USAID’s Resilient Waters is a five -year program (June 2018- June 2023), implemented by Chemonics International in collaboration with a consortium of partners. The Resilient Waters Program is seeking full grant applications from eligible entities for implementation of activities designed to address a multi-faceted program whose goal is to build more resilient communities and eco-systems through improved management of trans-boundary natural resources and increased access to safe drinking water and sanitation services.

In contributing towards strengthening the resilience of institutions and communities to respond to impacts of climate change, Resilient Waters Program seeks the services of a subcontractor to support an engagement process for the creation of an equitable livelihoods diversification strategy and associated priority action plan for the KAZA TFCA that will provide a regionally agreed framework to facilitate activities that;

  1. Protect and restore the natural resources that support livelihoods;
  2. Empower people with a wider range of livelihood choices through supporting the development of human, social, productive and financial capital, thus reducing unsustainable dependency on diminishing natural capital reserves;
  3. Build effective partnerships and institutions based on trust and collaboration;
  4. Strengthen governance including the participation of women and youth and building their capacity to improve their lives. Enhance the role of the KAZA TFCA Community Working group as the key boundary organization spearheading future work;
  5. Leverage existing work linked to the review of national park plans within the KAZA landscape and other social-ecological interventions underway in member states;
  6. Enhance the ability of local communities to capture the benefits of existing and new livelihood opportunities supported by future impact investments in the region (e.g. CORB Basin Fund);

Please see below link for the RFP and corresponding documents

Resilient Waters RFP # 04/2021 Google Drive Link

On submission, please insert the RFP number and title of the activity in the subject field. Applications under this call will be evaluated after the closing date (30 June 2021).

Published On: June 7th, 2021
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