Development & Alumni Relations Newsletter | Winter 2018

Everybody thinks about food every day.

We can all identify with thoughts like “what meals am I going to make today?”, “what groceries do I need to buy”, “time to start my diet again”… etc.

These are not the thoughts of a student who is struggling with the glaring realities of food insecurity.

“I hope my friend offers to share his lunch with me today”, “how am I going to be able to focus in class”, “no one cares about me.”

Those are the thoughts running through the minds of hungry students across university campuses around the country - and Stellenbosch University is no exception.

“Being a Matie is an incredible experience – and we want all students to have access to the same opportunities. No student on campus should go hungry – or not have basic necessities during their time here,” says Ben Moolman, current SRC representative responsible for Strategic Initiatives and Leadership Development.

“We want to create a sustainable solution for students on campus – the need is greater than food – but food is the most pressing need,” he adds.

The #Move4Food campaign is a student-led initiative that aims to create food banks on the Stellenbosch and Tygerberg campuses, with an ambitious target. They aim to raise R10 million in donations (cash and goods) to ensure that for the next three years, no SU student will have to bear the indignity of going hungry.

With the recent announcement of fee-free education, there is a general perception that needy students receive financial support that covers all their university costs. “Not so,” says Karen Bruns, Senior Director of Development and Alumni Relations.

“There are caps on each expense component, like tuition, accommodation and food allowances. This results in shortfalls that the student is still liable for. The most pressing times for students are at the beginning of the year, when they are still waiting for funding to be approved and just before final exams, when the food allowances dry up,” explains Bruns.

Will you #Move4Food with us?

If you’re wondering what you can do to help, we need you to put on your running shoes!

SU has partnered with the Sanlam Cape Town Marathon, taking place on 22 and 23 September, to galvanise staff, students, alumni and friends of SU to raise support for a Food Bank on our Stellenbosch and Tygerberg campuses.

How to sign up:

  • If you’ve already bought your ticket to the marathon, you can sign up to the #Move4Food Maties team by sending an email to
  • If you haven’t signed up yet, we’ve secured a 25% discount on the entry tickets for the 42.2km and 10km races. There are also tickets available for the 5k and trail runs.
    • Send an e-mail to and we will send you a voucher code which you can use to register on the Cape Town Marathon website.
    • Once registered, you will then receive further information on how you too can raise funds from your friends and family to help fellow Maties reach their finish line.

Whether you do the 10km, or the full marathon of 42.2km, or the peace or trial runs, you will be striving to achieve your personal best while helping fellow Maties to do the same!

Let's end student hunger once and for all as we #Move4Food!