Researching the wildlife economy

AWEI offers opportunities for in-residence postgraduate research on the wildlife economy at Stellenbosch University. 

Note that the first step is introduce yourself by email

You will then also need to send us the required documents under “How to apply” below. 

Degree options

AWEI is part of the Faculty of AgriSciences and collaborates across faculties. Read the latest information on postgraduate studies in the Faculty. Degrees can be registered in a number of disciplines ranging from agricultural economics and animal sciences to food science and wood product sciences.  

MSc by research

Applications close mid-September each year, to start at the beginning of the following year

PhD by research

Applications close mid-September each year, to start at the beginning of the following year, or in April to start in the July of the same year

Postdoctoral research

Postdoctoral researchers can start at any time

Degrees registered in other Faculties can also be considered, such as: 

MPhil by research and coursework

Applications close at the end of September each year, to start at the beginning of the following year

PhD by research

Applications close mid-September each year, to start at the beginning of the following year, or in April to start in the July of the same year


University information

On the University's website, you will find very useful information and guidance on registering for a postgraduate degree. 

Full and partial bursaries are also a possibility (ranging from those that just cover fees to those that provide support for living costs and project expenses). 

You can discuss options with us and also explore some available options through the Stellenbosch Postgraduate Office here. Note that if you are applying for NRF funding, the deadlines are mid-year for study in the subsequent year.

For PhD students, Stellenbosch hosts the African Doctoral Academy offering excellent preparatory training and support.

How to apply to study with AWEI

At AWEI, we are looking for high-quality, in-residence postgraduates - two years for MScs and three years for PhDs - committed to undertaking impactful research in support of Africa's wildlife economy. We will consider candidates from diverse disciplinary backgrounds. 

Please first email AWEI to make an enquiry (, ideally a month or two in advance of the relevant university (and funding) deadlines outlined above. 

You will need to send us the following documents: 

  • a letter of motivation
  • a note outlining your research interest (600-800 words)
  • a copy of your CV
  • a link to your LinkedIn profile
  • a copy of your academic transcripts
  • a sample of your writing (e.g., a research report, a Masters chapter, or published paper)

Provided you meet the AWEI selection requirements, we will support you in submitting your application to the university. Submissions to the university without prior engagement with AWEI will not be considered.

Stellenbosch University also offers several postgraduate coursework degrees which may be of interest:

Postgraduate Diploma in Environmental Management

Postgraduate Diploma in Sustainable Development

Postgraduate Diploma in Development Finance

Researching the wildlife economy at other universities

Postgrads and postdocs at other universities undertaking research on the wildlife economy are most welcome to contact us to explore how we might be able to support your research, either formally or informally. 

Please send us an email outlining your research topic. Also include your CV and a link to your LinkedIn profile.