Development & Alumni Relations Newsletter | Summer 2019

Funds raised for bursaries have increased from over R58 million in 2015 to over R107 million in 2018 – representing an 82% increase over the past four and a half years.

The DAR’s director of fundraising, Sarah Archer, says the figure is set to increase in 2019. “Based on the value of bursary funds already received up to the end of May 2019, we are projecting a total of just under R120 million for 2019.”

She says in 2018, Stellenbosch University (SU) allocated just over R318 million in undergraduate bursaries for students across all faculties. “One third (34%) of all undergraduate bursaries awarded by the University was funded through donations raised by the DAR. By comparison, in 2015, when undergraduate bursaries cost the University R271 449 560, donation income only provided for one fifth (22%) of the University’s bursary expenditure.”

Archer adds that the broad-based black economic empowerment (BBBEE) space has been particularly helpful when it comes to securing funds. “Since 2017, DAR has actively sought to generate further bursary income through BBBEE funds. In the first six months of 2019, almost R5 million in BBBEE-related income was received, showing a more than 200% increase on 2017 BBBEE income.”

According to Archer, DAR will continue securing much-needed financial support for students. “Having a student drop out of the academic race due to a lack of funds, is just not an option, hence the push to get donors on board to support the next generation of Maties.

“We are truly grateful to all donors who choose to make this important investment in education. Their support allows us all to move forward together.”