Mr Thabang Rainett Teffo

Responsible Use Expert

Responsible Use Expert

Mr Thabang Rainett Teffo is a PhD candidate in Wildlife Management and Conservation at the Hungarian University of Agriculture and Life Science (MATE). His research is focusing on intrinsic ecosystem restoration processes in and around peri-urban habitats. During his 6 years of stay and studying in Hungary Thabang worked as an assistant lecturer and supervised BSc students’ research. He also worked with the International Council for Game and Wildlife Conservation (CIC Wildlife) as Project Assistant. 

Currently, Thabang serves as Head of the Responsible Resource Management Business Unit at the Southern African Wildlife College (SAWC). Apart from managing the department he is also a research lead on one of SAWC’s longitudinal studies focusing on regenerative rangeland management - Herding 4 Health, a holistic approach, working with communities, private farmers, and protected area managers towards ecosystem restoration efforts. 

Thabang holds a BSc in Life Sciences (University of Limpopo) and an MSc in Wildlife Conservation and Management (MATE).