Development & Alumni Newsletter | Issue 1 | Winter 2017

Almost R7 million from the Moshal Scholarship Programme, R3.7 million from Eskom and R1.8 million from FNB… These are just some of the many donations that will give Stellenbosch University’s bursary coffers a huge boost in 2017, to the benefit of financially deserving undergraduate and postgraduate Matie students.

“The University has received over R17 million from various companies, foundations and individuals to be used for bursaries. And this generous amount came from first time as well as regular donors,” says Sarah Archer, Fundraising Director in SU's Development and Alumni Relations Office.

Archer says the power that financial assistance hold to many students' future has been in the spotlight numerous times - more so over the past two years with the #FeesMustFall protests.  “It is gratifying to see the students' dreams of a brighter future becoming a reality because companies, foundations and individuals decided to invest their hard-earned money in higher education," she adds.

“In 2016 a total of 1981 Matie students out of 5 420 who received their degrees did so thanks to some form of financial assistance - whether it be bursaries, loans or bursary loans. In addition, with the help of our donors, we are hoping to stretch that assistance and grow those numbers even further.

"The financial support we've received thus far, not only makes the higher education dreams of students come true, it also enables the University to fulfil its mandate of delivering well-qualified graduates, producing new knowledge and making a positive impact on society," Archer says.
She concludes: “The Development and Alumni Relations Office as well as departments and faculties are all working hard to remove financial obstacles for students and to ensure that the next-generation of Maties reach their full academic potential.”

Our gratitude goes to:
• First National Bank Fund for R1 819 085.00 providing 16 student with disabilities with full cost bursaries.
• Dippenaar Family Education Trust for their R1 100 000 that will be supporting 21 students.
• Eskom for giving R3 780 954 to support 33 students.
• Standard Bank whose R95 971 will support two former Hope@Maties students.
• BATSA for its Legacy Scholarship of R400 000 that was granted as a legacy to Matie students when the company moved its headquarters out of town.
• CIPLA who gave R136 000.
• Mix Telematics for its R43 580.
• Peregrine Capital for its R203 545.
• Thermaspray for its R189 116.
• Bay Steel's R16 194.
• R900 000 for bursary loans were disbursed from the Wiese endowment of R29m.
• Stonehage Fleming has awarded R500 000 for law bursaries.
• Henk Seymore has left a bequest of about R1.3 million to the University.  
• The Claude Leon Foundation has extended support to SU's Legal Aid Clinic for a three year funding cycle.
• Freyson Trust for R51 200 towards one Engineering student’s class fees.
• Msaada Trust’s R17 000 for single parent students.
• SARS for 5 full bursaries totalling R493 170.
• PA & Alize Malan Gedenktrust’s R50 000.
• Shell’s full bursary at R112 173.

Would you like to help shape the next generation of our country’s leaders, entrepreneurs, and technical experts? Please contact Sonia Schoeman on 021 808 2830 or e-mail: