Ramsar COP15
Victoria Falls
15th Conference of the Parties of the Convention on Wetlands (Ramsar)
Zimbabwe will be hosting Ramsar COP 15 Convention on Wetlands at Elephant Hills, Victoria Falls from 23-31 July 2025 and 172 countries are expected to attend the event.
The hosting of COP15 is set to put Zimbabwe on the spotlight and its management of wetlands will be the subject of both local and international dialogue. It has been revealed that key focus discussions will include sustainable and wise use of wetlands, protection of fresh water sources and biodiversity protection.
Click here for a copy of the provisional agenda
Key agenda items for Africa's wildlife economy
- 15. Report of the Secretariat on opportunities to further strengthen the Convention’s contribution to the 2030 Sustainable Development Agenda and Sustainable Development Goals (document COP15 Doc.15)
- 22.1 Consolidated Resolution on assessment of wetland values and services (document COP15 Doc.22.1)
- 23.3 Draft resolution on the Strategic Plan of the Convention on Wetlands 2025-2034 (document COP15 Doc.23.3)
- 23.4 Draft resolution on enhancing the Convention’s visibility and synergies with other multilateral environmental agreements and other international institutions (document COP15 Doc.23.4)
- 23.17 Draft resolution on promoting incorporation of new technology and traditional knowledge in wetland conservation, restoration, management, and wise use (document COP15 Doc.23.17)
- 23.18 Draft resolution on achieving the equitable governance and effective conservation of wetlands as protected areas and other effective area-based conservation measures (OECMs) (document COP15 Doc.23.18)
- 23.20 Draft resolution on promoting sustainable lifestyles for the wise use of wetlands (document COP15 Doc.23.20)
A case study of the sustainable use of wetlands
(from the Scaling up guide linked below)
Malawi – The role of traditional knowledge in the conservation and sustainable use of Elephant Marsh Wetland
Located in Lower Shire, the Elephant Marsh Wetland and its surrounding waters support diverse and unique flora and fauna with internationally significant biodiversity and ecosystem services. The marsh is a source of livelihood to over a million people who are dependent upon the wetland’s natural resources for their food, water, construction materials and cultural identity.
A survey on traditional knowledge holders carried out by the National Ecosystem Assessment revealed that Elephant Marsh has a well-defined community that possesses a close and profound relationship with the equally well-defined marsh. Local community traditional knowledge allows communities to adapt to floods and droughts through sustainable use of biodiversity and ecosystem services.
In Elephant Marsh, local women grow traditional crops along the marsh and have been caretakers, offering rites and spiritual practices when in need. Women have also played a role as stewards of water. They play an important role in preserving the resources for present and future generations. Not only do the women ensure availability of quality water for domestic use, but also are essential in making it available for spiritual ceremonies like offering at Mbona in Khulubvi.
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