(Afrikaans) Werksessie 3: Voldag

In a swiftly evolving educational landscape, characterized by diverse student demographics and dynamic expectations, higher education yet again faces a moment of profound transformation. This presentation explores academic uncertainty as a catalyst for novel opportunities. From my current multiple roles as a lecturer, teaching fellow, innovation and entrepreneurship coordinator and engineering student, I will reflect on the topic from various perspectives and share some learnings about harnessing technology’s potential within higher education while nurturing future-critical skills.

Apart from the need to think differently about the future of employment and work, current issues such as artificial intelligence in teaching, learning, research and assessment cannot be avoided, along with technology disruption in various sectors. From an agricultural sector perspective, the current students and future employees and/or entrepreneurs will be faced with both significant challenges and exciting opportunities. Unfortunately, the higher education sector seems to be slow to disrupt itself, and in some cases what is taught is more relevant to the competencies of the lecturer than the competencies required in the outside world. This presentation will touch on aspects of entrepreneurship and technology incorporation I have dealt with as a Teaching Advancement at University (TAU) fellow and an engineering management master’s student, towards a teaching philosophy underscoring the power of technology, entrepreneurship, and a commitment to future-critical skills in reshaping myself and my students to adapt to a rapidly changing world.