You Be A Successful Student Too!

UBASuccessfulStudent2 in a Nutshell

What is UBASuccessfulStudent2?

UBASuccessfulStudent2 is an online conditioning program that will help you to develop the mindset of the high achieving and successful university student.

UBASuccessfulStudent2 consists of a number of "Inspire-U-2-Have-Characteristic" modules specifically designed to develop the eight characteristics and/or strategies of successful students: A successful student (1) accepts personal responsibility, (2) discovers a motivating purpose, (3) takes effective action,  (4) builds mutually supportive relationships, (5) gains heightened self-awareness, (6) becomes a life-long learner, (7) develops emotional maturity and (8) believes in him-/herself. 

UBASuccessfulStudent2 consists of a number of "Inspire-U-2-Have-Characteristic" modules (37 to be exact) specifically designed to enhance your understanding of how to be successful as a university student.  The 37 modules are available from the "8 Success Strategies" menu option above.  The complete list is also available at the bottom of this page - this will enable quick access to experienced users who know which modules to consult to address their "in-the-moment" inspirational needs.

Each "Inspire-U-2" module contains powerful quotations that inspire you to develop a specific characteristic. Thousands of quotations from philosophers, historical figures, well-known experts, sport stars, etc. are incorporated in total.  Consult the References page to see from where these quotations were sourced.

Your major task is to study the 37 "Inspire-U-2" modules within UBASuccessfulStudent2 as often as possible, preferably on a daily basis, and to record your actions and what you have learnt in the process in your e-journal.  The e-journal is accessible from from the "Apply & Share" menu option above.

Journaling to Help You Enhance Your Success

Each member's interaction with UBASuccessfulStudent2 is tracked via web forms: An i-FlourishWell4Life member (or BeWell mentor/mentee) must indicate which modules he/she consulted on which date and for how long, indicate to what life areas he/she is going to apply the lessons learnt and compile an action plan on integrating the lessons learnt in his/her life. This information is used to compile a journal for each member.

All i-FlourishWell4Life members (and BeWell mentors and mentees) have access to their own personalised and secure webpages that contain a complete record of their interactions with UBASuccessfulStudent2 (the journal). Consult your own site to study your journal and see your history of engagement with UBASuccessfulStudent2. 

List of 37 "Inspire-U-2" Modules to Enhance Your Success as a Student 


Centre for Business Intelligence,  Stellenbosch University, 12 Murray Street, Stellenbosch, South Africa

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