Prof Dennis Francis

Professor in Sociology

Tell: +27 21 808 2202


PhD Sociology, Natal University

Ongoing Interests: Queer Theory, gender, sexualities, youth, education.

Selected Publications

  1. Francis, D.A. (2020) Queering the (ab)normalisation of gender, (hetero)sexuality and schooling in South Africa, Journal of Homosexuality,
  2. Francis, D.A. & Kjaran, J.I. 2020. Troubling the discourse of the victimization of queer youth in Icelandic and South African education. Feminism & Psychology. (April, 4):
  3. Francis, DA. (2019) Revealing the intersections between race, same sex-sexuality and schooling in South Africa, Race, Ethnicities and Education,
  4. Francis, D.A. (2019) What does the teaching and learning of sexuality education in South African schools reveal about counter-normative sexualities? Sex Education,
  5. Francis, D., Reygan, F., Muller, M., Brown, A., Dlamini, B., McAllister, J., … Thani, G. (2020). A Five Country Study of Gender and Sexuality Diversity and Schooling in Southern Africa. African Education Review.
  6. Francis, D.A. (2018) What do queer youth say they need from sexuality education, Journal of Youth Studies,



    1. Francis, D. (2022) Queer Activism in South African Education: Disrupting Cis(hetero)normativity in Schools, Routledge Critical Studies in Gender and Sexuality, London
    2. Francis, D., Kjaran, J. & Lehtonen J (2020) Queer Social Movements and Outreach Work in Schools: A Global Perspective, PalgraveMacmillan, New York.
    3. Francis, D. (2018). Troubling the teaching and learning of gender and sexuality diversity in South African education, PalgraveMacmillan, New York.