30 Aug 2021

In July 2021, the African Wildlife Economy Institute (AWEI) in partnership with Oppenheimer Generations Research and Conservation hosted a series of five online Fireside Chats to explore the implications of a recent High-Level Panel Report and Draft Policy Position from the South African Department of Forestry, Fisheries, and Wildlife for the wildlife economy.

Commenting on the Report, H.E. Ms Barbara Creecy, Minister of Forestry, Fisheries & the Environment, stated that:

“Besides providing specific interventions to resolve key issues in the sector, the report also provides for a re-conceptualized wildlife sector, that will provide a new deal for people and wildlife in South Africa.”

How will the recommendations of the HLP Report and the Draft Policy Position affect the future of the country’s wildlife economy? 

Will the proposed policies “provide policy certainty and a stable base for conservation, growth, and development;” and will they “initiate transformation of the sector?”

The video recordings of the 4 chats are now available. Please click on the links below:

AWEI Fireside Chats


Promoting an inclusive wildlife economy

Tue, 13 July

Protected areas as drivers of local and regional rural economies

Thu, 15 July

Developing a standard for responsible and sustainable hunting

Tue, 20 July

Leveraging the value of rhinos in South Africa

Thu, 22 July

Conservation and sustainable use of lions

Tue, 27 July

If you are interested in further research or fireside chats on the wildlife economy, please contact: Francis Vorhies, AWEI Director