Just Energy Transition (JET) Platform

Project name:

Just Energy Transition (JET) Platform

Project partners:

Centre for Sustainability Transitions at Stellenbosch University, Presidential Climate Commission, Daily Maverick, Open Society Foundation, University of Johannesburg, University of Pretoria



Project period:


Project outputs:

Public debates, several research papers, roundtable discussions, published opinion pieces, research papers

Project Description

The JET Platform provides a space for cross sectoral, transdisciplinary, and diversified discussion to unlock and build thought leadership around the just energy transition implementation processes. The JET Platform brings together minds to bridge the gap between the stated national vision of the just transition in South Africa, and its institutionalised manifestation on the ground. The JET Platform is strategically located at three national universities who are leading in research and thought leadership on the just transition.

The interventions include:

1. Commissioned research papers on topics co-identified with the PCC and university partners. These papers will form the basis for policy debates.
2. Public debates were held to surface the perspectives of key sector stakeholders including labour, civil society, academia, private sector, and government. The debates created an uncensored, unregulated and honest feedback mechanism for policy makers and technocrats tasked to execute the vision for the just transition.
3. Policy roundtables are informed by the research papers and challenges and opportunities surfaced through the public debates. The key output of the policy roundtables will feed into policy making on just transition.

The aim of the above activities is to shift entrenched positions, break frames, enable new perspectives, and facilitate the emergence of implementation solutions.


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futures thinking

Finance and
resource flows

Political economy
and development