Amy Murgatroyd

MPhil in Sustainable Development


Amy Murgatroyd is an MPhil candidate studying how African belief systems can shape evaluative practice in a way that leads to a greater positive impact for all stakeholders. Amy holds a Bachelor of Social Sciences (University of Cape Town) in Economics and Social Development, as well as a Post-graduate Diploma (Centre for Sustainability Transitions) in Sustainable Development.

Previously, Amy worked as Project Director of Khulisa Amafama, an initiative that focused on supporting micro-farmers in the Cape Flats. This experience motivated her to pursue her MPhil, so she could contribute to the field of development through an increased understanding of how project beneficiaries experience success and failure, and how evaluative practice can better reflect their lived experiences. Amy is conducting her research in collaboration with Africa Foundation, and will be based in Northern Kwa-Zulu Natal for the duration of her field work.

Field of research

  • Evaluation in Africa
  • Decolonisation
  • Indigenous knowledge
  • Grounded theory