• Biodiversity means business: Reframing global biodiversity goals for the private sector

    Biodiversity means business: Reframing global biodiversity goals for the private sector

    The Convention on Biological Diversity strategic goals direct the conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity from global to local scales. Yet business’ role in meeting the strategic goals and being accountable for their impacts and dependencies on biodiversity are still not fully and coherently outlined. We demonstrate how business actions...

  • Collection, Consumption, and Sale of Lusala (Dioscorea hirtiflora)

    Collection, Consumption, and Sale of Lusala (Dioscorea hirtiflora)—a Wild Yam—by Rural Households in Southern Province, Zambia Dioscorea hirtiflora Benth is an indigenous wild edible tuberous climbing plant native to Zambia. Known as lusala, the tubers are sold in markets across southern Zambia. Lusala collection, consumption, and trade were investigated through...