

Abstract submissions for this year’s conference are closed.

Enquiries:  sotl@sun.ac.za

To submit an abstract / contribution (first register as a user):

Go to https://www.conftool.net/sotl2017/ 

  1. Log in using access details created during registration process.
  2. Click on Your Submissions.
  3. Choose either Research based or Practice based paper.
  4. Complete the necessary fields.
  5. Click on Proceed.
  6. Click on Complete submission.
  7. Screen will appear showing new submission created and details.
  8. You will receive an e-mail confirming submission.

General information
For the 2017 conference, Stellenbosch University staff are invited to submit abstracts on aspects of teaching and learning in higher education, i.e. undergraduate education, postgraduate education and continuing professional development.

You may want to share your experiences of trying out something new or innovative in your teaching or assessment practice. Did it work or not? Perhaps you’ve conducted a large-scale needs analysis related to your teaching or you’ve discovered something interesting when analysing the results of your students’ assessment!  Have you explored a teaching-related aspect in collaboration with other colleagues in your department or faculty, or even across disciplinary boundaries?  Have you conducted research on your teaching or assessment or perhaps you have some new ideas that you would like to discuss?

Come and share your passion, your news and your results with us in a presentation, a panel or as a poster, so that we can all learn together and make teaching at SU the best it can be.

Writing the abstract
Click on this link to access a document Creating a research space (CARS model) that provides an overview of steps to follow when doing educational research.  This might assist you in writing your abstract.  You can also contact the CTL Advisor in your faculty for assistance.

Length: Minimum 220 words and maximum 250 words

– Academic literacies
– Assessment and feedback
– Evaluation
– Focus on first years
– Graduate attributes
– Innovative teaching
– Interdisciplinary teaching
– Mentoring and tutoring
– Postgraduate teaching
– Reflection
– Social impact
– Social justice in teaching and learning
– Student success factors
– Technology in education
– Transforming the curriculum

Criteria for two main abstract streams:



Background, rationale, purpose Background, context, purpose
Theoretical framing and literature review Links to similar work
Research question/s Particular interest/ focus of presentation
Methodology Description of work done
Results/ conclusions from findings Conclusions
Implications: How the work adds to the field, relevance for other contexts, additional areas for further research Implications: Take-home messages, e.g. might be relevant/ useful in another context or opens additional areas for further exploration/ research
Originality or significance of research Value to fellow practitioners

Enquiries: sotl@sun.ac.za