
  • Prof Mark Swilling has “deep appreciation” for the CST as he steps down as Co-Director

    Co-director. Founder. Lecturer. Researcher. Board chairperson. Research chair. Academic supervisor. Mentor. These are some of the hats worn by Prof Mark Swilling, who has stepped down as Co-director o [...]

  • Academic Networking Event Report highlights need for collaboration

    An extensive report by INSPIRE, the Centre for Sustainability Transitions at Stellenbosch University, and Power Futures Lab, has highlighted the importance and need for transformative and collaborativ [...]

  • CST co-director elected to Academy of Science of South Africa

    Prof Reinette (Oonsie) Biggs, co-director of the Centre for Sustainability Transitions (CST) and holder of the DST/NRF South African Chair in Social-Ecological Systems and Resilience, recently receive [...]

  • CST researchers involved in new Just Energy Transition interactive website

    A new video-based website makes international research on Just Energy Transitions accessible to scientists and non-scientists. The Reconfiguring Energy for Social Equity (ReSET) project – a collaborat [...]

  • Eskom’s newest company calls Prof Mark Swilling for duty

    Prof Mark Swilling, co-director of the Centre for Sustainability Transitions (CST) at Stellenbosch University has national energy strategy on his mind. Swilling has been appointed as a non-executive d [...]

  • A milestone 40 CST students graduate at Stellenbosch University summer graduation

    The Centre for Sustainability Transitions (CST) is delighted to extend our heartfelt congratulations to the graduates of 2023 for their impressive accomplishment. The ceremony, which took place in Dec [...]

  • Stellenbosch University multidisciplinary student team develops eco-friendly prototype wind reader

    A multidisciplinary team comprising of four postgraduate students from Stellenbosch University (SU) developed a prototype eco-friendly wind reader which saw them winning R10 000 in the 2023 SDG Soapbox South Africa Challenge.

  • Collaboration and knowledge co-production on the agenda during Dr Guido Caniglia visit

    The Centre for Sustainability Transitions (CST) had the privilege of hosting Dr Guido Caniglia, Scientific Director at the Konrad Lorenz Institute for Evolution and Cognition Research (KLI) based in Klosterneuburg, Austria. The visit by Dr Caniglia aimed to solidify and strengthen future collaboration between the KLI and CST.

  • CST announces Nina Callaghan as deputy director

    The Centre for Sustainability Transitions has appointed Nina Callaghan as its deputy director. Nina joins co-directors Prof Reinette (Oonsie) Biggs and Prof Mark Swilling in leading a Centre that has a strong and growing reputation for worldclass research and postgraduate teaching in the area of sustainability transitions.