Sahara Sahel Foods

Sahara Sahel Foods

Aliments naturels de la brousse Nigrienne

Sahara Sahel Foods is a social enterprise situated in the Republic of Niger. We process and market foods from indigenous Wild Perennial Crops - plants that are pristine, often under-exploited and good for the environment.

Sahara Sahel Foods' ​primary intent is to be a change-maker, rather than a money-maker. The change the company aims for is to see Niger and similar countries from the Saharo-Sahelian region achieve food self-sufficiency through the production and consumption of wild perennial crops, so that healthy foods can be obtained whilst the environment is being restored and desertification is being countered.

AWEI and Sahara Sahel Foods are developing this partnership to address the challenges and develop opportunities of establishing such a wild plant value chain.