Thursday, July 22nd from 13:00—14:00 (GMT+2)
This webinar will take place online.
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Join us for a Webinar in our CST series of Webinars
Spatial Justice: reflecting on the formal-informal interface in contemporary architecture and urbanism
Informality is a central challenge to contemporary architecture and urbanism. There is a need for a critical theoretical position that can understand and address the formal and informal as a continuum, beyond stigmatization and able to reveal the complex effects and action of these practices.
In this webinar we will discuss the notion of “in[formal]ity as a dialectic whole to replace the dichotomy of formal vs. Informal”, as developed by Perold. This position allows a better understanding of the continuous production of urban space through both formal and informal practices, through top-down planning and every day appropriations by different actors.
Presenter: Dr Rudolf Perold, PrArch
Senior Lecturer: Architectural Technology and Interior Design, Faculty of Informatics and Design
Cape Peninsula University of Technology
This webinar will take place online.
Register in advance for this webinar:
Dr Rudolf Perold has international experience in professional architectural practice and the higher education sector, both as educator and researcher. After his architectural studies, he completed a Master’s degree in Africa Studies at the University of the Free State and a joint PhD in Geography and Architecture at Stellenbosch University and Hasselt University (Belgium).
He coordinates the Advanced Diploma programme in Architectural Technology at the Cape Peninsula University of Technology, and is responsible for internationalisation and postgraduate curriculum development. His research draws on live projects (where students interact with stakeholders outside of the unviersity) and explores the nature of architectural practice and education in the context of transitions to more sustainable forms of urbanism. On weekends he grows organic vegetables in his permaculture garden.