AWEI7 Discussion on CITES

In this module you will review and discuss CITES and its system of listing species and applying measures to ensure that trade is sustainable and legal.


  • Click on the image below to stream the lecture on OneDrive (4 min)
  • You can also download the lecture for listening offline
  • Take notes while listening

Key learning outcomes from modules 5 & 6

  •  A general understanding of CITES and South Africa’s engagement in the convention

  • To understand how species are listed on CITES appendices and the trade measures associated with these listings to ensure “the protection of certain species of wild fauna and flora against over-exploitation through international trade”

You may want to return to the two modules on CITES to further study the learning resources and reflect on the questions provided.

AWEIKey question for discussion

  • Find opportunities to discuss what you have been studying with your peers and professional colleagues. Set aside some time for meeting up face-to-face or online. 
  • Q: Do CITES trade measures facilitate sustainable legal trade of wild species or do they make the trade in wild species illegal?

More questions for discussion

  • Q: What are the primary objectives of CITES, and how do the measures outlined within its various appendices contribute to the global effort to regulate and manage international trade in endangered species for conservation purposes?
  • Q: What are the key differences between the CITES appendices, and how do the listings in each appendix impact the international trade of endangered species, aiming to ensure their conservation and sustainable use?
  • Q: What fundamental principles underpin the regulations outlined in Article II of CITES, and how do they guide the listing of species in the CITES appendices, aiming to balance the conservation of endangered species with the facilitation of international trade?
  • Q: What are the key trade measures implemented by CITES to regulate the international trade of species listed in its appendices, and how do these measures contribute to ensuring the sustainability of trade while safeguarding the conservation status of endangered species?
  • Q: What are the procedures and requirements for obtaining export permits for species listed in CITES Appendices II and III, and how do these measures contribute to managing and monitoring international trade to ensure the sustainability of species populations and their habitats?

Let's continue

Go to Module 8 on Key elemement of an NDF study

Go back to Module 6

Go back to the introduction