Please do not hesitate to contact us if you would like more information about Helderberg Men’s Residence. You are welcome to contact either the resident head or primarius; the contact details of both are listed on the right. Please note that visits to the residence are by appointment only. We are located in Piet Retief street, Stellenbosch, SOUTH AFRICA.
Moenie huiwer om ons te kontak as u meer inligting oor Helderberg Manskoshuis verlang nie. U is welkom om hetsy ons inwonende hoof of primarius te kontak; beide se besonderhede verskyn langsaan. Let asseblief daarop dat besoeke aan die koshuis slegs per afspraak kan geskied. Ons is geleë in Piet Retiefstraat, Stellenbosch, SUID-AFRIKA.
Office: +27 (0)21 808 4615
To make a donation towards Helderberg, please see our account details below. Please make all donations with the reference “HK030 Helderberg Donation”. For other types of donations please contact our President. See his details above.
Thank you!
Om ‘n donasie aan Helderberg te maak, sien asb. ons bank besonderhede onder. Alle donasies moet asb. met die verwysing “HK030 Helderberg donasie” gemaak word. Vir ander vorme van donasies kontak asb. ons President. Sien sy inligting bo.
Bank: Standard Bank
Account no./Rekening nr.: 073006955
Branch/Tak: 050610
Reference/Verwysing: HK030 Helderberg Donation