Village in Chuene-Maja, Limpopo South Africa. Photo cred: Kabelo Matabane

Accelerating Change: 2018-2023:
Moving from Water, Sanitation & Hygiene (WASH) Assessments to National & Local Interventions.
The Cases of Angola, Botswana, Mozambique & South Africa

04 April 23, 11h00-12h30

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The 2023 theme for World Water Day is about accelerating change to solve the water and sanitation crisis. In line with this theme, the USAID Resilient Waters Program will extract lessons from its WASH interventions in support of strengthening regional efforts on water and sanitation since 2018.

Join Resilient Waters and partner country representatives from Angola, Botswana, Mozambique, and South Africa as they reflect on how various WASH collaborations influenced and accelerated change at the sector, local, national, and transboundary levels.

Provisional Agenda: 

11h00: Welcome and introduction

11h05: Setting the scene:  Moving from Water, Sanitation & Hygiene (WASH) assessments to   national & local interventions

Accelerating Change at a National Level

Facilitator: Ms Suvritha Ramphal, USAID Resilient Waters Program

11h10: Botswana: Accelerating change through GLAAS & a National Sanitation Roadmap

11h20: South Africa: Accelerating change through GLAAS, National Faecal Sludge Management Strategy, piloting faecal sludge management tools and wastewater upgrades at Polokwane Municipality

Accelerating Change at a Local Level

Facilitator: Ms Suvritha Ramphal, USAID Resilient Waters Program

11h30: Mozambique: Accelerating change through GLAAS & FSM Planning  (Faecal Flow Diagram)

11h40: Angola: Accelerating change through local governance training

11h50: South Africa: Accelerating change through local governance training

Discussion Session

Moderator: Ms Robyn Tompkins, USAID Resilient Waters Program

12h00: Panel discussion

12h25: Closure


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