Professor Liezel Frick
Professor: Centre for Higher and Adult EducationLiezel is a professor in the Centre for Higher and Adult Education, Department of Curriculum Studies and Vice-Dean (Research) in the Faculty of Education at Stellenbosch University (South Africa). Her research interests are within the broader field of doctoral education, with a particular focus on aspects of doctoral creativity and originality, learning during the doctorate, and doctoral supervision. Her Master's and Doctoral students work more broadly within the fields of higher and adult education, where most tend to focus on workplace learning. Liezel is a member of the International Doctoral Education Research Network (IDERN), as well as the Special Interest Group of the European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction (EARLI) on Researcher Education and Careers. In 2015 she received the Best African Accomplished Educational Researcher Award for 2013-2014 by the African Development Institute (ADI) and the Association for the Development of Education in Africa (ADEA). She currently holds a South African National Research Foundation C1 rating.
Liezel is 'n professor in die Departement Kurrikulumstudie en die direkteur van die Sentrum vir Hoër en Volwassene Onderwys by die Fakulteit Opvoedkunde aan Stellenbosch Universiteit (Suid-Afrika). Haar navorsingsbelangstellings setel binne die wyer are van doktorale onderrig, met 'n spesifieke fokus op aspekte van doktorale kreatiwiteit en oorspronklikheid, leer tydens doktorale studie, en doktorale supervisie. Haar meestersgraad en dotorale studente werk wyer binne die velde van hoër en volwassene onderrig, waar meeste fokus op leer binne die werksomgewing. Liezel is 'n lid van die Internasionale Doktorale Opvoedkunde Navorsingsnetwerk (oftewel die International Doctoral Education Research Network, IDERN), sowel as die Spesiale Belangegroep oor Navorser Opvoeding en Beroepe van die Europese Assosiasie vir Navorsing oor Leer en Instruksie (oftewel die Special Interest Group of the European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction (EARLI) on Researcher Education and Careers). In 2015 het sy die Beste Afrika Gevestigde Navorser Toekenning 2013-2014 ontvang by die Afrika Ontwikkelingsinstituut en die Assosiasie vir die Ontwikkeling van Opvoedkunde in Afrika. Sy hou tans 'n Suid-Afrikaanse Nasionale Navorsingstigting C1 gradering.

Professor Liezel Frick
Professor: Centre for Higher and Adult EducationDepartment of Curriculum Studies
GG Cillie Building, Stellenbosch University, Room 3049
Stellenbosch, Cape Town, Western Cape
Phone: + 27 (0)21 808 2277
Fax: +27 (0)21 808 2270
Email: blf@sun.ac.za
Website: www.sun.ac.za/chae
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