Podcast: HPE in Mzansi

Ep. 1 - Prof Elize Archer

Praxis-Informed Pointers: A Student Guide for Optimizing Clinical Learning in a Resource-Constrained Setting

This conversation with the Elize Archer looks at how health professions education is intimately linked with teaching and learning in the clinical environment, and whether learning actually occurs is to a large extent dependent on students. The paper she unpacks offers a practical guide, focused on optimizing clinical learning from a student perspective, remaining cognizant of the particular challenges present in a resource-constrained setting.

Access the article here:

Praxis-Informed Pointers: A Student Guide for Optimizing Clinical Learning in a Resource-Constrained Setting

EP.2 - Dr Rhoda Meyer

The private healthcare setting as a place for educating nurses: A qualitative exploration

This conversation with Rhoda Meyer explores the importance of the learning environment in health professions education, specifically nursing education. It discusses the various factors shaping these environments, including social, educational, cultural, organizational, and physical aspects. This particular article presents students' perceptions of private healthcare contexts as learning environments, using situative theory as a framework.

The article can be access here:

The private healthcare setting as a place for educating nurses: A qualitative exploration