Edutech Bootcamp

EduTech Bootcamp (2024-)

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Gradebook Introduction

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FMHSLearn introduction

Thirty Minute Tuesdays (2020-2023)

We launched the Thirty Minute Tuesdays series in 2020. These virtual offerings, present on a monthly basis, focus specifically on equipping lecturers with the skills to use advanced SUNLearn tools in creating engaging teaching, learning and assessment experiences for students. The theme in 2022 was focused on H5P.

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QBAnk, Question types and feedback

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Simtech using e-marketing for osce

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Advanced Gradebook settings

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SUNLearn quizzes: Summative and formative assessment

2022 Theme: H5P series

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Episode 1 Introduction to H5P

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episode 2 creating flashcards

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Episode 3 Branching

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episode 4 create a quiz

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episode 5 wordsearch & crossword

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episode 6 course presentation

SUNLearn tools 2020/2021

Assessment tools

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Gradebook part 1

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gradebook part 2

Interactive activity tools

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Lesson tool

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Lesson Part 1

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Lesson tool from a lecturer's perspective

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groups/groupings & choice tool

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