Professor Gina Wisker
Extraordinary and Emeritus Professors, and Research AssociatesMy role is leading educational development for the University working with others towards the achievement of the learning and teaching strategy, and engaging with and leading higher education research across the University and partner colleges.
Among a number of external roles, I have been chair of the Heads of Educational Development and co-chair, and a founder member of the HEDG Planning group. I am on the executive of the Staff and Educational Development Association, chair the Scholarship and Research committee, have been chief editor of SEDA's rated journal Innovations in Education and Teaching International for 16 years, and have served on publications and fellowships committees. I am a senior fellow of SEDA and was awarded the SEDA legacy award for outstanding scholarship in 2012.
I have won funding for and led on a number of research projects. Of these the Higher Education Funding Council/Higher Education Academy funded National Teaching Fellowship project (2007-10) ´Doctoral learning journeys' was most significant, also the parallel international project (ongoing) on doctoral learning, supervision and examining practices (individual NTFS funded). In 2012/13, I was awarded an HEA Sir Ron Cook International Scholarship, in Social Justice - taking good practice from South African universities back to UK universities, work that is also ongoing.
I am a Principal Fellow of the Higher Education Academy and a National Teaching Fellow, a member of the International Consortium for Educational Development (ICED) and the Higher Education Learning and Teaching Association of South Africa (HELTASA), a board member of the Katherine Mansfield Society, and the Chair of the Contemporary Women's Writing Association (since 2013).
I continue to research and publish in both learning and teaching areas - specialising in postgraduate student learning and supervisory practices, and in my discipline, specialising in women's, Gothic and postcolonial writing. I am committed to maintaining a successful discipline profile as a key foundation for credibility as an academic colleague involved in and facilitating the development of others engaged in the scholarship of teaching in Higher Education.
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