Thursday, August 5th 2021
from 13:00-14:00
(Standard South African Time)

This webinar will take place online.
Register in advance for this webinar:

Why Amazon’s River Club Development
is not Sustainable

Make the Liesbeek Matter is a campaign pitted against Amazon setting up headquarters on a unique heritage and ecologically sensitive riverine area along the Liesbeek River. Tauriq and Leslie are leaders of the campaign and will share with us the significance of the site and the potential impact of the development which has deep resonance for a history of indigenous struggle. Global capital, city management, ecological and heritage interests all converge here. We invite you to this webinar with a clear intention – to get off the fence and take action for a development that has great consequence for sustainability.

More information on  Make The Liesbeek Matter Campaign here:


Leslie London (Chairperson of the Observatory Residents Association)
Tauriq Jenkens (Convenor: Anti-Repression Working Group of the C19 People’s Coalition)

Discussants: Nina Callaghan (CST)

This webinar will take place online.
Register in advance for this webinar:


Leslie London is the Chairperson of the Observatory Residents Association and has been living in Observatory for the past 24 years.
He works as a professor of Public Health Medicine at the University of Cape Town.
His research focuses on Environmental and Occupational Health, and the importance of Human Rights for Public Health Policy. Leslie helped to found the network Civic Action for Public Participation with other activists across Cape Town.

Tauriq Jenkins is a Convenor of the Anti-Repression Working Group of the C19 People’s Coalition and an accredited monitor for the South African Human Rights CommissionAs chair of the AIXARRA Restorative Justice Forum, based at the Centre for African Studies University of Cape Town, he convenes the commissions on Sacred Human Remains, Land and C19. He is the High Commissioner of the Goringhaicona Khoi Khoin Traditional Indigenous Council and is involved in various civic, heritage and environmental structures including the Observatory Civic Association, Two Rivers Urban Park Association, and the Civic for Action in Public Participation. He holds an MFA, School of the Arts, Columbia University, and an alumnus of the International Fellows Program, School of International Public Affairs, Columbia University.


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