Journal 2015; 97(2):158-182.
- FERREIRA V, VISSER GE. A spatial analysis of gating in Bloemfontein, South Africa. Bulletin of Geography: Socio-economic Series 2015; 28:37-51.
- FRANCIOLI AP. Investigating the knowledge and preparedness of proximal residents to a general emergency event at the Koeberg nuclear power station. Jamba: Journal of Disaster Risk Studies 2015; 8(2):1-10.
- FUSEINI I, KEMP JN. A review of spatial planning in Ghana’s socio-economic development trajectory: A sustainable development perspective. Land Use Policy 2015; 47:309-320.
- GAMA NS, WILLEMSE L. A descriptive overview of the education and income levels of domestic workers in post-apartheid South Africa. Geojournal: an international journal on human geography 2015; 80(5):721-741.
- GEYER HS, GEYER HS, DU PLESSIS DJ. Primary Cities in Sub-Saharan Africa: Quasars, Loose Connections, and Black Holes. International planning studies 2015; 20(1-2):39-51.
- GEYER HS. The Growth and Decline of the West Midlands Region: An integrated Evolutionary Perspective. International planning studies 2015; 20(1-2):52-70.
- HOOGENDOORN G, VISSER GE. Focusing on the ‘blessing’ and not the ‘curse’ of second homes: notes from South Africa. Area 2015; 47(2):179-184.
- HORN AJ. Urban Growth Management Best Practices: Towards Implications for the Developing world. International Planning Studies 2015; 20(1-2):131-145.
- LOMBARD A, FERREIRA SLA. The spatial distribution of renewable energy infrastructure in three particular provinces of South Africa. Bulletin of Geography: Socio-economic Series 2015; 30:71-85.
- LOTTERING NO, DU PLESSIS DJ, DONALDSON SE. Coping with drought: the experience of water sensitive urban design (WSUD) in the George Municipality. Water SA 2015; 41(1):1-7.
- MANDAKOVA T, WINTER P, AL-SHEHBAZ IA, MUCINA L, MUMMENHOFF K, LYSAK MA. IAPT/IOPB chromosome data 19: Brassicaceae. Taxon 2015; 64(5):1073.
- MATEVSKI V, CARNI A, CUSTEREVISKA R, KOSTADINOVSKI M, MUCINA L. Syntaxonomy of the Rocky Grasslands on Carbonate Bedrocks in the West and Southwest of the Republic Of Macedonia. Applied Ecology and Environmental Research 2015; 13(4):1197-1214.
- MEYBURG BU, MENDELSOHN S, MENDELSOHN J, DE KLERK HM. Revealing unexpected uses of space by wintering Aquila pomarina: how does satellite telemetry identify behaviour at different scales?. Journal of Avian Biology 2015; 46(6):648-657.
- MOOKHERJEE D, GEYER HS, HOERAUF E. Dynamics of an Evolving City-Region in the Developing World: The National Capital Region of Delhi revisited. International Planning Studies 2015; 20(1-2):146-160.
- MUSAKWA W, VAN NIEKERK A. Earth Observation for Sustainable Urban Planning in Developing Countries: Needs, Trends and Future Directions. Journal of Planning Literature 2015; 30(2):149-160.
- MUSAKWA W, VAN NIEKERK A. Monitoring sustainable urban development using built-up area indicators: a case study of Stellenbosch, South Africa. Environment, Development and Sustainability 2015; 17(3):547-566.
- PARRY K, VAN EEDEN A. Measuring racial residential segregation at different geographic scales in Cape Town and Johannesburg. South African Geographical Journal 2015; 97(1):31-49.
- SINGH RG, ENGELBRECHT J, KEMP JN. Change detection of bare areas in the Xolobeni region, South Africa using Landsat NDVI. South African Journal of Geomatics 2015; 4(2):138-148.
- STEFFEN S, BALL P, MUCINA L, KADEREIT G. Phylogeny, biogeography and ecological diversification of Sarcocornia (Salicornioideae, Amaranthaceae). Annals of Botany 2015; 115(3):353–368.
- STEPHENSON GR, DONALDSON SE, DU PLESSIS DJ, VAN NIEKERK A. Compiling a land audit in large rural areas: Results from the methodology applied in the non-urban areas of the Matzikama municipal area. Town and Regional Planning 2015; 66(1):32-47.
- VERHOEF H, VAN EEDEN A. Identifying the challenges of creating an optimal dissemination geography for census. South African Journal of Geomatics 2015; 4(1):50-64.
- WALTHER BA, VAN NIEKERK A. Effects of climate change on species turnover and body mass frequency distributions of South African bird communities. African Journal of Ecology 2015; 53(1):25-35.
- WILLEMSE L. Some perceptions and preferences of residents’ use of community neighbourhood parks in Mitchells Plain, Cape Town. Town and Regional Planning 2015; 66:15-30.
- WILLNER W, THEURILLAT JP, PALLAS J, MUCINA L. On the nomenclature of some high-rank syntaxa of European forest vegetation. Phytocoenologia 2015; 45(1-2):175-181.
- ZWEIG PJ. Everyday hazards and vulnerabilities amongst backyard dwellers: A case study of Vredendal North, Matzikama Municipality, South Africa. Jamba: Journal of Disaster Risk Studies 2015; 7(1):Art. #210, 8 pages.
- ČARNI A, MUCINA L. Validations and typifications of some South European Syntaxa. Hacquetia 2015; 14:1-11.
- ADESUYI AS, MUNCH Z. Using Time-Series NDVI to Model Land Cover Change: A Case Study in the Berg River Catchment Area, Western Cape, South Africa. International Journal of Environmental, Chemical, Ecological, Geological and Geophysical Engineering 2015; 9(5):537-542.
- AKHANI H, MUCINA L. The Tamaricetea arceuthoidis: a new class for the continental riparian thickets of the Middle East, Central Asia and the subarid regions of the Lower Volga valley. Lazaroa 2015; 36:61-66.
- CHASI V, HOLLOWAY AJ, ORACH GARIMOI C. Health Sector Shortcomings Associated with Measles Outbreaks in Cape Town, South Africa. Global Risk Forum GRF Davos Planet at Risk 2014; 2(4):228-240.
- CHYTRY M, DANIELS FJA, DI PIETRO R, KOROLEVA N, MUCINA L. Nomenclature adjustments and new syntax of the Arctic, Alpine and Oro-Mediterranean vegetation. Hacquetia 2015; 14(1):277-288.
- DI PIETRO R, THEURILLAT JP, CAPELO J, FERNÁNDEZ-GONZÁLEZ F, TERZI M, ČARNI A, MUCINA L. Nomenclature and syntaxonomic notes on some high-rank syntaxa of the European grassland vegetation. Lazaroa 2015; 36:79-106.
- LYSENKO T, MUCINA L. Nomenclatural Notes On Some Alliances of the Halophytic Vegetation of Southern Ural and the Caspian Lowlands. Haquetia 2015; 14:301-306.
- MUCINA L, THEURILLAT JP. Descriptions and validation of the names of some high-rank syntaxa in the European Asplenietea trichomanis and Plypodietea. Lazaroa 2015; 36:75-78.
- THEURILLAT JP, MUCINA L, HAJEK M. Validations of high-rank syntaxa in Potamogetonetea and Scheuchzerio-Caricetea fuscae. Lazaroa 2015; 36:13-19.
- PISTORIUS TGJ, POONA NK. Accuracy assessment of game-based crowdsourced land-use/ land cover image classification. 2014 IEEE International Geoscience and remote sensing simposium (IGARSS), Proceedings, Quebec, Canada, IEEE 2014: 4780-4783.
- VAN DER MERWE JH, VOS E. Landcover and landscape function: Determining the effect of change on carbon sequestration. 20th Annual International Association of Impact Assessors (IAIASA) National Conference, Kwa-Zulu Natal, South Africa, International Association of Impact Assessors 2015: 1-10.
- HOLLOWAY AJ. Advancing disaster risk governance in Madagascar: The role of higher education institutions. In: Ismail-Zadeh A (ed.) Extreme Natural Hazards, Disaster Risks and Societal Implications, Cambridge University Press, , 2015: 234-240.
- SPOCTER MA. Gating in the Western Cape, South Africa: Post-apartheid planning and environmental legacy. In: Bagaeen S, Oduku O (eds.) Beyond Gated Communities, Routledge, New York, USA, 2015: 130-153.
- VISSER GE. The Geography of Tourism. In: George R (ed.) Managing tourism in South Africa, Second Edition, Oxford University Press, South Africa, 2015: 41-63.
- VISSER GE. Thinking beyond exclusionary gay male spatial frames in the developing world. In: Doan PL (ed.) Planning and LGBTQ communities: The Need for Inclusive Queer Spaces, Routledge, New York, USA, 2015: 81-93.
- WILLEMSE L. The role of economic factors and guanxi networks in the success of Chinese shops in Johannesburg. In: Crush J, Chikanda A, Skinner C (eds.) Mean Streets migration, xenophobia and informality in South Africa, Southern African Migration Programme, African Centre for Cities & International Development Research Centre, Cape Town, South Africa, 2015: 113-131.
- WISNER B, PELLING M, MASCARENHAS A, HOLLOWAY AJ, ET AL . Small cities and towns in Africa: The challenge and opportunity of climate change. In: Pauleit S, Coly A, Fohlmeister S, ET AL (eds.) Urban Vulnerability and Climate Change in Africa: a Multidisciplinary Approach, Springer, Switzerland, 2015: 153-196.
- ZWEIG PJ. Community Risk Assessment and Disaster Mitigation: Case Studies From Philippi Informal Settlement. In: Brown-Luthango M (ed.) STATE/ SOCIETY SYNERGY in Philippi, Cape Town, African Centre for Cities, Cape Town, South Africa, 2015: 263-289.
- ALCÁNTARA-AYALA I, ALTAN O, BAKER DN, HOLLOWAY AJ, ZHAI P. Disaster Risks Research and Assessment to Promote Risk Reduction and Management. 2015: 47 pp.
- HOLLOWAY AJ. Strategic Mobilisation of Higher Education Institutions in Disaster Risk Reduction Capacity Building: Experience of Perperi U. 2015: 47 pp.
- MARX JT. The military integrated environmental management (MIEM) of the Donkergat training area. PhD, 2015. 210 pp. Promotor: VAN DER MERWE JH.
- AINA Y, VAN DER MERWE JH, ALSHUWAIKHAT HM. Spatial and temporal variations of satellite-derived multi-year particulate data of Saudi Arabia: an exploratory analysis. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 2014; 11(11) : 11152-11166.
- DONALDSON R, BENN JD, CAMPBELL M, DE JAGER A. Reshaping urban space through studentification in two South African urban centres. Urbani izziv 2014; 25(Supplement 013) : S176-S188.
- DONALDSON R, HYMAN G, CHANG D, CONFIADO A, RUIZ AM, SALUD S, YILDIZ S. Urban land restitution in Cape Town: Demanding the return of land rights in Constantia and Kensington/Ndabeni. Bulletin of Geography: Socio-economic Series 2014; 26 : 107-120.
- DU PLESSIS DJ. A critical reflection on urban spatial planning practices and outcomes in post-apartheid South Africa. Urban Forum 2014; 25 : 69-88.
- DU PLESSIS H, VAN NIEKERK A. A new GISc framework and competency set for curricula development at South African universities. South African Journal of Geomatics 2014; 3(1) : 1-12.
- FERREIRA SLA, BOSHOFF A. Post-2010 FIFA Soccer World Cup: oversupply and location of luxury hotel rooms in Cape Town. Current Issues in Tourism 2014; 17(2) : 180-198.
- FERREIRA SLA, DE VILLIERS R. The Victoria and Alfred Waterfront a playground for Capetonians. Urbani izziv 2014; 25(Supplement 005) : S63-S88.
- FERREIRA SLA, DONALDSON R. Global imaging and branding: Source market newspaper reporting of the 2010 Fifa World Cup. Tourism Review International 2014; 17(4) : 253-265.
- FERREIRA SLA, HARMSE A. Kruger National Park: Tourism development and issues around the management of large numbers of tourists. Journal of Ecotourism 2014; 13(1) : 16-34.
- GEYER HS (SNR), GEYER HS (JNR). Residential transformation in South Africa – Reopening the ‘Dead’ Capital Debate. Urban Forum 2014; 25 : 35-55.
- KAPLAN H, VAN NIEKERK A, LE ROUX JJ, RICHARDSON DM, WILSON JRU. Incorporating risk mapping at multiple spatial scales into eradication management plans. Biological Invasions 2014; 16 : 691–703.
- LOMBARD A, FERREIRA SLA. Residents’ attitudes to proposed wind farms in the West Coast region of South Africa: A social perspective from the south. Energy Policy 2014; 66 : 390-399.
- MAGEE AR, BOATRIGHT JS, MUCINA L. Four new species of Ursinia (Asteraceae, Anthemideae) from South Africa, with an updated key to the genus in Namaqualand. Phytotaxa 2014; 177(3) : 137-145.
- MASSEY RT. Exploring counter-conduct in upgraded informal settlements: The case of women residents in Makhaza and New Rest (Cape Town), South Africa. Habitat International 2014; 44 : 290-296.
- NAIDOO AGV, VAN EEDEN A, MÜNCH Z. Spatial variation in school performance, a local analysis of socio-economic factors in Cape Town. South African Journal of Geomatics 2014; 3(1) : 78-94.
- PARRY K, VAN EEDEN A. Measuring racial residential segregation at different geographic scales in Cape Town and Johannesburg. South African Geographical Journal 2014; 97(1) : 31-49.
- POONA NK, ISMAIL R. Using Boruta-selected spectroscopic wavebands for the asymptomatic detection of Fusarium Circinatum stress. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing 2014; 7(9) : 3764-3772.
- ŠMARDA P, BUREŠ P, HOROVÁ L, LEITSCH I, MUCINA L, PACINI E, TICHÝ L, GRULICH V, ROTREKLOVA O. Ecological and evolutionary significance of genomic GC diversity in monocots. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 2014; 111(39) : E4096–E4102.
- VAN DER MERWE JH, JOUBERT U. Managing environmental impact of bouldering as a niche outdoor-climbing activity. South African Journal for Research in Sport Physical Education and Recreation 2014; 36(1) : 229-251.
- VON GERHARDT K, VAN NIEKERK A, KIDD M, SAMWAYS MJ, HANKS J. The role of elephant Loxodonta africana pathways as a spatial variable in crop-raiding location. Oryx 2014; 48(3) : 436-444.
- WELMAN L, FERREIRA SLA. Regional development of Saldanha Bay region, South Africa: The role of Saldanha Steel. Bulletin of Geography: Socio-economic Series 2014; 26 : 219-231.
- WILLEMSE L. The role of economic factors and guanxi networks in the success of Chinese shops in Johannesburg, South Africa. Urban Forum 2014; 25(1) : 105-125.
- MASHIMBYE ZE, DE CLERCQ WP, VAN NIEKERK A. An evaluation of digital elevation models (DEMs) for delineating land components. GEODERMA 2014; 213:312-319.
- CHASI V, HOLLOWAY A, ORACH GARIMOL C. Health sector shortcomings associated with measles outbreaks in Cape Town, South Africa. Planet at Risk 2014; 2(4) : 228-235.
- DIDUKH YP, MUCINA L. Validation of names of some syntaxa of the Crimean vegetation. Lazaroa 2014; 35 : 181-190.
- DONALDSON R. La remodelación de la forma urbana (in Spanish). Vanguardia Dossier 2014; 51 : 2.
- GABRIELS H, HORN A. The relationship between access to Information and Communications Technology (ICT) and poverty in South Africa. Africanus 2014; 44(1) : 21-33.
- MUSAKWA W, VAN NIEKERK A. Monitoring urban sprawl and sustainable urban development using the Moran index: A case study of Stellenbosch, South Africa. International Journal of Applied Geospatial Research 2014; 5(3) : 1-20.
- MYBURG G, VAN NIEKERK A. Impact of training set size on object-based land cover classification: A comparison of three classifiers. International Journal of Applied Geospatial Research 2014; 3 : 51-70.
- PHAROAH R. Built-in risk: Linking housing concerns and flood risk in subsidized housing settlements in Cape Town, South Africa. International Journal of Disaster Risk Science 2014; 5 : 313-322.
- CAMPETELLA G, CANULLO R, MUCINA L, ET AL . Solving the conflict between intensive and extensive approaches: transect based sampling design for comparative studies on fine scale plant community organization. Biodiversity and vegetation: patterns, processes, conservation (57st Annual Symposium of the International Association for Vegetation Science), University Club of The University of Western Australia, Perth, Australia, Kwongan Foundation 2014: 1-277.
- DONALDSON R, GOUTALI M, SAM’AN S, MOE J, PAULOSKI M, UTOMO M. Regulation of street trading in two nodes of Cape Town. Life in a changing urban landscape: Proceedings of the IGU Urban Geography Commission (Urban challenges in a complex world), University of Johannesburg, Johannesburg & Stellenbosch, South Africa, University of Johannesburg 2014: 287-294.
- DONALDSON R, VAN HEERDEN S. Cape Town CBD foreign street traders INC. Life in a changing urban landscape: Proceedings of the IGU Urban Geography Commission (Urban challenges in a complex world), University of Johannesburg, Johannesburg & Stellenbosch, South Africa, University of Johannesburg 2014: 279-286.
- DU PLESSIS DJ. Impact of post-apartheid urban spatial planning in South Africa: A critical reflection on intentions and outcomes. Life in a changing urban landscape: Proceedings of the IGU Urban Geography Commission (Urban challenges in a complex world), University of Johannesburg, Johannesburg & Stellenbosch, South Africa, University of Johannesburg 2014: 77-91.
- HORN A. Urban growth management best practices in the developed world: why it is different for the developing world. Life in a changing urban landscape: Proceedings of the IGU Urban Geography Commission (Urban challenges in a complex world), University of Johannesburg, Johannesburg & Stellenbosch, South Africa, University of Johannesburg 2014: 92-100.
- SPOCTER MA. Non-metropolitan gated developments in the Western Cape, South Africa: From large city to small town. Life in a changing urban landscape: Proceedings of the IGU Urban Geography Commission (Urban challenges in a complex world), University of Johannesburg, Johannesburg & Stellenbosch, South Africa, University of Johannesburg 2014: 234-254.
- VAN EEDEN A. Small business and informal trader perceptions in South African metropolitan CBDs. Life in a changing urban landscape: Proceedings of the IGU Urban Geography Commission (Urban challenges in a complex world), University of Johannesburg, Johannesburg & Stellenbosch, South Africa, University of Johannesburg 2014: 307-317.
- WILLEMSE L. The vicious cycle of constraints: Foreign informal street traders in Johannesburg and Tshwane, South Africa. Life in a changing urban landscape: Proceedings of the IGU Urban Geography Commission (Urban challenges in a complex world), University of Johannesburg, Johannesburg & Stellenbosch, South Africa, University of Johannesburg 2014: 295-306.
- MUCINA L, RUTHERFORD MC, POWRIE LW, VAN NIEKERK A, VAN DER MERWE JH. Vegetation Field Atlas of the Continental South Africa, Lesotho and Swaziland (Strelitzia 33) . South African National Biodiversity Institute, Pretoria, South Africa 2014:48 pp.
- DANIEL G, MUCINA L. A vegetation-structure map of the Northern Kimberley Region (Western Australia) to inform fire management planning. In Mucina, L., Price, J.N. & Kalwij, J.M. (eds.), Biodiversity and vegetation: patterns, processes, conservation, Kwongan Foundation, Perth, Australia, 2014: 84.
- DONALDSON R. South African township transformation. In Encyclopedia of quality of life and well-being research / Michalos AC (Ed), Springer, Dordrecht, Netherlands, 2014: 623-628.
- EL-SHEIKH MA, THOMAS JM, ALFARHAN AH, MUCINA L. Vegetation database of Najd – the Central Region of Saudi Arabia: an overview. In Mucina, L., Price, J.N. & Kalwij, J.M. (eds.), Biodiversity and vegetation: patterns, processes, conservati, Kwongan Foundation, Perth, Australia, 2014: 225.
- GEYER HS (SNR), GEYER HS (JNR), DU PLESSIS DJ, VAN EEDEN A. Recent morphological trends in metropolitan South Africa. In Urban transformations: centres, peripheries, and systems, Ashgate, Farnham, Surrey, United Kingdom, 2014: 171-184.
- MACINTYRE PD, MUCINA L, DOBROWOLSKI MP, VAN NIEKERK A, STEPHENSON GR, PAUW T. Fine-scale predictive mapping of the kwongan vegetation of the Eneabba sandplains, Western Australia. In Biodiversity and vegetation: patterns, processes, conservation / Mucina, L., Price, J.N. & Kalwij, J.M. (eds), Kwongan Foundation, Perth, Australia, 2014: 141.
- MOOKHERJEE D, GEYER HS (SNR), HOERAUF E. Delhi and its peripheral region: Perspectives on settlement growth. In Urban transformations: centres, peripheries and systems, Ashgate, Farnham, Surrey, United Kingdom, 2014: 197-206.
- MUCINA L. EuroVegChecklist: a post mortem. In Mucina, L., Price, J.N. & Kalwij, J.M. (eds.), Biodiversity and vegetation: patterns, processes, conservation, Kwongan Foundation, Perth, Australia, 2014: 84.
- OTTAVIANI G, MUCINA L, KEPPEL G. Refugia functional signature: An integrated trait-based conceptual framework. In Mucina, L., Price, J.N. & Kalwij, J.M. (eds.), Biodiversity and vegetation: patterns, processes, conservation, Kwongan Foundation, Perth, Australia, 2014: 167.
- RANDRIANALIJAONA MT, HOLLOWAY A. Advancing disaster risk governance in Madagascar: the role of higher education institutions. In Extreme natural hazards, disaster risks and societal implications, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, United Kingdom, 2014: 234-240.
- REBELO AG, LOW AB, HOLMES PM, EUSTON-BROWN DIW, MUCINA L. Vegetation Map of the Cape Peninsula (Western Cape, South Africa). In Vegetation Field Atlas of the Continental South Africa, Lesotho and Swaziland. Strelitzia 33, South African National Biodiversity Institute, Cape Town, South Africa, 2014: 47-225.
- TSAKALOS JL, MUCINA L, DOBROWOLSKI MP. Floristic patterns and drivers of kwongan vegetation patterns in Eneabba region of the Northern Sandplains, Western Australia. In Mucina, L., Price, J.N. & Kalwij, J.M. (eds.), Biodiversity and vegetation: patterns, processes, conservation, Kwongan Foundation, Perth, Australia, 2014: 196.
- VAN LAAR S, COTTYN I, DONALDSON R, ZOOMERS A, FERREIRA SLA. ‘Living apart together’ in Franschhoek, South Africa. The implications of second-home development for equitable and sustainable development. In Contested spatialities, lifestyle migration and residential tourism / M Jaboschka & H Haas (Ed.), Routledge, Oxon, United Kingdom, 2014: 190-204.
- VILLENUEVE N, BACHELERY P, KEMP JN. La Réunion Island: A typical example of a basaltic shield volcano with rapid evolution. In Landscapes and Landforms of France, Springer, Dordrecht, Netherlands, 2014: 261-270.
- PRIMO N, WRIGHT C, GEYER HS (SNR), GEYER HS (JNR). State of Cape Town 2014 : Celebrating 20 years of democracy. 2014: 98 pp.
- DU PLESSIS H. A methodology for assessing geographical information science professionals and programmes in South Africa. PhD, 2014. 169 pp. Promotor: Van Niekerk A.
- MWATHUNGA E. Contesting soace in Malawi: A Lefebvrian analysis. PhD, 2014. 331 pp. Promotor: Donaldson R.
- BRINK E. Geographical Information Systems for environmental impact assessment: a feasibility study. MA, 2014. 154 pp. Studieleier: Van der Merwe JH.
- CALLAGHAN KL. The use of remote sensing and GIS in the identification and vulnerability detection of coastal erosion as a hazard in False Bay, South Africa. MSc, 2014. 169 pp. Studieleier: Kemp JN.
- CHATIKOBO TH. Evaluating holistic management in Hwange communal lands, Zimbabwe: an actor-oriented livelihood approach, incorporating everyday politics and resistance. MSc, 2014. 190 pp. Studieleier: Zweig PJ.
- DE KOCK C. Farming in the Langkloof: Coping with and adaptive to environmental shock and social stress. MA, 2014. 177 pp. Studieleier: De Waal J.
- KASTERN (MOELLER) ML. Factors affecting lion (Panthera leo) spatial occurrence in the Zambezi Region, Namibia. MSc, 2014. 137 pp. Studieleier: de Klerk HM.
- MAREMBO R. Application of species distribution modelling to identify African Wild Dog (lycaon pictus) ecological corridors and re-location sites in South-Eastern Zimbabwe. MSc, 2014. 205 pp. Studieleier: de Klerk HM.
- MATAVIRE MM. Impacts of sugarcane farming on coastal wetlands of the North coast of Zululand, Kwadukuza, South Africa. MSc, 2014. 125 pp. Studieleier: Poona NK.
- MOIR S. Drivers of wildfire behaviour, severity and magnitude in the Limietberg Conservation Area: Understanding the complexity of wildfire risk. MSc, 2014. 88 pp. Studieleier: de Klerk HM.
- MOTSWALEDI M. Using remote sensing indices to evaluate habitat intactness in the Bushbuckridge area: A key to effective planning. MSc, 2014. 140 pp. Studieleier: de Klerk HM.
- MUGWENA T. Mapping spatial requirements of ecological processes to aid the implementation of corridors. MSc, 2014. 99 pp. Studieleier: de Klerk HM.
- PAVIOUR S. Carbon sequestration and trading potential in semi-arid South Africa: a Karoo case study. MA, 2014. 151 pp. Studieleier: Van der Merwe JH.
- POTGIETER R. A review of land reform in the Matzikama Municipal area. MA, 2014. 149 pp. Studieleier: Donaldson R.
- SHIFIDI VT. Socio-economic assessment of the consequences of flooding in Northern Namibia. MA, 2014. 248 pp. Studieleier: Münch Z.
- SMIT C. Geographical Information System for integrated management of agriculture and the environment. MSc, 2014. 141 pp. Studieleier: Van der Merwe JH.
- VOS E. Land cover change and its effects on landscape function in the Koue Bokkeveld. MSc, 2014. 194 pp. Studieleier: Van der Merwe JH.
- XULU S. Land degradation and settlement intensification in uMhlathuze Municipality. MSc, 2014. 127 pp. Studieleier: Van der Merwe JH.