6 May 2022

An international group of researchers exploring the issue of collegiality at universities across the globe met from 3 to 5 May 2022 at Palazzo Butera in Palermo, Sicily. A full three-day programme saw colleagues present papers and engage in constructive discussion about how to understand collegiality both as a mode of conduct and of governance, while also taking into consideration the institutional pressures and local realities in which universities operate.

Dr François van Schalkwyk, postdoctoral researcher at CREST, presented a paper titled ‘Collegiality and Communication: This time it’s personal’. His paper draws attention to the role of communication and the normative nature of science as a necessary condition for collegial self-governance as well as for constructive interactions between academic departments, faculties and university management.

One of the outcomes of the meeting was agreement on how to proceed with the publication of the research conducted in Research in the Sociology of Organizations.

Virtual presentations were made by Logan Crace (University of Alberta); Perdro Pineda (University of Bath); and Hakyo Hwang (University of New South Wales).

Present at the meeting (as they appear from left to right in the photograph) were: Jankov Jandric (University of Edinburgh); Paulo Quattrone (University of Manchester); Francisco Ramirez (Stanford University); François van Schalkwyk (Stellenbosch University); Jean-Louis Denis (University of Montreal); Kerstin Sahlin (Co-principle investigator, University of Uppsala); Rick Delbridge (Cardiff University); Ulla Erikson-Zetterquist (Co-principle investigator, University of Gothenburg); Michael Lounsbury (University of Alberta); Audrey Harroche (Sciences Po and Uppsala University); Nancy Côte (Laval University).