Economic Recovery through a Just Energy Transition in South Africa

Project name:

Economic Recovery through a Just Energy Transition in South Africa

Project partners:

CST project members

  • Prof. Mark Swilling
  • Nina Callaghan
  • Alboricah Bathupetsani

CST student members

  • Mlondi Ndovela
  • Kevin Foster
  • Nichola Richards
  • Thandeka Tshabalala
  • Lourens Swart
  • Jerome Chimphonda

External project partners

  • Eskom
  • How We Adapt
  • SALGA and various municipalities
  • National Planning Commission
  • Rabia Transitions


Open Society Foundations

Project period:

2021 - 2025

Project outputs:

  • Energy, climate and finance models
  • Research reports and presentations
  • Policy briefs
  • Consultations and workshops with governance stakeholders: national, provincial and local government, civil society, Eskom, business, international and local financiers
  • Round table events with specialist constituencies in the energy transition
  • Non-technical workshops


Project Description

The grant agreement with Open Society Foundation encompasses several projects under four main research areas. CST staff, students and research partners undertake leadership for their own projects under this umbrella grant and will be listed as separate projects.

The four research areas are:
1. Responsive and supportive research to Eskom
2. Financing the Just Energy Transition
3. Local and International Institutional Work for the Just Energy Transition
4. Just Energy Transition impacts


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futures thinking

Finance and
resource flows

Political economy
and development