Development & Alumni Relations Newsletter | Summer 2020

"The COVID-19 pandemic brought with it many new challenges and risks that the University had to mitigate. When on-campus activities were suspended towards the end of March 2020, we rapidly switched to online learning. Classes resumed online on 20 April, thanks to the tireless efforts of teaching and support staff," SU Rector and Vice-Chancellor Prof Wim de Villiers said.

"We remained acutely aware of the challenges that our students had to face in adapting to the new and largely unfamiliar mode of learning during the lockdown period. So, we did everything we could to ensure that all of our students – and especially those who are vulnerable – could successfully complete the academic year."

Laptops were made available on a loan basis to socio-economically disadvantaged students and data bundles were procured for all students to access the internet.

Staff training to provide engaging content was also a key priority. Furthermore, the capacity of SUNLearn, the University's study management system, was boosted to handle the increased demand when most activities were taking place online. Systems were streamlined to make it easier for students to access the necessary resources and information.

In addition, the University's Centre for Student Counselling and Development provided online and telephonic services to those who needed academic, emotional or emergency assistance.

A grant provided by the Michael & Susan Dell Foundation, a US-based philanthropic non-profit organisation, went towards tailored academic and psychosocial support for students who were vulnerable and at risk of not graduating or moving on to their next year of study. The grant bolstered academic support to ensure that every student stays on course, despite the challenges that they may experience. “We are grateful to the Michael & Susan Dell Foundation, whose support strengthens our interventions to help our students succeed," De Villiers said.

Dr Thashlin Govender, Programme Director at the Michael & Susan Dell Foundation, said: "There is a need for organisations to come together, collaborate and invest in programmes that help university students succeed. The Michael & Susan Dell Foundation is committed to working with like-minded partners, such as SU, to provide students with the continuous support they need to overcome the challenges they may face along their journey."

"Die COVID-19-pandemie hou vele nuwe uitdagings en risiko's in en die Universiteit het hard gewerk om die gevolge daarvan te probeer verlig. Toe die aktiwiteite op kampus teen die einde van Maart 2020 opgeskort is, het ons vinnig na aanlyn leer oorgeskakel. Klasse is op 20 April aanlyn hervat, danksy die onvermoeide pogings van die onderrig- en steundienstepersoneel," sê die US-rektor en visekanselier, prof Wim de Villiers.

“Ons was deeglik bewus van die uitdagings waarmee ons studente te kampe het om by die nuwe en grootliks onbekende leerwyse in die inperkingstydperk te kon aanpas. Daarom het ons alles in ons vermoë gedoen om te verseker dat al ons studente – en veral diegene wat kwesbaar is – die akademiese jaar suksesvol kon voltooi."

Skootrekenaars is op 'n leenbasis beskikbaar gestel aan studente wat sosio-ekonomies benadeel is en databundels is aangeskaf om alle studente toegang tot die internet te bied.

Opleiding aan personeel om onderhoudende inhoud te lewer, was ook 'n belangrike prioriteit. Verder is die kapasiteit van SUNLearn, die Universiteit se studiebestuurstelsel, verbeter om die verhoogde vraag te hanteer toe die meeste aktiwiteite aanlyn plaasgevind het. Stelsels is vaartbelyn gemaak om dit vir studente makliker te maak om toegang tot die nodige bronne en inligting te kry.

Daarbenewens het die Universiteit se Sentrum vir Studentevoorligting en Ontwikkeling aanlyn en telefoniese dienste aan diegene gebied wat akademiese, emosionele of noodhulp benodig het.

'n Toekenning deur die Michael & Susan Dell-stigting, 'n filantropiese organisasie sonder winsoogmerk in die VSA, is aangewend vir pasgemaakte akademiese en psigomaatskaplike steun aan kwesbare studente wat die gevaar geloop het om nie na hul volgende studiejaar te vorder nie. Die toekenning het die akademiese steun verstewig en help verseker dat elke student op koers bly, ondanks die uitdagings wat hulle dalk ervaar. “Ons is dank verskuldig aan die Michael & Susan Dell-stigting, wie se ondersteuning ons ingrypings versterk het sodat ons ons studente kan help slaag," sê De Villiers.

Dr Thashlin Govender, Programdirekteur by die Michael & Susan Dell-stigting, sê: "Daar is 'n behoefte dat organisasies saamspan, meewerk en belê in programme wat universiteitstudente help slaag. Die Michael & Susan Dell-stigting is verbind daartoe om met eendersdenkende vennote, soos die US, saam te werk om studente deurlopend te ondersteun sodat hulle die uitdagings kan oorkom wat langs die pad op hul wag."