Summer School: 16-20 January 2017

Aim of the workshop

We will meet to jointly explore new paths of research at the science|society interface. We are excited about the interesting group of participants, coming from a wide variety of disciplines and professional fields and we are looking forward to hearing more about your research experiences and activities. To this end, our focus will be more specifically on exploring the relevancy of a context-sensitive narrative-based approach for doing practical solution-oriented TDR on the African continent. Narrative-based research is always embedded in a particular context and to this end we will be working with the experiences of the people involved with the informal settlement project of Ekuphumleni (near the City of Cape Town) conducted by Slum Dwellers International (SDI). Using this real-life case study, you will be required to participate in numerous small group exercises as well as class room work in order to learn together as much as possible about the theory and practice of this exciting new research approach. We are hopeful that this learning experience will equip you with the necessary insights and knowledge for initiating and conducting your own TDR project, as well as preparing your research proposal for faculty.

The hands-on and practical orientation of the workshop will take participants through a week-long exploration of the narrative approach that is driven by SenseMaker®. Participants should come into the session with their research projects in mind, and be prepared to work through the design of their projects for potential application using the SenseMaker® approach. Driving the full course of the Summer School will be the abovementioned Ekuphumleni informal settlement project conducted by SDI. We will conduct design of this study as a group, on top of individual research foci, and take this study through the phases of Designer configuration onto a SenseMaker® narrative Collector platform, and go into the field to understand the intricacies of data collection using this method.

For more information, please explore this embedded below, by clicking ‘read more’


Narrative Based Transdisciplinary Research

Published On: December 13th, 2016
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