Publications 2009 - 2010:
> Zeegers I, Rabie H, Swanevelder S, Edson C, Cotton M, van Toorn R: Attention deficit hyperactivity and oppositional defiance disorder in HIV-infected South African children. J Trop Paediatr 2010, 56(2):97-102. PMID:19656842
> Zar HJ, Workman L, le Roux SM, Jennings T, Jele N, Schaaf HS, Barclay-Loggie A, Mulligan C, le Roux DM, Lombard CJ et al: A randomized controlled trial of intermittent compared with daily cotrimoxazole preventive therapy in HIV-infected children. AIDS 2010, 14(24). PMID:20706110
> van Zyl GU, Cotton MF, Claassen M, Abrahams C, Preiser W: Surveillance of transmitted resistance to antiretroviral drug classes among young children in the Western Cape Province of South Africa. Pediatr Infect Dis J 2010, 29(4):370-371. PMID:19935449
> van Toorn R, Schoeman JF, Cotton M, Rabie H: Atypical features of congenital syphilis in an HIV-exposed uninfected neonate. Pediatr Int 2010, 52(2):332-333. PMID:20500488
> Van der Linden D, Cotton MF, Rabie H, McKerrow N: Fatal Hepatitis B Infection Despite Immunization in an HIV-infected Infant: A Possible Case of Vaccine Failure and Immune Reconstitution Inflammatory Syndrome. J Trop Pediatr 2010. PMID:20159888
> Slogrove AL, Kunneke HM, Engelbrecht A, Holgate S, Cotton MF, Rabie H: Evaluating antibiotic use in a secondary level hospital neonatal unit in the Western Cape, South Africa. South Afr J Epidemiol Infect 2010, 25(3):21-25.
> Slogrove AL, Cotton MF, Esser MM: Severe infections in HIV-exposed uninfected infants: clinical evidence of immunodeficiency. J Trop Pediatr 2010, 56(2):75-81. PMID:19602487
> Rabie H, Lomp A, Goussard P, Nel E, Cotton M: Paradoxical Tuberculosis associated Immune Reconstitution Inflammatory Syndrome Presenting with Chylous Ascites and Chylothorax in a HIV-1 Infected Child. J Trop Pediatr 2010. PMID:20100782
> Palumbo P, Lindsey J, Hughes MD, Cotton MF, Bobat R, Meyers T, Bwakura-Dangarembizi M, Chi BH, Musoke P, Kamthunzi P et al: Antiretroviral Treatment for Children with Peripartum Nevirapine Exposure. N Engl J Med 2010, 363:1510-1520. PMCID:PMC3021781
> Nourse PJ, Cotton MF, Bates WD: Renal manifestations in children co-infected with HIV and disseminated tuberculosis. Pediatr Nephrol 2010, 25(9):1759-1763. PMID:20422226
> Nel ED, Rabie H, Goodway J, Cotton MF: A Retrospecive Study of Cryptosporidial Diarrhea in a Region with High HIV Prevalence. J Trop Pediatr 2010. PMID:20952412
> Marais BJ, Rabie H, Cotton MF: TB and HIV in children – advances in prevention and management. Paediatr Resp Rev 2010. PMID:21172674
> Madhi SA, Adrian P, Cotton MF, McIntyre JA, Jean-Philippe P, Meadows S, Nachman S, Kayhty H, Klugman KP, Violari A: Effect of HIV infection status and anti-retroviral treatment on quantitative and qualitative antibody responses to pneumococcal conjugate vaccine in infants. J Infect Dis 2010, 202(3):355-361. . PubMed PMID: 20583920. Pubmed Central PMCID: 2902789. Epub 2010/06/30
> Li RJ, Jaspan HB, O'Brien V, Rabie H, Cotton MF, Nattrass N: Positive futures: a qualitative study on the needs of adolescents on antiretroviral therapy in South Africa. AIDS Care 2010, 22(6):751-758. PMID:20467942
> Laughton B, Springer P, Grove D, Seedat S, Cornell M, Kidd M, Madhi SA, Cotton MF: Longitudinal development profile of children from low socio-economic circumstances in Cape Town, using the 1996 Griffiths mental development scales. S Afr J Child Health 2010, 4(3):78-83. PMCID PMC3439644
> Innes S, Schaaf HS, Hoek KG, Rabie H, Cotton M: Unsuspected Fatal Drug-Resistant Tuberculosis in a Closely Monitored Child: A Plea for Improved Source-Case Tracing and Drug Susceptibility Testing. South Afr J Epidemiol Infect 2010, 25(2):30-32. PMCID:PMC2919746
> Hartley C, Pretorius K, Mohamed A, Laughton B, Madhi S, Cotton MF, Steyn B, Seedat S: Maternal postpartum depression and infant social withdrawal among human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) positive mother-infant dyads. Psychol Health Med 2010, 15(3):278-287. PMID:20480433
> Gray D, Nuttall J, Lombard C, Davies MA, Workman L, Apolles P, Eley B, Cotton M, Zar H: Low rates of hepatotoxicity in HIV-infected children on anti-retroviral therapy with and without isoniazid prophylaxis. J Trop Paediatr 2010, 56(3):159-165. PMID:19710246
> Eshun-Wilson I, Havers F, Nachega JB, Prozesky HW, Taljaard JJ, Zeier MD, Cotton M, Simon G, Soentjens P: Evaluation of paradoxical TB-associated IRIS with the use of standardized case definitions for resource-limited settings. J Int Assoc Physicians AIDS Care (Chic) 2010, 9(2):104-108. PMCID:PMC3068527
> Meintjies G, Rabie H, Wilkinson RJ, Cotton MF: Tuberculosis associated Immune Reconstitution Inflammatory Syndrome and unmasking of tuberculosis by antiretroviral therapy. In: Clinics in Chest Medicine. Volume 30, edn. Philadelphia: Saunders; 2009: 797-810. PMID:19925968
> Martinson NA, Moultrie H, van Niekerk R, Barry G, Coovadia A, Cotton M, Violari A, Gray GE, Chaisson RE, McIntyre JA et al: HAART and risk of tuberculosis in HIV-infected South African children: a multi-site retrospective cohort. Int J Tuberc Lung Dis 2009, 13(7):862-867. PMID:19555536
> Hesseling AC, Johnson LF, Jaspan H, Cotton MF, Whitelaw A, Schaaf HS, Fine PE, Eley BS, Marais BJ, Nuttall J et al: Disseminated bacille Calmette-Guerin disease in HIV-infected South African infants. Bulletin of the World Health Organization 2009, 87(7):505-511. PMCID:PMC2704039
> Hesseling AC, Cotton MF, Jennings T, Whitelaw A, Johnson LF, Eley B, Roux P, Godfrey-Faussett P, Schaaf HS: High incidence of tuberculosis among HIV-infected infants: evidence from a South African population-based study highlights the need for improved tuberculosis control strategies. Clin Infect Dis 2009, 48(1):108-114. PMID:19049436
> Gray D, Nuttall J, Lombard C, Davies MA, Workman L, Apolles P, Eley B, Cotton M, Zar H: Low Rates of Hepatotoxicity in HIV-infected Children on Anti-retroviral Therapy with and Without Isoniazid Prophylaxis. J Trop Pediatr 2009. PMID:19710246
> Bourne DE, Thompson M, Brody LL, Cotton M, Draper B, Laubscher R, fareeds MF, Myers JE. Emergence of a peak in early infant mortality due to HIV/AIDS in South Africa. Aids 2009; 23: 101-106.
> Nachega J, Hislop M, Nguyen H, Dowdy DW, Chaisson RE, Regensberg L, Cotton M, Maartens G. Antiretroviral therapy adherence, virologic and immunologic outcomes in adolescents compared with adults in Southern Africa. Journal of Acquired Immune Deficient Syndrome 2009; 51(1): 65-71
> Dramowski A, Morsheimer M, Frigati L, Schaaf HS, Rabie H, Sorour G, Cotton MF. Radiology services for children in HIV- and TB-endemic regions: scope for greater collaboration between radiologists and clinicians caring for children. Pediatric Radiology 2009; 39: 541-544.
> Gray TC, Cooke ML, Rabie H, Kidd M, Cotton MF. Pediatric and adolescent imported Malaria in Cape Town. The Pediatric Infectious Disease Journal 2009; 28(7): 644-646.
> Slogrove AL, Cotton MF, Esser MM. Severe infections in HIV-exposed uninfected infants: clinical evidence of immunodeficiency. Journal of Tropical Pediatrics 2009; ?: 1-7
> Zeegers I, Rabie H, Swanevelder S, Edson C, Cotton M, Van Toorn R. Attention deficit hyperactivity and oppositional defiance disorder in HIV-infected South
> Davies M-A, Keiser O, Tchnau K, Eley B, Rabie H, Van Cutsem G, Giddy J, Wood R, Boulle A, Egger M, Moutrie H. Outcomes of the South african National Antiretrovial treatment pogramme for children: The IeDEA Southern Africa collaboration. South African Medical Journal 2009; 99(10); 730-737.
> Le Roux SM, Cotton MF, Golub JE, Le Roux DM, Workman L, Zar HJ. Adherence to isnoniazid prophylaxis among HIV-infected children: a randomized controlled trial
> COTTON MF, KIM S, RABIE H, COETZEE J, NACHMAN S. A window into a public programme for prevention of mother-to-child transmission of HIV: evidence from a prospective clinical trial. Southern African Journal of HIV Medicine 2009; 10(4) : 16-19.
> COTTON MF, LEVIN L, MYERS JE. Guidelines for antiretroviral therapy in children - November 2009 version. Southern African Journal of HIV Medicine 2009; 10(4) : 32-49.
> COTTON MF, RABIE H, FEUCHT U, VIOLARI A. When to start antiretroviral therapy in infants and children. Southern African Journal of HIV Medicine 2009; 10(4) : 50-53.
> COTTON MF, VAN HELDEN PD. Treating HIV-infected children. Southern African Journal of HIV Medicine 2009; 10(4) : 5-6.
> INNES S, LEVIN L, COTTON MF. Lipodystrophy syndrome in HIV-infected children on Haart. Southern African Journal of HIV Medicine 2009; 10(4) : 76-80.
> INNES S, SCHAAF HS, COTTON MF. Cavitation of the Ghon focus in an HIV-infected infant who acquired tuberculosis after the initiation of HAART. Southern African Journal of HIV Medicine 2009; 33 : 44-47
> RABIE H, HENNING KL, SCHOEMAN P, DE VILLIERS N, PRETORIUS GHJ, COTTON MF. Abacavir: its use and hypersensitivity. Southern African Journal of HIV Medicine 2009; 10(4) : 81-84.
> RABIE H, MYERS T, COTTON MF. Immune reconstitution inflammatory syndrome in children. Southern African Journal of HIV Medicine 2009; 10(4) : 70-75.
> VAN ZYL GU, COTTON MF, CLAASSEN M, ABRAHAMS C, PREISER W. Surveillance of transmitted resistance to antiretroviral drug classes amongst young children in the Western Cape Province of South Africa. Pediatric Infectious Disease Journal 2009; 29 : 1-3.
> Marais BJ, Hesseling AC, Cotton MF. Poverty and tuberculosis: is it truly a simple inverse linear correlation? European Respiratory Journal 2009; 33(4): 943-944.
> Innes S, Smuts M, Cotton MF, Seifart H, Rosenkranz B. Comparitive study of different brands of stavudine capsules for the off-label 'opened capsule' dosing method recommended for HIV-infected infants and children in resource-limited settings. South African Journal of Child Health 2009; 3(2): 44-47.
> Gray DM, Zar H, Cotton M. Impact of tuberculosis preventive therapy on tuberculosis and mortality in HIV-infected children. The Cochrane Collaboration 2009; 4(1): 1-15. (Review)
> Hesseling AC, Caldwell J, Cotton MF, Eley BS, Jaspan HB, Jennings K, Marais BJ, Nuttall J, Rabie H, Roux P, Schaaf HS. BCG vaccination in South African HIV-exposed infants - risks and benefits. South African Medical Journal; 2009; 99(2): 88-91. (Forum)
Chapters in books:
> COTTON MF, RABIE H. Clinical assessment (paediatric). Handbook of HIV Medicine, Oxford University Press Southern Africa (Pty) Ltd, South Africa, 2009: 95-108.
> COTTON MF, RABIE H. Human Immuno-deficiency Virus Infection. Coovadia's Paeditrics & Child Health, Oxford University Press Southern Africa (Pty) Ltd, South Africa, 2009: 387-408.
> COTTON MF, RABIE H. Paediatric Antiretrivoral Therapy. Handbook of HIV Medicine, Oxford University Press Southern Africa (Pty) Ltd, South Africa, 2009: 478-499.
> COTTON MF, SCHAAF HS, RABIE H, MARAIS BJ. Tuberculosis. Coovadia?s Paediatrics & Child Health, Oxford University Press Southern Africa, South Africa, 2009: 362-386.
Publications 2008:
> Walters E, Cotton MF, Rabie H, Schaaf HS, Walters LO, Marais BJ. Clinical presentation and outcome of Tuberculosis in Human Immunodeficiency Virus infected children on anti-retroviral therapy. BMC 8:1
> Cotton MF. Markers for predicting mortality in untreated HIV-infected children in resource-limited settings: a meta-analysis. AIDS 22 (1): 97-105
> Arrivé E, Kyabayinze DJ, Marquis B, Tumwesigye N, Kieffer MP, Azondekon A, Wemin L, Fassinou P, Newell ML, Leroy V, Abrams EJ, Cotton MF, Boulee A, Mbori-Hgacha D, Dabis F. Cohort Profile: The Paediatric Antiretroviral Treatment Programmes in Lower-Income Countries (KIDS-ART-LINC) Collaboration. Int J Epidemiol: 37(3): 474-480
> Cotton MF, Schaaf HS, Lottering G, Weber HL, coetzee J, Nachman S. Tuberculosis exposure in HIV-exposed infants in a high-prevalence setting. Int J Tuberc Lung Dis 12(2): 225-227
> Van Zyl GU, Claassen M, Engelbrecht S, Laten JD, Cotton MF, Theron GB, Preiser W. Zidovudine with Nevirapine for the Prevention of HIV Mother-to-Child Transmission Reduces Nevirapine Resistance in Mothers From the Western Cape, South Africa. Journal of Medical Virology 80(6): 942-946
> Cotton MF, Wasserman E, Smit J, Whitelaw A, Zar HJ. High incidence of antimicrobial resistant organisms including extended spectrum beta-lactamase producing Enterobacteriaceae and methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus in nasopharyngeal and blood isolates of HIV-infected children from Cape Town, South Africa. BMC Infectious Diseases 8: 40-50 (CHECK BLe)
> Bliss SJ, OBrien KL, Janoff EN, Cotton MF, Musoke P, Coovadia H, Levine OS. The evidence for using conjugate vaccines to protect HIV-infected children against pneumococcal disease. Lancet Inf Dis 8(1): 67-80
> Cotton MF, Innes S, Jaspan H, Madide A, Rabie H. Management of upper respiratory tract infections in children. SA Fam Practise 50(2): 6-12
> Fowler MG, Handelsman E, Cotton M. Pediatric HIV Infection: Epidemioloagy Treatment, and Complications in the United States and Internationally. Sexually Transmitted Diseases (4): 1694-1712
> Solomons R, Rabie H, Nel ED, Cotton MF. An overview of hepatitis A at Tygerberg Childrens Hospital. SAJCH 2(2): 43-45
> Cotton MF, Schaaf HS, Lottering G, Weber HL, Coetzee J, Nachman S. Tuberculosis exposure in HIV-exposed infants in a high-prevalence setting. Int J Tuberc Lung Disease 12 (2): 225-227
> Marais BJ, Esser M, Godwin S, Rabie H, Cotton MF. Poverty and Human Immunodeficiency Virus in Children. Annal NY Acad Sci 1136: 21-27
> Burman WJ, Cotton MF, Givv DM, Walker AS, Vernon AA, Donald PR. Ensuring the Involvement of Children in the Evaluation of New Tuberculosis Treatment Regimens. PLOS Medicine 5(8): e176
> Mak TK, Hesseling AC, Hussey GD, Cotton MF. Making BCG vaccination programmes safer in the HIV era. The Lancet 372: 786-787
> Abraham DR, Rabie H, Cotton MF. Nitazoxanide for severe Cryptosporidial Diarrhea in Human Immunodeficiency Virus Infected Children. The Pediatric Infectious Disease Journal 27(11): 1040-1043
> Violari A, Cotton MF, Gibb DM, Babiker AG, Steyn J, Madhi SA, Jean-Philippe P,McIntyre JA. Early Antiretroviral Therapy and Mortality among HIV-Infected Infants. The New England Journal of Medicine: 2233 2244.
Publications 2007:
> Karpakis J, Rabie H, Howard J, Janse van Rensburg A, Cotton MF. Otorrhoea is a marker for symptomatic disease in HIV-infected children. S Afr Med J 97(12): 1292-1294
Presentations and Publications 2004:
> Abstract and Poster Presentation on How to start a Community Advisory Board by Joan Coetzee at the 2nd African Conference on Social Aspects of HIV/AIDS Research that was held in Cape Town, South Africa in May 2004.
> Poster presentation: Resistance patterns of normal nasopharyngeal flora of HIV infected children on trimethoprim-sulphamethoxazole prophylaxis - J Smit, L Liebowitz- Federation of South African Society of Pathologists Conference, July, Cape Town.
> Community Advisory Board Development and Challenges - PACTG Conference in Washington D.C. August 2004.
> Poster presentation - Can CD4+T-cell apoptosis be a surrogate marker for antiretroviral therapy efficacy? Experience with severely symptomatic children and Children with HIV admitted to the paediatric intensive care unit of Tygerberg Children's Hospital SA from 1 January-31 December 2003 - SAPA conference, Cape Town, August.
> Patient Care Challenges and Issues at PACTG International Sites - PACTG Conference - August 2004.
> Coetzee J. How to start a Community Advisory Board, SAHARA website ( and submitted for publication to the SAHA Journal of Social Aspects of HIV/AIDS. 2004.
> Hesseling AC, Schaaf HS, Victor T, Beyers N, Marais BJ, Cotton MF, Wiid I, Gie RP, Van Helden P, Warren RM. Resistant Mycobacterium bovis Bacillus Calmette-Guérin Disease:Implications for management of Bacillus Calmette- Guérin Disease in Human Immunodeficiency Virus-Infected Children, May 2004.
> Cotton MF, Schaaf HS, Hesseling AC, Madhi SA. HIV and childhood tuberculosis:the way forward, Int J Tuberc Lung Dis 2004; 8:675-682
> Cotton MF. Horizontal transmission of HIV in South African Hospitals, Could this be possible? 44th Annual Conference of The Federation of South African Society of Pathologists, 4-7 July 2004.
> Zar H, Cotton M, Lombard C, Karpakis J, Strauss S, Hussey G, Schaaf HS, Rabie H. Early and unexpected benefit of isoniazid in reducing mortality in HIV-infected children in an area of high tuberculosis prevalence. XV International AIDS Conference, Bangkok, 11 - 16 July 2004.
Workshops and Training Workshops: 2004 - 2005:
A HIV/AIDS workshop was held in 1 - 5 March 2004 for healthcare and community workers from the hospitals and community. Faculty included local and international experts. The workshop was very well received with an average attendance of 150 people. More workshops were held 28 February - 5 March 2005. An adolescent workshop was held on the 4th of February 2005. A skills building workshop was held, at KID CRU, one Saturday in May 2004 for Community Advisory Board members. 20 People attended.
They were taught sewing, how to make bags from fabric; fabric painting; how to make picture frames from off cut wood and some beadwork. The purpose of this workshop was to build skills to help the community to provide basic needs for their families. Training workshop for community workers as well as parents and caregivers of children with HIV/AIDS was held in October 2004 in the KID CRU unit. The main focus of the program was to give information and learn skills on caring for the HIV infected. Most of the KID CRU staff presented sessions on different topics about HIV/AIDS i.e., antiretroviral therapy; resources in the community; confidentiality; communication; community advisory boards; etc. 30 People attended.
Conferences/Meetings attended:
> UCT Medical School weekly noon meetings
> PACTG Leadership Retreat, April 2004, Washington, USA
> 2nd African Conference on Social Aspects of HIV/AIDS Research, May 2004, Cape Town
> WHO Conference, February and June 2004, Geneva, Switzerland
> Federation of South African Society of Pathologists Conference, July 2004, Cape Town
> CME, July 2004, Gaberone, Swaziland
> PACTG meeting, August 2004, Washington, USA
> The XV International AIDS Conference, July 2004, Bangkok
> The South African Paediatric Association Conference, August 2004, Cape Town
> PACTG meeting, December 2004, Baltimore, USA
> All the staff completed the Good Clinical Practice Training
> Adherence Monitors attended ATTIC Counseling courses.
> Certain staff members attended HIV/AIDS Management courses.
> The administrative staff attended an Office Administration Course at Peninsula Technikon and a Course in Professional and Business Writing at Deal Training Consultants.