Grit is “the” greatest predictor of success. Angela Duckworth describes it as intense passion plus intense persistence. She tells us: “Grit entails working strenuously toward challenges, maintaining effort and interest over years despite failure, adversity, and plateaus in progress. The gritty individual approaches achievement as a marathon; his or her advantage is stamina.”
Grit, therefore, is a combination of a passion for long-term goals and perseverance.
“GRIT Definition: Your capacity to dig deep and do whatever it takes - even sacrifice, struggle, and suffer - to achieve your most worthy goals in the best ways.
GRIT is the defining element in what it takes to realize your most important and rewarding ambitions. If AQ is about defense - how you respond to whatever comes your way - GRIT is about offense. It defines the degree, duration, and quality of effort you invest to make good things happen.” - Paul Stoltz
Angela Duckworth of the University of Pennsylvania and her fellow researchers found in a series of scientific studies that higher levels of grit were more highly associated with cumulative grade point average in an Ivy league sample when compared to those with lower grit levels; that grit predicted retention after their first summer in two classes of cadets at the United States Military Academy; and that participants in a National Spelling Bee with higher grit scores typically work harder and longer than less gritty peers, ultimately resulting in better performance.
The prediction power of grit within the business environment is sumarized below (first image), and then some groundbreakings findings from Cornell University about the relationship between grit and how one can improve one's socio-economic status in life, the impact of grit on employment and the positive effect of grit on happiness and health, is summarized in the second image.
Prediction Power of Grit
Groundbreaking Findings from Cornell University
UBGritty2 is a conditioning programme that consists of a number of "Inspire-U-2-Have-Characteric"-modules which were specifically designed to inspire you to have a passion for long-term goals and perseverance, in other words, to have grit.