Our Strategic Information Programme uses quantitative and qualitative scientific methods to inform improvements in service delivery by measuring, evaluating and reporting the effectiveness, efficiency and quality of services delivered by the programme.


Our training and development programmes are evaluated through
- process evaluation measures;
- effect evaluation;
- comprehensive programme evaluation; and
- costing analysis.
This allows us to adapt, duplicate and implement the programmes in a variety of contexts. Furthermore, a rigorous assessment of needs and opportunities for innovation enables us to develop and institutionalise our programmes in a way that incorporates the necessary knowledge, skills, abilities and behaviour needed in the southern African context.

Monitoring and Evaluation

Our monitoring, evaluation and reporting strategy measures not only progress but also obstacles towards progress. In addition, the strategy measures the effect of programme interventions to overcome obstacles and illustrates to what extent we have achieved the goals that we set for the intervention.

The evidence collected by the Monitoring and Evaluation Unit demonstrates the progress of the programme and is an accurate reflection our activities. Data quality is central to managing the process of collecting evidence.

South to South Strategic Goals

Programme Areas

View more programme areas by clicking on the following:
