
Clinical Algorithm Overview

Pulmonary Function


Delphi Study Results

Contact Details


This website was developed as a place to reach international consensus amongst clinicians; academics/researchers; and members of the interdisciplinary team involved in ICU patient management (nurses; intensivists) on a best practice physiotherapy clinical algorithm.

NOTE: The author had access to the clinical guidelines developed by the European respiratory Society of Intensive Care Medicine task force which was recently published (Gosselink et al 2008). These recommendations were incorporated into the algorithm where applicable.


The way forward

  • These results will be collated into management algorithms using the following key words based on the consensus median rating

    • DO Rating 1
    • SHOULD DO Rating 2
    • CONSIDER Rating 3
    • UNIMPORTANT Rating 4
    • DETRIMENTAL Rating 5

  • The evidence based protocol will be implemented over 4 three week periods in a surgical ICU starting 1 November 2008. Patient outcomes from protocol care will be compared to usual care.

  • The abdominal surgery; rehabilitation and pulmonary dysfunction groups are currently working on publications for submission this year.

Site content:

Which outcomes will be measured?

  • Patient specific outcomes:
    • Length of ICU stay (LOS);
    • Total time on the ventilator (TTOV): will be calculated in hours with the admission time used as intubation time if a patient is admitted to the unit already intubated and ventilated. Pt’s will only be regarded as successfully extubated if re intubation does not occur with 48 hours of extubation
    • Ventilator-free days: defined as the number of days between successful weaning from mechanical ventilation and day 28 after study enrollment
    • Re-intubation rate (RI): number of times a patient was intubated during stay in ICU.
    • mortality;
  • Functional independence of the patient at discharge from the unit:
    • Barthell Index (BI) and the
    • Functional independence measure (FIM)
  • Cost effectiveness:
    • Therapeutic intervention scoring system (TISS).
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