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How can we ensure a water-secure world, where people and nations have the water they need to be
healthy, prosperous, and resilient?

The Centre for Sustainability Transitions at Stellenbosch University in South Africa, in partnership with the Resilient Waters Program in Southern Africa, invites you to participate in a 2-hour online dialogue to share on how your work has contributed towards building water security in Southern Africa.

Given the prevalence and severity of water issues in southern Africa and the interconnections between water and sustainable development, an integrated approach is necessary to address the water crisis. This dialogue will explore what water security means in a transboundary context, some of the challenges and opportunities for building resilience at regional and transboundary levels, examples of community approaches to building water security, and how a water security approach should inform policy and decision-making in the region. Insights merging from this regional, multistakeholder dialogue will help to guide future activities of the Resilient Waters Program and its partners. The online session is designed to be interactive, allowing for small group discussions and collective brainstorming.

Speakers and panelists from the region will be invited to share examples of innovative water security activities in the region and to discuss how water security can be achieved in southern Africa’s transboundary rivers and water systems.

Date: Tuesday 24 August 2021

Time: 09:00 – 11:00 CAT

Venue: Zoom/Online

Registration Link: https://maties.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJYtd-qgqD8sEtVKonoFZxwwT96nf_NSP5hr

Please contact Dr Joy Waddell joywaddell@sun.ac.za if you have any questions about this online dialogue.