
Building a Wildlife Economy

12:15 - 13:45 CET
Centre International de Conférences


A side event at the 33rd meeting of the CITES Animals Committee

Organised by the International Council for Game and Wildlife Conservation (CIC Wildlife), and co-hosted by the Government of Zambia, the African Wildlife Economy Institute (AWEI), and Conservation Visions.

The wildlife economy is a critical component of sustainable development, encompassing both consumptive and non-consumptive uses of wildlife. It plays a vital role in biodiversity conservation, community livelihoods, and economic growth. 

Expected Outcomes

  • Enhanced understanding of the diverse perspectives and challenges related to the wildlife economy on a global scale

  • Identification of collaborative opportunities for cross-regional partnerships and knowledge exchange

  • Development of actionable recommendations to promote sustainable wildlife management and conservation practices worldwide


Opening of the event

Sebastian Winkler
Director General, CIC
Welcome to the participants 

Opening remarks

Ivonne Higuero
Secretary General, CITES
Chair of the Collaborative Partnership on Sustainable Wildlife Management (CPW)
Work of CPW on wildlife economy & Work of CITES Secretariat on sustainable financing 

Panel discussion

Francis Vorhies
Director, African Wildlife Economy Institute (AWEI), Stellenbosch University
Research Visitor, Wildlife Conservation Reseach Unit, University of Oxford
Importance of wildlife-based economy and challenges associated with it. Current efforts to overcome the challenges. 

Shane Mahoney
Founder, Conservation Visions
Consultant to UNEP on Global Wildlife Economy Report
Wild Harvest Initiative and wildlife-based economy in the North American context 

Hesiquio Benitez (TBC)
Director of Biodiversity Cooperation and Implementation, CONABIO 
Benefits and opportunities of the wildlife-based economies: Latin American/Mexican context 

Carolina Caceres
Director, International Biodiversity Policy, Canadian Wildlife Service Environment and Climate Change Canada
Chair of CITES Indigenous People and Local Communities Working Group
Benefits and opportunities of the wildlife-based economies: Canadian Context 

Michael 't Sas-Rolfes
CIC Expert on the South African Wildlife Economy 
AWEI Research Fellow
Sustainable wildlife management and trade as important contributors to local and national economies